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Polycarbonate pergolas are idealm solution for modern cottage or a private house. This material has a number of positive qualities, which include affordable pricing and durability. Polycarbonate structures are simple to install, have a small weight, which simplifies transportation and installation, followed by fastening to a metal frame.
Article in the topic: polycarbonate fence in the country.
Benefits polycarbonate gazebos
All arbors, installed at the dacha or near a private house, should be connected with the basic quality - comfort. The quality of comfort is greatly influenced by the material from which the structure is built. Most often they prefer to use wood, but the price of wood is very high now and not every land owner can afford such an acquisition.
In addition to wood, they also create high-quality and durable gazebos made of silica brick, which cost more than wood. The brick is appreciated for the long operational term, but creates the mass of difficulties at construction. Mixing the solution requires at least one assistant, as well as the presence of such a tool as a concrete mixer. Yes, and the process of laying requires experience and skill. Therefore, the dome gazebo of brick will not be for many an ideal example of the diversity of the site.
Polycarbonate and polyvinyl chloride are the materials that are worth paying attention to. Such an environmentally friendly raw material will last a long time, an affordable price makes it twice as popular. That is why when installing arbors or simple pergolas with a polycarbonate roof, this type of plastic is used more often than expensive wood.
Advantages of polycarbonate gazebos:
- Low cost. This fact allows everyone to purchase the material, and if they have the necessary skills, they can also assemble the structure and the cover independently.
- Low weight. It is very important, as structures with low weight do not require pouring the foundation, which leads to cost reduction.
- Immunity to sudden temperature changes. The gazebo is set in the open air, so precipitation or a change in heat and cold can spoil the material, but not the polycarbonate, which calmly transfers sharp drops from -40 C to +120 C.
- Convenience at technological effects. For example, polycarbonate is convenient to cut, it does not crumble when drilling, such material can be easily fixed with ordinary construction brackets without any damage.
- High fire performance. Even after marking +125 C, the polycarbonate sheet will only begin to melt, but not light up.
Polycarbonate gazebos are easy to clean - just wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth and you can enjoy cleanliness.
What kind of material should be used in the construction of arbors
Polycarbonate, as a material obtained from active chemical compounds, consists of several main types:
- Cellular. Externally, the material is presented as a panel consisting of plastic of different degrees of darkening( used as a transparent surface in combination with a matte).Polycarbonate layers are transferred from one to another, which is very similar in structure to the honeycomb. Cellular form of plastic has a high insulating level, since inside each layer there is air, which gives a similar effect.
- Monolithic. It is a monolithic type of polycarbonate used in the construction of arbors. It is made in the form of sheets of different sizes, but one-piece structure. In the production of the material, the technology of hot forming is used, which makes it possible to obtain sheets not only of large sizes, but also with a bend. Such a curvature of the plane makes the design, for example, a round gazebo, modern and stylish and will not leave any guest indifferent.
Designs of polycarbonate arbors
The appearance of the arbor is very important, as it must be in harmony with the design of the site. Therefore, polycarbonate structures are diverse in shape and size, and can be assembled both open and closed.
The main types of designs:
- Dome. This gazebo will be the perfect complement to any garden. Dome design often do open type, the roof is in the form of a hemisphere. This form attracts with its smooth curves, which also creates less problems in winter when it is necessary to remove the snow.
- Round. Such a construction differs from the others by a smooth transition of arbor walls to the roof. The racks of the frame out of the basement and are connected at the top, at one point. The main advantage of such an arbor is its high structural stability. Most often, round gazebos are made of a closed type, but for greater freshness, small windows are mounted on the walls.
- Rectangular. The standard design, which is preferred by many land owners. Requires not much time to install and less problems with the choice of material. The ideal building material for mounting a rectangular gazebo is wood, but round or square metal pillars can also be used. The dimensions of this design are large enough, especially for placement within several recreation areas.
- Sliding. For this type, they usually choose a rectangular structure( simplifies the installation of doors), but the doors are mounted of a sliding type, which allows you to quickly translate the gazebo from the open to the closed type.
Sliding design is the perfect combination of technology and modern design. For the installation will require accurate calculations and measurements.
Construction stages of polycarbonate arbors
If you want to build a plastic arbor on your site, you should know about the sequence of the process. It also does not hurt the availability of building skills and the necessary tools. For the speed of construction, you can invite a friend, because in the process of installation will never interfere with an extra pair of hands. It is important to remember that a self-made polycarbonate gazebo( photo attached below) and with love will delight the host for a very long period of time.
Choosing the right place - the initial stage of any construction.
All construction work must begin with choosing the right place and the correct markings. Such a procedure should be approached thoroughly, since the slightest inaccuracies can spoil the appearance of a future structure.
You should not choose the most solid basis for polycarbonate gazebos - this material is very light, the construction will not slump even a few years later.
The most ordinary soil will suit, ideally it may be a small hill. If there are trees nearby, it will only give positive emotions during future gatherings, and in the summer - a refreshing cool.
Filling the foundation
Polycarbonate is a material that does not require the installation of the foundation, which is not always the case on the soil on which the gazebo is installed. Soft soil will be the cause of subsidence structures in the future, especially if the owners of the site want to build a gazebo of solid size.
For a gazebo with a polycarbonate roof, the most practical option would be to fill the supporting elements - metal pipes, on which the whole structure rests. This reduces the consumption of building materials( sand, cement, screenings) and simplifies the work. Mounting a similar foundation does not require the use of concrete mixers, the solution can be prepared manually.
The large consumption of concrete will go to fill the screed if construction is done to create a durable structure. Then it is better to make a gazebo in the form of an extension to the house, which will allow you to combine the foundation of the gazebo with the foundation of the house and give additional stability to the entire building.
Assembling the frame
This stage of work is very similar to the assembly of a large designer. There is no need to make serious efforts, but it is necessary to follow the sequence of the procedure, as well as to monitor the accuracy of actions.
2 types of building material are used directly for the framework:
- metal profile;
- wooden beam.
Wood in any form looks more attractive than metal construction, but also requires appropriate maintenance. And do not forget about the relatively high cost of wood. But it is easier to work with wood: it is enough to mark the structure, fasten the timber with self-tapping screws, and then, to process the building.
Arbor profile has a very important quality - durability. The life of the material is several decades. Profile does not require treatment with any protective substances. To connect the profiles do not use screws, as in the case of a wooden bar, but special screws.
Gazebo made of metal and polycarbonate will serve its owner for a very long time, it is enough to install it correctly and beautifully.
Installation of the roof - the last stage of construction
It is the roof that is an important component of the gazebo for polycarbonate. Proceed to the final stage should be only after the completion of work with the frame. If the "skeleton" of the gazebo is firmly installed, securely fixed and does not have any flaws - then you can deal with the roof.
Using a polycarbonate roof for a gazebo is very convenient and easy. Simplicity lies in the fact that the material can be easily cut into the necessary parts, which are then fastened to the frame. Some craftsmen perform such operations right on top.
Another important quality polycarbonate - the adoption of any form. Of course to wrap a sheet of plastic in the pipe will not work, but slightly bend it to give a more gentle shape, completely. Therefore, garden gazebos made of polycarbonate can be performed not only in a rectangular shape, but also with more stylish and beautiful curves.