We study the diseases of orchids and ways to save plants

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It is not a problem to get a beautiful butterfly flower in your home. Improper care is the cause of orchid disease. Tips of lovers at times just the opposite. There are signs that even an inexperienced lover will understand the reason for the change in color and shape of the leaves. Improper care and its consequences can occur if the basic rules of orchid maintenance are not followed.

Photos of orchid diseases and their treatment with the description of

. The plant does not immediately respond to the disturbance of its content. The consequences come in a few days, when the florist has already forgotten what happened. Therefore, only careful attention to the plant and the system in the care will help to avoid diseases. Choosing an orchid you need to measure the conditions and requirements of the variety. So, there are light-loving varieties that can live even on a southern window with shading, for example, Wanda. Phalaenopsis orchid is often bred, which loves the shadow. Subtleties in the care of different orchids need to be considered.

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The most common cultivated orchid is Phalaenopsis. It is easier to care for him at room maintenance.

In order not to wonder, the orchid is ill, what to do, should be avoided:

  • is not watering properly;
  • dry air around the flower;
  • improper lighting;
  • temperature collapse;
  • underfeeding and overfeeding;
  • diseases transmitted through insects and through the air;
  • open infected wounds on the plant.

The consequences of improper maintenance are expressed by weakening the plant. Orchids often suffer from undue attention. Orchid diseases can be divided into groups:

  • incorrect maintenance;
  • diseases caused by parasites;
  • fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases;
  • mechanical damage.
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Any diseases of orchids begin with omissions in the care.


Incorrect lighting can cause sheet burns. Even the spring sun can be disastrous if the orchid is not accustomed to it gradually. Lack of lighting will lead to elongated growths. If the situation is not corrected, the flower will die. Artificial illumination should be done with cold lamps, installed no closer than 30 cm from the page. From incandescent sheet will get burned.


If the orchid leaves wither, one of the reasons may be a violation of the irrigation regime. The orchid grows in a pot with transparent walls. The roots are involved in photosynthesis and deliver moisture to the leaves. Therefore, listlessness of the leaf can be caused by prolonged drying of the plant or excessive watering. If in the summer the plant is too dry, and even with dry air, the leaves will lose the aggression. In order not to create a greenhouse effect, the room is ventilated. It is important that between the watering the roots are completely dry. In a constantly wet substrate, root rot will begin and the orchid leaves will also fade.

If the plant is set to be fed with water when watering and forgotten for a day, leaf edema will occur. This means that the plate was saturated with water, swollen, and weeping spots appeared on it. At this time, the plant is vulnerable to any infection.

Orchid flowers have different flavors, but do not cause allergies. The smell of rotten meat and the aroma of vanilla creates one kind of flowers. For better pollination, the petals hold the visited insect.

Especially dangerous are edemas with excessive watering in cool weather. At a temperature of about 15 degrees, watering should be reduced, wet spots should be dried with filter paper so that they do not grow. At this time, you can not spray orchids on the leaves.

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If you are in a draft at a sub-zero temperature for several hours, the plant will die.

Weakened orchids colonize spores and mycelium. Rot formed. Sometimes plants buy with bumps on the leaves, in which the infection sleeps. Infection can occur through the ground, by air.

Fungal diseases of orchid leaves are presented in the photo.

The bumps of the mycelium on Phalaenopsis leaves cannot be opened. It is better to destroy such leaves in order not to spread the infection. New leaves will be clean.

The roots can be affected by rot, the leaves by spotting, anthracosis and powdery mildew. Each disease has its own symptoms, but the primary is still a violation of the content.

Rot can be of a different color - brown, black, gray, but you can only save the orchid in the initial stage, cutting and disinfecting all infected areas. We need to take a new pot and substrate, sterilize the instrument. If the rot has spread throughout the root, the plant must be destroyed.

Leaf Spot is caused by abundant watering and excess fertilizer. Oily spots appear on the fleshy loose plate - this is spotting. It is necessary to change the maintenance conditions of the flower and remove all affected parts of the plant. Phalaenopsis suffers from this orchid disease. As a control measure, the plant is dried and treated with fungicides.

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Anthracosis is another disease that begins with spots on the leaves. Small brown spots grow, necrotic attacks appear. High humidity, stagnant water on the leaves and the absence of airing are the causes of the disease. The treatment is long. It is necessary to remove the affected parts, after the treatment with a fungicide three times in 10 days.

If the affected leaves on top are covered with white bloom, it is powdery mildew. Wet moist warm air provoked the development of dormant spores. It will help the solution of colloidal sulfur, Fitosporin and changing conditions of detention.

Viral diseases are determined by the mosaicity of leaves, small spots. They are transmitted by insect pests that are carriers. Such diseases are not treated. The plant is removed.

Why sticky spots appear on orchid leaves

Aphid, whitefly, mealybug can inhabit a weakened plant. With frequent wiping of the sheets with a damp cloth, the pests will show up quickly and it will not be difficult to get rid of them. The greatest harm to orchids is caused by a scytum, which sits tightly on a leaf, feeds on sap and secretes a sticky secret on which soot fungus settles. As a result, sticky spots appear on orchid leaves. You can remove the shield with an alcohol solution. If a lot of pests are divorced, Fitoverm will save. But it is necessary to change the pot and soil.

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