a cherries rye cherries aka cherries rye cherries rye cherries rye cherriessuburban areas there are many varieties of cherries of domestic and foreign selection. But with all its abundance, Valery Chkalov, the cherry tree, bred back in the 70s of the last century, does not lose its popularity, the description of the variety and many years of growing experience prove the value of this fruit crop. The history of the creation of the variety Valery Chkalov
The work on the variety included in the State Register in 1974 began in the 1960s. It took the efforts of the teams of the Michurin Central Genetic Laboratory and the Melitopol OSS to bring out the early sweet cherry with good winter hardiness and excellent taste. As the source material, plant breeders from Michurinsk and Ukrainian Melitopol took seedlings of Caucasian Rose cherries. This variety has already proved its value in the gardens of the North Caucasus and was expected to give no less interesting offspring.
The trees obtained from free pollination eventually turned into strong plants with a spreading crown and early fruiting. The cherry tree depicted in the photo Valery Chkalov fully justified the hopes of scientists. For endurance, productivity and "stocky" appearance culture received the name of the famous Soviet pilot.
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on our plot Distinctive features of sweet cherry Valery Chkalov
At the age of five, when fruiting begins, the tree forms a medium-dense crown, which every year gains more and more spreading fruit.harvest.
By the age of 10, a mature tree is easy to recognize:
- through a thick, covered with a grayish-brown bark of a stem;
- in powerful skeletal branches extending from the trunk at an angle of 45–60 °;
- for the crust that prevailed in the crown is smooth, brown with a reddish tinge;
- in numerous foliage covering shoots of this and past seasons.
Valery Chkalov’s cherry leaves are also large. With proper care and watering on a young growth, the length of light green leaves with jagged edges reaches 19 and its width is 10 cm. On perennial branches, the leaf plates are somewhat smaller. But at the same time they all have an oval shape with a pointed tip. The upper, with a slight gloss side is painted brighter than the back. Veins, especially closer to the base, are embossed and clearly visible. On the shoots, the leaves are kept on the petioles 40–50 mm long.
Features of fruiting cherry varieties Valery Chkalov
The first fruits should be expected in the fifth year. According to the description for the variety of sweet cherry, Valery Chkalov is characterized by early spring bloom. Mass ripening of large rich maroon juicy berries occurs in the first half of June, which makes it possible to attribute the culture to one of the earliest.
The average mass of fruits is 6–8 grams, in the southern regions in favorable years the variety pleases with more full-bodied fruits of a wide heart-shaped form. On the section, juicy drupe is dark-red flesh with noticeable, lighter veins and rounded large, weighing up to 0.4 grams of stone. It is not always possible to separate it from ripe pulp without the risk of damage to sweet cherries. If the berry is crumpled, it is delicious, containing a lot of sugars, with a slight pleasant sourness, dark red juice.
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As indicated in the description of the cherry Orta Valery Chkalov, 100 grams of fruits contain:
- 13.5 grams of dietary fiber;
- 10.7 grams of sugars;
- 0.6 grams of organic acids;
- 21.5 milligrams of vitamin C.
According to experts, has a sweet and tasty sweet cherry, but at the same time it proved to be no worse in culinary dishes, baking, homemade preparations and preservation.
In the most favorable conditions of the Crimean peninsula, an adult cherry tree of the variety, Valery Chkalov, gives up to 60 kg of juicy fruits filled with sweetness. To the north, yields are almost 2-3 times lower, however, gardeners value crops for winter hardiness and stability.
The merits and demerits of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov
The fact that the variety of Soviet breeding is not forgotten today, says a lot. The main advantage of sweet cherries is the excellent taste of sweet, with a low content of acids, juicy fruits, ripening before their fellows. Reaching the age of fruiting, trees regularly delight the mass of berries, literally strewn with strong shoots.
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It is important that the sweet cherry of this variety has a high frost resistance. With proper planting and care for cherries, the Valeriy Chkalov variety takes root in regions with an average winter temperature of –25 ° C.If the cold and affect growth and flower buds, then not massively, leaving the tree a chance next spring and summer to repair the damage.
In order to avoid damage to the trunk and the lower part of the crown, in the late autumn, before the arrival of the frosts, they are covered with lapnik, specialized covering material, burlap or wrapping paper. Pristvolny circles cleaned of fallen leaves and richly mulch.
Like many varieties of sweet cherries, this variety is classified as self-sterile. That is, for excellent harvest, the gardener must plant two or more varieties in the neighborhood. Cherry pollinators for cherries Valery Chkalov - varieties that bloom in the same period of time. These include the April and June cherries, Jabule and Skorospelka, as well as any old French variety that is common not only in Europe, but also in southern Russia.
The weaknesses of the variety include inadequate resistance to gray rot and other stone fruit diseases. Therefore, during care should not be allowed excessive density of the crown, it is important to deal with pests and do not forget about the prevention of fungal diseases.
Planting and trimming cherries Valery Chkalov - video