Common Tui diseases and how to deal with them

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It is helpful for everyone who grows this beauty in their own area to familiarize themselves with information about the most common diseases of Tui. This will help in a timely manner to carry out preventive measures and prevent the development of the disease. Otherwise, the plant will lose its decorative functions, and will no longer decorate the area with its original appearance.

Thuja is a wonderful decoration of the landscape, but when it is afflicted with diseases and pests, the plant loses its decorative effect and does not look so gorgeous. It is necessary to pay attention in time to diseases of thuja and their treatment, the photo of these diseases will help determine which plant is affected. After that, urgent measures of prevention and treatment are taken.

The most common ailments that can not only spoil the appearance of the thuja, but also destroy it, include the following:

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  1. Phytophthora.
  2. Brown Shoots.
  3. Rust and Shutte.
  4. Thuy pseudo shield.

The most dangerous are the phytophtora and tuyeva pseudo shield, which gradually lead to the death of the whole plant.

In the event of severe damage by phytophtora, it is necessary not only to remove it completely, but also to replace the soil, since this dangerous fungal disease can still be in the ground for several years.

What should I do if the thuja turns brown after winter?

After a long winter cold, nature begins to revive. It was during this period with horror, you can find that your favorite thuja has become brown in color and no longer brings the experienced joy to its greenery. Is it possible to return her old beauty and greens? What happened to the plant?

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If thuja has turned brown after winter, what should be done in this case should be determined after establishing the causes of such trouble. The most likely factors are:

  • spring burn;
  • excess moisture;
  • fertilizer oversupply;
  • alkaline water;
  • damage by pests or diseases.

After the establishment of the root causes of the disease, the thuja is also treated. The photo will help to determine more precisely what exactly happened to the green beauty. To prevent burns in February, it is recommended to cover the plant with gauze or mosquito net. If we didn’t manage to prevent the negative impact of sunlight, then we need to start watering with warm water, and with the onset of steady heat, cut off the darkened twigs.

When the water stagnates, the soil around the tui is loosened and treated with antifungal drugs. If it was found that groundwater is too close to this place, then only transplanting the bush to another place will help. Fertilizing the soil costs only twice a year, using manure for this purpose.

Only weak acid and weak alkaline soil is suitable for growing tui. At detection of elevated rates it is necessary to take measures to reduce them. If necessary, make lime or peat.

Thuja diseases and their treatment depend on the type of virus or pest that caused the disease. Gardeners neglect the first symptoms, and the disease begins to develop, after which the plant has to be destroyed. To prevent this from happening, in the spring, all dry and damaged branches should be removed from the bushes, and the renewed plant should be treated with preparations designed to prevent major diseases and pests. Very good to hold spraying Bordeaux mixture.

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What should I do if the thuja is blackened after winter?

With the onset of heat and the end of the winter cold, it is revealed that dark spots appear on the thuja. Novice gardeners will not immediately be able to guess the reasons for such trouble. What measures should be taken if the thuja is blackened after winter? What to do in this situation and how to help the plant?

Very often the causes of dark spots on the thuja are feces of domestic animals. It is necessary to take a closer look: if the spots are arranged chaotically and are at the lower level, then this is exactly the case. Unfortunately, with extensive damage, very small chances of saving the plant, but a small amount of twigs can be washed with clean water. After that, it is necessary to put a fence around the thuja and avoid contact with pets. Periodically, the bush is fed with growth stimulants.

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Fungal diseases of thuja and their treatment is a much more serious matter. One washing here will not do. The fungus can also cause blackening, but it is also characteristic of the formation of disputes. In a small area, the lesions are treated with fungicide twice, maintaining an interval of 1-2 weeks. Damaged parts of the plant are removed, and further preventive measures are carried out( spraying with Bordeaux mixture or biofungicides).

Dead plants are a source of infection, so you need to take care of their timely removal from the site. Damaged branches are also removed and burned to prevent the spread of the disease to another territory.

If the thuja was wintering covered, but do not rush to remove the covering material from it: this should be done gradually so that the plant can get used to the sun and not get burned. If the site is located in a place open to the sun, then on the south side it is better to install a sun shield. If you follow these simple rules, the thuja will be healthy, green and will serve as a real decoration of the landscape.

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