Summer cottage calendar: works on beds in July

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March efforts on flower beds: what to do with indoor and garden flowers

March efforts on flower beds: what to do with indoor and garden flowersFlowerbed

The content of the article: First exit to the flower bed We prepare the planting stock for the flower bed with roses Check garden flowers stored Let's start growing flower seedlings Spring troub...

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How beautiful is it to make concrete flower beds for flowers with your own hands?

How beautiful is it to make concrete flower beds for flowers with your own hands?Flowerbed

For a long time I dream to diversify the site in the country, making it more interesting and unusual. I want to decorate it with flowerpots. But buying them is expensive, so I would like to know -...

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Flowerbed with phlox: types of flowers and their compatibility with other plants

Flowerbed with phlox: types of flowers and their compatibility with other plantsFlowerbed

Contents of the article: What can be a flowerbed with phloxes( photos of planting options and a flowering calendar) Lush flowerbed with peonies and phloxes: suitable plants ...

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