Common Rose Diseases - Dealing and Symptoms

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What usually prevents to grow healthy flowers? Of course, various diseases and pests. Rose - one of the most sought after plants among growers. Having a “queen of flowers” ​​in your flower bed is considered a symbol of admiration. Diseases and pests in roses can destroy the plant.

Known Rose Diseases

Roses are an important step in growing a flower. But in order to improve it, it requires knowledge of the types of diseases, their symptoms, causes of appearance and spread, methods of control.

The most famous diseases of roses:

  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • spotting.

Protect roses, stands in between blooms. The disinfection process is best done regularly. After all, one disease makes the flower vulnerable to other diseases. Infections spread rapidly throughout the plant and make it weaken, eventually it will die. For inexperienced gardeners, it is better to see the most common diseases in roses in pictures. So a person will already have an idea about plant diseases.

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How to prevent rose disease?

All rose diseases must be prevented, for this it is worth carrying out preventive procedures. From improvised means you can make decoctions of garlic, onions or tobacco, which are sprayed with rose bushes. This is an environmentally safe, non-addictive method for pathogens.

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process Chemical processing is best done in the morning, but not very early, after the dew on the leaves. It is also possible in the evening so that the plant is not already wet. Before you process the flower you need to pour it abundantly under the root.

Diseases of roses and their treatment cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. Many use the tricks of nature.

For example, marigolds or lavender, calendula or nasturtium can be planted next to rose bushes. These plants have a scent that can scare ticks and aphids. Near growing garlic helps prevent fungal diseases.

Preventive measures

Pathogens are very persistent, they can live on already dead leaves and shoots for a long time. Therefore, if the rose was diseased, then its remnants, nearby growing weeds and fallen greens should definitely be collected and burned.

Also, before preparing for the winter, you need to remove all the leaves from the bush. If this is not done, then in early spring the rose will be exposed to the active influence of fungal diseases.

For prophylaxis in the late fall, it is recommended to treat the flower with 3% iron sulphate. At the very beginning of spring - spray the bushes with a solution of chlorine oxide. Also, do not start work with shears or other cutting tools without prior treatment with a disinfectant.

It is very important to know how to deal with diseases in roses. Without certain information, the plant will not grow in your favorite area, because each disease brings a lot of damage to the flower.

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Treatment of roses from rust

The rust of roses is easy to determine. Symptoms of the disease:

  • red spots;
  • spore formation.

When and why does rust appear? Basically this is the period of the onset of the first heat. Due to the fact that the plant is very weak and easily affected by the disease.

What to do:

  • spraying medicinal decoction of horsetail;
  • watering with wormwood infusions;
  • removal of affected leaves in the initial stage.

Wormwood tincture is prepared in advance so that it is always at hand.10 liters of water will require half a kilogram of fresh leaves of wormwood and 50 grams of dry. The infusion has to stand for fourteen days. They can be sprayed and watered at the root.

If ordinary decoctions do not help, then treatment with 1% Bordeaux solution is required.

Treatment of powdery mildew roses

Powdery mildew often suffers from indoor or greenhouse-grown roses. The disease is not difficult to determine, it appears as a white powder on the flower. After spore ripening, droplets start to stand out like dew.

At the initial stage of the disease, white spots are easy to erase, but after a couple of weeks the whole bush will be littered with a “white sore”.As a result, the leaves and flowers spin and fall, the stem of the plant is deformed, young shoots die. This is the sure death of a rose.

Powdery mildew is difficult to fight, so preventive measures are required: spray a bush with three percent copper sulfate. It is also important to prevent a sharp temperature drop, which contributes to the spread of the disease.

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At the early stages of powdery mildew development, the plant can be treated with an infusion of wood ash and manure. Spray every week.

When the disease is at the stage of moderate severity, it is worth treating the bush once every ten days with a soap-and-copper solution.

If powdery mildew has already struck most of the rose, then special chemicals will come to the rescue. For example, benomyl or topsin.

Treatment of roses from black spot

For ground roses, black spot is more dangerous. Disease occurs when the plant lacks nutrients. Also, waterlogging contributes to the spread of the disease.

Favorite times for black spot is the beginning of summer or the end of spring. But already visible signs on the plant will appear only at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.

Symptoms of black spot:

  • greens covered with dark spots;
  • at the ends of the leaves formed a yellow "edging";
  • cessation of flower growth.

At the initial stage of the disease, the affected areas of the plant are removed, the bush is sprayed with a decoction from the horsetail. If these methods do not help, then the rose is treated with sulfur and copper containing agents. You can also water under the root solution Bordeaux liquid once a week.

If the above methods of struggle do not help, then it is necessary to remove the entire bush and burn. So that black spot does not spread to healthy plants.

Photos of diseases of roses can be found in the catalogs of specialty stores, they are also easy to find on the Internet.

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