Summer cottage calendar: November in flower beds

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In the second half of autumn, the beds will empty. In addition to conifers, flower beds enliven only clumps of flowering stonecrop, perennial asters, placers were young. Viburnum shrubs, barberry, and wild rose bushes become a bright decoration of a country garden in November. Fruits of the snowberry involuntarily remind of the approaching winter.

The site makes a peaceful impression, but it is still too early for the florist to rest. Pre-wintertime is the time to prepare for the next season.

Preparation of flower beds and ornamental shrubs for winter

Faded annuals are removed from flower beds, plants are sent to compost, and those affected by pests, rust, rot or other diseases are burned. Perennials free from dry peduncles, cut and, if necessary, cover. For example, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, and weigela need additional protection. Their shoots after sanitary pruning:

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  • incline in the ground;
  • fasten;
  • cover with nonwoven fabric or film;
  • sprinkled with foliage, spruce branches or needles.

When the first snow appears, it is collected around the bushes, collected in flower beds and rabatkah. In cold weather, such a coating will be an excellent protection, and in the spring it will give plants water with melt water.

Read also: How to make a flower bed of tires with your own hands( photos and videos)

In November, the last roses are showered with petals. They are cut and spud high, sprinkling with loose substrate or peat mixture. Over the 15–20 centimeter layer, they are supplemented with a lapnik and film cover. Clematis, which are pre-laid on the ground and secured, are also practically protected.

In November, sprinkle with peat, mulch with sawdust, straw beds with spring onion crops.

The flowerbeds, curbs and beding freed from plantings are dug up, along the way, under planting next spring, fertilizing the soil with manure, humus, rotted compost.

It is important to choose as carefully as possible the rhizomes of perennial weeds, which in the spring risk becoming a big problem for the florist and drown out the shoots of ornamental crops. If the soil at the site is sour, in November it is useful to add dolomite flour.

Pre-winter sowing in the country beds

In the autumn, perennial, fertilized and leveled flower beds, you can sow a variety of ornamental plants. Among the perennial flowers suitable for pre-winter planting are:

  • aquilegia, beloved by many gardeners for long-term flowering and many shapes and colors;
  • freezer;
  • gypsophila;
  • unpretentious perennial iberis and other plants.
Read also: The creative design of the flowerbed is easier than simple

The list of annuals is even wider. For many flowers familiar to summer residents, the seeds in the ground tolerate wintering perfectly, during which additional hardening takes place and sprout together in spring. In November, the beds are sown:

  • godetion;
  • cornflowers;
  • fragrant tobacco;
  • Calendula;
  • cosme;
  • petunias;
  • Matthiol;
  • purslane;
  • Euphorbia fringed.

Sowing is carried out while the earth is not frozen yet, but it has cooled down so that the flower seeds in the flower beds do not grow. After sealing the furrows, the soil is compacted, necessarily marking the boundaries of sowing of a particular crop.

Podzimny sowing perfectly saves the precious spring minutes, which every enthusiastic summer resident lacks so much.

In addition, with the arrival of heat, when the seeds come up, it will be clear if additional replanting is needed, there will be visible places for large plants that are meant to be the center of the flowerbed.

Save seeds, tubers and tools

When completing the earthworks in the flower beds, it is important for the gardener not to forget about the spring plantings. In November, gaining soil for growing seedlings. The soil is mixed with humus, sprinkled with peat in bags and stored in a cool place, for example in a basement, on a balcony or in a country house.

Read also: Planting and caring for a spectacular barberry shrub

In summer, summer residents collect seeds of their favorite flowers. Until November, it can dry inside the boxes, beans and inflorescences-baskets. In late autumn, when the grower has some free time, it's time:

  • to thresh this crop;
  • sort the seeds;
  • dry again;
  • packaged;
  • take care of their safety.

Dried bulbs of gladioli and dahlia tubers are dropped into the basement. Pre-examine them carefully. With gladioli remove the remnants of the roots and the dead parts of the old bulbs, separate the children who are better kept separately. Dahlia tubers need to be cleaned from damaged, rotted fragments. Such parts are cut, powdered with coal powder and dried again.

The planting material prepared in this way is put into bags, paper bags or clean boxes.

Before the onset of winter, they clean, dry, repair garden tools. Shovels, hoes, forks, pruners, hedge trimmers and garden shears are undermined. Clean the storage watering hoses, buckets and watering cans. Cultivators and cars before the onset of cold weather is useful to lubricate.

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