Learning to replant cacti on your own at home

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Cacti are widely distributed houseplants, which have an unusual shape and appearance. But how to transplant a cactus correctly? This question is asked by many who do not have sufficient experience in caring for members of this family. Properly performed transplanting procedure is a guarantee that the flower will successfully grow and develop. It is also a guarantee that in the future even buds will appear on it.

Cacti belong to the family of succulents. Despite the fact that they do not require special care and are rather unpretentious, you should clearly know how to replant cacti so that the plant does not die after that. Particularly noteworthy are those copies that were purchased in a flower shop.

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How to transplant cactus at home

This procedure has some nuances and requires special care. It is very important not only to take care of their own safety, but also the flower itself. Even the smallest scratches that appeared during a transplant, can lead to his death. If the root system is damaged, and then placed in a moist soil, the plant will most likely begin to rot, and the dying process will proceed as soon as possible.

It is not advisable to immediately water only the transplanted cactus. After such a procedure, he needs dry rest. During this period, it will have time to dry and rest.

How to transplant a cactus into another pot: step by step

First you need to determine whether the plant really needs a transplant. If his “crown” began to stand out beyond the edges of the container, then this is a signal that it is time to take care of the new pot. Another sign is if its roots extend beyond the drainage holes of the tank. In some cases, the cactus may shrink, slow its growth, lose its color or elasticity. All this and more suggests that it is time to repot the flower.

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You purchased a cactus in the store? Then you definitely need to learn how to transplant the cactus in another pot. Almost all of the members of this family for sale are Dutch. So that they look attractive, have a healthy appearance, they are grown in greenhouses using strong growth stimulants. To provide such conditions at home is almost impossible, and not desirable. Time to move from the store to the house, stay at the place of sale - during this time almost all the flowers manage to “collect” a lot of pests on themselves.

Why is it necessary to replant cacti after purchase?

How to transplant cacti bought in a store? Do not do this immediately after purchase! Let the flower stand in a new place for about 10 days. During this time, his soil will have time to dry. Then follow the following diagram:

  1. When the earth ball is completely dry, remove the plant from the container and carefully inspect it.
  2. Pay special attention to the root system, in particular its neck - this is where pests are most often “settled”.
  3. Dead roots to be pruned.
  4. If the damage was found on the stem itself, then be sure to eliminate the affected areas.
  5. Sprinkle a little activated carbon at the wound site.
  6. Before you plant a cactus, it should be washed under water, and hot. The most optimal temperature is 50 ºC.
  7. It is advisable to add a little insecticide to the water - this will completely get rid of the disease. You need to bathe not only the roots, but the entire cactus.
  8. Do not plant it in the ground right after the “bath”.Let it dry in a warm place for about 4 days. Plant must be put upright.
  9. Only after the flower is completely dry can it be transplanted into a new land substrate. In no case do not use the soil that was purchased with the plant in the store.
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How to choose the soil for transplantation?

As regards the composition of the soil, the following recipe is suitable for the representatives of the family of succulents:

  • small pieces of brick, preferably red;
  • gravel;
  • loamy earth;
  • washed sand;
  • crushed charcoal.

What to consider when transplanting cactus at home?

The question of how to transplant a large cactus usually occurs every 2-4 years, and in some cases it takes all 5 or 6 years. It all depends on the particular type of plant, the conditions in which it grew and developed. This procedure involves several steps:

  • preparation of suitable soil composition;
  • pot selection;
  • transplant process;
  • care for the newly transplanted plant.

For a cactus, the transplant procedure is rather preventive in nature and allows you to protect it from dangerous factors - sores, pests.

How to transplant a cactus, so as not to prick?

Protection against sharp forceps - this is the first thing you should think about before the procedure itself. To do this, you can use gloves made of thick fabric, leather or rubber. You can wrap a cactus with several layers of paper. Some advise using regular sponges. In the case of cooking tongs or large tweezers, there is a risk of damaging the plant itself and its prickles. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase special forceps equipped with silicone ends.

Small specimens that have very thin spikes can be transplanted in ordinary gloves or even with their bare hands. However, it is with young cacti that one should be the most cautious, since it is they that are prone to damage than the already formed specimens.

How to plant a cactus without roots?

The separation of small pieces from an adult plant allows to obtain processes or so-called "kids."Often they take root much more successfully, rather than copies bought in a store. If you are interested in how to transplant a cactus sprout correctly, then you should know that the best time for this is summer or spring. It is during this period that the foundation can be laid for the development of a healthy cactus.

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To detach the “children” from the large bush, it is desirable to use a sharp knife. Carry out the procedure should be very careful not to harm the adult flower and the process itself. After that, it must be left in a dark place where the air temperature is low enough. During this time, he will have time to dry and prepare for landing in the ground. It is very important that the cut was dry, if there is moisture on it, then, most likely, they will rot.

How to plant a cactus?

Reproduction by cuttings - one of the easiest ways to ensure the reproduction of the cactus. Only elastic parts of the plant are suitable for this. However, there are cases when this method of reproduction is the only one to save part of the flower. When an adult bush is already dying or getting sick, it is worth separating from it an unwilling stem and trying to grow a healthy plant.

Only a part of the flower is cut. The cut should be sharpened and then dried for at least 10 days. Such a stalk is planted in the soil as a “cub”.The process of formation of roots is similar. It is possible to water a young cut only after two weeks. Before that, a rare spraying from the sprayer is allowed so that only fine mist is applied to the plant. Seed propagation is considered the most difficult process. At the same time it is required to carry out heating, and also observance of full sterility.

How to transplant a large cactus - video

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