The benefits and harms of cherries for pregnant women and babiesbeloved and desirable berries in the middle of summer than ripe cherry. The benefits and harm to health after eating fruits depends on their composition and human health. Bright red, burgundy or almost black berries begin to ripen from mid-July and in the second half of summer they are eagerly consumed by large and small gourmands. On the table, the cherries are fresh, in the form of jam, fillings for pies and dumplings, juice or compote. But are fragrant cherries safe and healthy? What is useful cherry, and when it can cause harm to health?
Composition of cherries and its caloric content
Useful properties, taste, aroma and possible contraindications of cherries are predetermined by the content in fruits of sugars, acids, vitamins, microelements, as well as other biologically active substances.
With every handful of fresh berries, vitamins that are indispensable for health come into the human body, including ascorbic and folic acid, tocopherol and carotene, vitamin PP and B1.At the same time in the juicy pulp is not less minerals. Cherries are rich in potassium and copper, zinc and manganese, phosphorus, calcium and fluorine. However, doctors believe that the most important mineral element in the composition of berries is iron, indispensable for blood formation, which is 500 mcg per 100 grams of ripe cherries.
Fruits are recognizable sweet-sour taste due to the content of organic acids and sugars. Depending on the growing conditions and variety, acidity and sweetness can vary, but each berry, besides sucrose, contains fructose and glucose, and among the acids there is succinic and malic, salicylic and citric, ascorbic and folic.
Organic acids can carry not only health benefits, but also harm to health. Cherries are not recommended for people suffering from stomach diseases with high acidity.
With such a rich biochemical composition, cherries are completely non-caloric, for every 100 grams of berries there are about 52 kcal. Due to this property, as well as high content of fiber, the presence in the pulp of useful pectins, anthocyanins and other compounds, cherries are highly valued by nutritionists and doctors of other specialties.
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What is good for health?
Knowledge of the biochemical composition allows you to accurately determine the effect of fruit on the human body. What are the benefits of cherry for health and harm from the passion for juicy fragrant berries?
Cherry, like fresh fruit products, is extremely useful:
- for arthritis and other vascular diseases;
- with the danger of edema;
- , if desired, quickly and harmless to the body to lose weight;
- with physical fatigue and stress;
- at risk of anemia, which often develops during adolescence and during pregnancy;
- for urolithiasis;
- for systematic constipation.
The presence of salicylic acid and pectins in the fruit pulp suggests that cherry is a useful natural antibiotic that, if used properly, can help in the fight against pathogenic intestinal microflora, staphylococci and streptococci.
Acting as a natural sponge, fiber:
- collects and removes slags from the intestines;
- contributes to the work of the digestive tract;
- helps strengthen the immune system;
- facilitates the process of losing weight.
Anthocyanins and pectins take care of the preservation of youth and prevent the formation of cancer cells, act as natural antioxidants.
It must be remembered that the health benefits and harms of cherries are preserved if the fruits are frozen or dried in a gentle way. Heat treatment reduces the amount of vitamins.
Cherry leaves: useful properties and contraindications
In addition to the sweet fruits themselves, inedible parts of the plant are also considered as a raw material for medicines.
In folk medicine, fruit tree leaves, stalks and cherry seeds are successfully used. From these parts of the plant make decoctions and tinctures.
On the basis of chopped foliage make compresses, which have a hemostatic astringent effect. Such a simple tool can be useful in the country or a walk, where the risk of minor injury, abrasion or a cut cannot be excluded. A decoction of the leaves in milk is advised for cancer. However, in this case, you need to remember that correctly assess the beneficial properties of cherry leaves and their contraindications for a particular patient can only be a professional physician.
Stone include in the composition of cosmetics. In addition, the healers with a pronounced diuretic effect of seeds and stems are recommended for use in edema, hypertension, diathesis, diseases of the joints.
Stalks and young shoots are useful in “lazy” intestines. A decoction of this vegetable raw material stimulates digestion and motility.
The benefits and harms of cherries for the health of the older generation
Regular consumption of cherries is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and varicose veins. The inclusion of red fruits in the menu helps to reduce blood pressure, naturally strengthen the capillaries. In the body, the proportion of harmful cholesterol is reduced. As a result, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, ischemic disease and other dangerous ailments is reduced. Therefore, fragrant summer fruits can be safely recommended to people of middle and older age who are at risk for heart and vascular diseases.
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Great use of cherries for the liver, the harm is possible only with excessive passion for fruits. Fruits help cleanse the liver, rid the body of toxins, the negative effects of the external environment and accumulated toxins.
A high concentration of iron, as well as the presence of compounds capable of regulating blood clotting, make cherries useful for blood diseases, for example, for hemophilia, anemia or anemia.
The low glycemic index of fresh fruit predetermines the minimum harm to cherries with diabetes, the benefit depends on the amount of berries eaten and the health of a particular person.
The benefits and harms of cherries for men
In folk medicine, cherry has long been used as a means to maintain and restore male power. The action of the fruit is based on the high content of zinc. This element is not for nothing called "male."Zinc contributes to the synthesis of male hormones, with the result that:
- returns to self-confidence;
- increases potency;
- improves sperm quality, reduces the risk of male infertility.
Zinc, unlike many vitamins, does not collapse at elevated temperatures, so not only the berries removed from the branches are useful for men's health, but also jam, jams, juices and other tasty foods.
In addition, cherry prevents the development of prostate adenoma and other inflammatory and oncologic diseases with benefit and without harm to men. Fruits and products from them improve blood quality, help fight stress and chronic fatigue. For example, cherry juice will be an excellent prevention of heart disease and will help you recover faster after jogging, strength sports and other physical activities.
The benefits and harms of cherries for women
Cherries are a great source of trace elements and vitamins necessary for the female body. Magnesium in the berries has an antispasmodic effect, helps to relieve menstruation and improves blood supply to the tissues. The leaves and fruit branches of the plant are boiled and insisted, the result is an effective remedy for edema and constipation.
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Cherries are equally beneficial for both young girls and women who are going through menopause. At the same time to use the fruits and medicinal compositions can not only inside. Fruit acids and vitamins are indispensable in the preparation of home masks for the face. Cherry has a cleansing, rejuvenating effect.
If the benefits of cherries for women are known, then the harm from eating fruits, unfortunately, is little taken into account by the representatives of the fair sex. But red fruits can cause exacerbations of gastroenterological ailments and cause allergies.
Benefits and harms of cherries for pregnant women and children.
The metabolism of expectant mothers and children is characterized by high intensity, so the nutrients consumed, vitamins and mineral elements need to be replenished quickly. Natural natural sources are the best choice. Cherry compensates for the resulting deficiency by supplying the body with potassium and magnesium, calcium and iron. It is the last element necessary for blood, magnesium is responsible for the development of the nervous system, calcium is important for the growth and strength of bones.
For children and pregnant women, a safe cherry decoction is used as an antipyretic, sedative. Such a decoction can relieve swelling and tenderness with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.
For children and during pregnancy, the benefits and harms of cherries are determined by the composition of the fruit. Berries are an excellent cleaner of the body:
- On the one hand, the berry helps in digestion and cleaning the intestines of toxins, on the other, there is a danger of allergic reactions.
- The diuretic effect of cherries and dishes from it is adjacent to the likelihood of exacerbation of gastritis or the development of peptic ulcer.
When eating cherries, extreme caution and compliance with the norms of consumption are required, which are set depending on the age of the person and his individual predispositions.
On average, an adult who has no contraindications can eat around a glass of ripe berries. But in this case, doctors advise to hedge and rinse the mouth weed, so that the acids contained in the cherry do not lead to the destruction of enamel and the deposition of plaque.
Video about the health benefits of cherries