You want to extend the smooth operation of your washing machine by running clean its main elements? Agree, nice when stiralka runs like clockwork: the laundry, poured powder, pressed the start. To this end, it is worth remembering the most important thing: any equipment in need of care. But the range of detergents is very rich and you do not know which one is able to cope with this task?
We will help you to understand what and how to clean the washing machine from a wide variety of contaminants - from scale to banal dirt and ubiquitous fungus. In our article we discuss various ways to clean the heating element with an overview of the most effective means.
To avoid damage to the device not cheap, flood and other consequences of neglect, offer step by step instructions for the implementation of a comprehensive treatment of all essential components and elements of the washing machine. We picked up a photo with a picture of the important stages of the process, as well as helpful videos demonstrating the prevention and maintenance of the unit on its own.
The content of the article:
- Why Clean stiralku?
Remove scum from PETN and internal elements
- Method # 1 - improvised means of stocks
- Method # 2 - Special chemicals
- Method # 3 - manual cleaning
The procedure for conducting a comprehensive cleaning
- Step # 1 - launder drum
- Step # 2 - Clean the filter and drain hose
- Step # 3 - washed out container for powder
- Terms of care for washing machine usage
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Why Clean stiralku?
Although the purpose of the machine - "issue" we clean things, the condition of the device itself may be far from sterile.
On the inner cell collects the dirt removed from a clothes during washing. On sealing gum and drum edges can often be replaced by black spots, because the heat and humidity - ideal conditions for the development of molds.
A heating element or other parts of the coating gradually covered by salts which are in the water.

If not satisfied with the preventive cleaning, odor appears in the machine, which it will "Transfer" clean things, and in the worst case - the device will stop working altogether and will request costly repairs
The main sources of pollution:
- The high salinity of the water.
- The use of aggressive chemicals and detergents of low quality
- Improper use of the instrument.
- Wash heavily soiled items (uniforms with the remnants of mortar and machine oil, clothing after gardening work, etc.).
So, to bring his assistant in a perfectly clean look, it's time to arrange a general cleaning, starting from the body and ending with the internal parts.
To wash the clear external contamination (stains gel conditioner, traces of powder) is sufficiently warm water and a sponge. But hidden in the bowels of the machine parts have to work hard.
Remove scum from PETN and internal elements
One of the most serious accidents that can easily occur in the absence of proper care of the washing machine, - failure of a tubular electric heater.

The failed heater can block the machines work at the initial stage (the selected mode is simply impossible to start) and stop the washing process is in full swing
Since the heater is contacted with flowing water, it is formed after each wash scum - precipitation of calcium and magnesium salts.
Therefore, if the gutter is not set softening filter, it is recommended to add special equipment to a powder (eg, Calgon), and at least once a month to organize prevention.
Method # 1 - improvised means of stocks
One of the simplest and most effective ways to combat calcium deposits - pour tribasic carboxylic or citric acid a compartment for powder to include any high-temperature mode.
This recipe works just: acid when heated actively corrodes not only easy touch, but also compacted limestone, resulting in a cleansing and heater, and steel drum.

Never mix cleaning process to wash things - even home remedies like baking soda or vinegar solution (not to mention citric acid) can cause irreparable damage to the tissues
The calculation of the required amount of powder to be done on the basis of the degree of contamination of the machine and its capacity. On average, for every kilogram of load is about 25-30gr acid.
If the unit has not been cleaned for a long time, you can take note of the following advice: fill acid in a powder container, run any long wash cycle with a temperature of 90 degrees at the middle and disconnect power from the process network. Leave overnight and in the morning to start the machine again.

Citric acid can be filled directly into the drum, but the best - in the detergent drawer, at the same time to clean it
This procedure is recommended to use no more than 4 times a year, and after each time it is necessary check the drain hose and the drum sleeve to remove large particles of exfoliated lime stone.
Other home remedies and their application:
- vinegar - pour into a cuvette for 1-2 detergent cup 9-percent solution of acetic acid, choose the high temperature mode and prolonged washing presoaking. To get rid of a specific sour smell, you can then turn on the extra rinse.
- Baking soda and vinegar - to enhance the acid effect on limescale, useful special solution. It is prepared as follows: half of a soda glass mixed with same amount of water and placed in a container for the powder, and the drum 1 is filled with glass 9% vinegar. Then the machine is started in any continuous operation at maximum temperature.
- White and other chlorine-containing agents - the old fashioned way used by many housewives for a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection of the washing machine.
But in fact, the efficiency of caustic agents is highly questionable from the scale, they will not be saved, but some elements (e.g., rubber and high drum cuff gaskets) may great damage. And chlorine vapors are harmful to health.

There are more innovative "recipes" for cleaning the washing machine, for example, fill the tank with 5-6 liters of Coca-Cola and leave for a couple of hours
But we have considered the most reliable, cheap, safe and proven methods for getting rid of scale with the help of available funds.
Method # 2 - Special chemicals
Means for cleaning elements of the washing machine must be safe for human tissues and all the internal surfaces of the instrument, but also to effectively remove limescale deposits and other pollution.
We specialized drugs have an important advantage over the "people" - their composition tailored to the features and design of the device does not harm a single element, clearing others.

To buy the right "chemistry" for solving the problem required, always check the composition and use of the drug - there are both generic means for complex purification and uzkoprofilnye that only work for removal of plaque or combating mold
Browse popular specialized tools:
- Topperr 3004 (Germany) - cleaner from scale, suitable for dishwashers and washing machines. Well removes limescale varying degrees, recommended Bosh manufacturers.
- schnell Entkalker - powder for quick cleaning of the internal components of the stable lime. Made in Germany, available in packs of 200 grams.
- Antikalk for Washing Machines by Sano (Israel) - Universal gel for the prevention and removal of a small plaque with an antibacterial effect.
- Magic Power (Germany) - one of the best specialized facilities for washing machines. It is produced in the form of gel and powder, which effectively removes plaque from PETN, tank, drum.
- Beckmann (Germany) - generic drug, which protects against scale, and the unpleasant odor caused by different contaminants, deliver. But, like any diversified means for regular care it fits well, but is not effective against heavy soiling.
- Filtero 601 (Germany) - good inveterate removes limescale from the heater and other elements, it is recommended to use 3-4 times a year for intensive cleaning machines. Available in packages of 200 grams, designed for one use.
- Dr. TAN (Russia) and antiscaling composition (Belarus) - Analog powder formulations intended only for descaling, but with any technology. Inexpensive and convenient solution to the problem with calcium deposits on the heating elements as a washing and dishwashing machines.
Please note that many funds that, according to advertising, guaranteed to protect our car from problems bloom, but not get rid of the existing scale, but simply reduce the concentration of salts in the water, for example, the same Calgon.
Distinguish them simply - these preparations should be added to start the machine with the powder or directly into the drum, and they are used during the wash items.
Method # 3 - manual cleaning
If you've never wondered how clean your washing machine and all its key elements, and the assistant has served you for more than a year, we recommend that you perform a visual inspection PETN.
Most likely, on the heating element already formed multi-layer lime stone that will make it easier removed manually - with the standard methods of purification may remain inside the unit breakaway solids plaque.

It is not necessary with a knife or other sharp object to try to scrape off the stone - you can damage the finish or even break the heating element. It is best to place heater into the solution with the citric acid or a professional tool for descaling
To clean the heater operate in stages:
- Disconnect the wires, the sensor and take out the heating element. The process can prevent the scum and dirt, so after the weakened fixing, accurately poddevat metal flange flat screwdriver. But be careful and proceed slowly, so as not to damage the fuel tank and wiring.
- Wash heater under good pressure hot waterTo remove loosely entrenched plaque and dirt.
- We are making a concentrated solution for removing stone residues: pour into a plastic bottle cut off the neck of 3-4 tablespoons citric acid powder, put into the heater and hot water to fill strips level.
- Agitated liquid to activate the cleaning process. The fact that magnesium and calcium salts began to dissolve, prompt rising air bubbles.
In this state, we leave the heater to soak overnight. In the morning, the metal is rinsed under running water with a soft sponge, wipe dry, enjoying glare light shining on stainless steel and set the element back to the device.

The heater is always located beneath the tank, but it depends on the specific location of the device marks, e.g., in LG, Ariston and Indesit to extract it is necessary to remove the back cover, and Samsung and Bosh - to disassemble the front
By the way, if we dismantle the machine, at the same time you can view and drum status. You may have to dismount and to qualitatively clean all holes and remove the scum and mildew.
But unless absolutely necessary and skills to work with this technique should not do it, you can do a good treatment of special means.
The procedure for conducting a comprehensive cleaning
In addition to the scale, there are other problems that result from incorrect use of the machine: dirt, odor, mold. Therefore, to maintain the purity of the internal elements regularly.
Step # 1 - launder drum
After each washing in the drum are the remains of water and mud. And soon, in the folds of the seal appear black spots, and from the depths of the machine pulls musty.
To resolve the issue with the smell will run at idle with the addition of disinfectants or normal citric acid. But you need a good eraser to clean manually.

For purification, the cuff is not recommended to use harsh chemicals containing chlorine - from such a rubber can Chemistry "zadubet" and quickly crack
The simplest option - neatly push the crease wash cuff circumferentially with a sponge, soap and warm water, and then wiped dry.
If you notice mold stains, use a solution of copper sulfate or prepare a cleaning paste of water and baking soda in equal proportions.
Then, this composition properly handle the gum and the entire reel and leave for a couple of hours, and then wipe with a sponge and run mode continuous washing.
Step # 2 - Clean the filter and drain hose
Cause odors and can become invisible to the eye garbage - hair, soil particles, or building materials, fluff, feathers and various small objects, time has not been taken out of the pockets clothes.
All that accumulates in the filter and the hose, through which waste water machine descends.
Clean the drain filter the washing machine should be carried out at least once every 3 months, and it is possible and more often in active operation.
To do this, remove the access panel, to substitute a small container for flowing water, or put on a floor rag. Then counterclockwise to unscrew and remove the filter. Rinse it under the pressure of the water, and get out of the hole accumulated debris.

Typically, the filter is located in one of the bottom corners of the front panel is closed and a small circular plate or rectangular shape, which is easy to hook a flat screwdriver
To wash the hose, it is necessary to merge the remaining water in the machine through a discharge filter and then disconnect from the entrance to the sewer pipe or siphon. You can then remove the item, and how to do it, it depends on the design of the device.
For example, in typewriters Ariston, Samsung, Indesit, LG, Whirpool, Ardo to get close to the site of the hose connection is possible only through the bottom.
To do this, put the device on its side, remove the bottom panel and the filter, loosen the clamp pliers. It remains to disconnect the pump and remove the hose itself.

Before disconnecting the hose, be sure to disconnect the unit from the mains and close the water tap (if the machine is not separate to, the apartment)
In typewriters Electrolux and Zanussi seek mount sink is necessary for the rear panel, and have Bosch and Siemens - for the front, when it comes to machine with front loading.
And here we get to the vertical model of the hose is possible only through the side cover. Therefore, no harm will be check with the instruction, where the device described diagram of the device.
To clean the drain hose from dirt and powder flying, armed with a thin non-metallic rope at one end of which is attached a mini-brush.
This brush run inside, scroll and gradually move up to the end of the hose. Then washed with warm water under pressure. If particularly dirty, you can make several passes.
Step # 3 - washed out container for powder
On the walls of the compartment for detergent appears rough plaque from hard water, there are traces of water stains powder and various rinses. All this must be removed.

If detergent residues are removed quite simply with warm water and a sponge, then a touch of lime and mold will have to fight
We are acting in stages:
- Extract from the cuvette compartment, take out the tank for the air conditioner.
- Wash in running water, mildew stain wipe soda or any chlorine-containing agent (here, the rubber elements have, however chloro not damage).
- In a small bowl pour sachet of citric acid.
- Put parsed cuvette, fill with hot water and left for one hour (under heavily soiled possible and at night).
- Then, remove the sponge plaque residues and thoroughly cleanse all joints toothbrush.
- Dried container, assembled and installed on site.
Another version of the fight with a touch - to fill the removed cuvette soda and pour vinegar. The reaction of soda foam and loosen limescale to them easier to remove.

In addition to the vessel itself, and it requires cleaning poroshkopriemnika bay, and there are many remote places with different grooves, and fine details
You can use the same soda toothpaste to get rid of dirt and grime in the compartment for the container and toothbrush, and will help accelerate the process of pre-treatment tray cleaner from spray.
Terms of care for washing machine usage
If you regularly take care of his assistant, you can do without disassembly and unscheduled replacement of its elements. And for this you need only to follow a few simple rules.

So that the washing machine is not an unpleasant musty smell and mold, try to keep an open drum, and when taking a bath or a shower - close
recommendations and tips on caring:
- After washing, always wipe dry with a glass door, the drum and the gum, and the powder container, rinse under good pressure hot water and dry.
- If your location has hard water, can be equipped with the water supply hose to the machine by a magnetic filter. The flow will pass through the magnetic field and change the crystalline structure of water, whereby a scum does not form.
- Wash blankets, sweaters and other fleecy things in a special fine mesh bag.
- Do not leave wet clothes in the machine, even for a few hours - in addition to odor the consequences of such forgetfulness will soon show up black mold spots.
- Timely powder remove stains, drips of water and fat splashes (concerns devices installed in the kitchen) to the housing.
Depending on the time of appearance of spots options of getting rid of him would be different. To remove fresh contamination wipe sufficiently plastic cloth moistened with water or a liquid dishwashing detergent solution. And with old yellow spots and stains help to cope paste of baking soda.
Regular preventive treatment to domestic or professional tools depends on the quality of water in your system, use of emollients and frequency of washing machine use.
On average, the procedure for pest control and descaling should be carried out every 2-3 months. And do not forget after all the cleaning compositions to wash the filter and drum sleeve from the particles of lime.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Dirt and scum is threatened not only breakage of the device. They become the first cause subtle problems, such as increased operating time machines, consumption of energy and detergents.
To avoid this, we propose to study the visual instructions on how to care for the machine.
Recommendations for complex cleaning of washing machines:
How to remove from the surface of PETN strong scale:
Direct the purity of the powder in the container by means of soda and vinegar:
How to remove and clean the filter against dirt and other debris accumulations:
In the care of the washing machine is nothing complicated or requires special skills and knowledge.
But if neglected recommendations, soon your assistant may need professional "resuscitation", replacement of heating element and other elements. To avoid this, spend the timely prevention on their own or entrust its professionals.