Determine the timing of planting onion sets in open ground

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Small-grown onion seeds are the most common planting material for turnips. When to plant onion sets in open ground, and how to do it?

The onion harvest depends on many factors, including proper preparation of the soil and compliance with agricultural practices after planting. But landing time is crucial.

Terms of planting onion sets

Since not frost-resistant seeds fall into the ground, but small seeds, 1–3 cm in diameter with a bulb, it is very important that the soil is sufficiently heated to a depth of 8–10 cm. If the temperature in the garden is below 12 ° C, the growing season will not start, and wet, cold ground will cause rotting of the seed. Procrastination is no less dangerous. Poorly rooted onions will become easy prey for pests or will be oppressed by hot, dry weather.

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The time when planting onion sets in open ground, you can get a generous harvest of excellent quality, depending on weather and regional conditions.

The soil warms up to a comfortable temperature in the middle lane in the last decade of April. But spring weather is changeable. Therefore, experienced gardeners are often guided by omens. The signal for the preparation of beds can serve as cherry blossom. When the onion sets in open ground is planted in the Moscow region and other areas of the middle band, to the north it is still too cold and there is a risk of frost.

After hurrying with the landing, the summer resident puts the bow in great danger. Return chills are detrimental to germinating bulbs and the future harvest. According to many years of weather observations, favorable conditions for the Leningrad Region, when planting onions in the open ground will be completely safe, come a week later.

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With a delay of several days involved in planting in the Ural region and Siberia. After warm days, the changeable weather of spring can give an unpleasant surprise in the form of a cold snap with snow. Some guarantee of safety for seedlings will be stable heating of air to 5–10 ° C and higher.

Onion shoots appear one week after planting. An unfavorable weather forecast should give the summer resident a signal to thickly mulch the beds and cover the green young feather with a film or dense non-woven fabric.

Do not wait for favorable weather and high ridges help to get the earliest possible friendly, high-quality harvest. This agrotechnical technique is widely used when onions of sevok are planted onions in the ground in the Urals, in Siberia, in the North-West of the country and throughout the Black Earth. Due to such agrotechnology, it is possible at 5–10 ° C, as compared with the rest of the site, to raise the temperature of the soil and not be afraid of frost on the soil.

All given time frames are valid if onions are grown on a turnip. Plants can be planted on the green of the plant almost throughout the warm season, then providing the plants with:

  • loose soil;
  • lack of weeds;
  • moisture abundance;
  • integrated nutrition.

If we are talking about planting winter onion seed, it is planted in open ground 25–35 days before the average daily temperature drops to +5 ° C.By the cold, the smallest bulbs, namely, they are used in this case, have time to give from 5 to 7 feathers and root well. This method of growing vegetables allows us to harvest excellent harvest in the first half of summer.

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How to plant onion sets in open ground

Onion photophilous, grows well on light, loose soil and needs regular, but moderate irrigation. Land for planting is chosen based on these requirements, as well as the rules of crop rotation.

In cases where onion sevok is planted in the open ground in the spring, autumn, the beds are dug up on a full bayonet. The acidic soil is deoxidized, sand is added to the dense heavy substrate. In parallel, make a well-rotten organic. In the spring digging repeat, additionally fertilize the soil with potassium and phosphorus.

To destroy the pathogenic flora, a week before the onion planting, the furrows are shed with a solution of blue vitriol, phytosporin or other complex means.

At the bottom also make a sandy shirt. Before planting sevok:

  • dried for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of about 20 ° C;
  • is then kept for several hours onion at 30–40 ° C.

Another way to process will save time. A small onion, intended for planting, is immersed for a quarter of an hour in water with a temperature of 45–50 ° C.After the bulbs pour in the same time in cold water. Contrast bath, as well as growth stimulant, perfectly activates the vegetative processes. Pink solution of potassium permanganate disinfects.

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Pre-sorted by the size of sevok planted in the furrows:

  • with a diameter of 1 cm with an interval of 4–5 cm;
  • with a diameter of 1.5 cm at a distance of 6–8 cm from each other;
  • with a size of more than 2 cm with an interval of up to 10 cm.

Between the rows leave a gap of 20 to 45 cm. The bulbs are buried 3-4 cm from the hangers, the soil after filling is pounded and watered. To keep the moisture from evaporating longer, the beds are thickly mulched with a layer of up to 3 cm.

Onion care for the seeds on open ground

The requirements for onion care are very simple. The culture needs loosening of the soil, regular weeding and watering until the bulb is formed, and green growth is going on. Such measures are taken before the emergence of shoots.

At an early stage, it is especially important to prevent the formation of a dense, air-tight crust and the overgrowing of the weeds.

Watering is needed in May and June, when juicy scales are formed and poured. Each square meter should receive about 8 liters of water.20 days after planting, in the care of the onion sowing in the open field include fertilizing with infusion of mullein or humus. Later, with the formation of surface skin, the need for moisture decreases. If onions gain weight poorly, they feed him again. At the same time, the top of each bulb is freed from the soil.2-3 weeks before cleaning, watering completely stops. Cleaning turnips carried out after lodging the pen.

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