If you like fresh fruit, you are unlikely to refuse a drink made from your favorite fruits. Compote of plums with stones for the winter, you cook without much difficulty, if you carefully read our recipes. Spending quite a bit of time and effort, you can get a wonderful refreshing drink, featuring excellent taste and aroma.
Compote from plums with pits according to a simple recipe
Experts say that such a drink can be safely stored at home for a whole year. However, we doubt that your stock will linger in the pantry until spring. Most likely, it will come to an end much earlier, since no lover of sweets can resist the taste of this plum compote.
Ingredients for one three-liter jar:
- blue plums - 500 grams;
- sugar - 250 grams;
- water - two and a half liters.
If you want to preserve a fresh crop of fruits for a long time, then read the simple recipe for plum compote for the winter with pits.
Choose the best fruits, remove the “tails” and then rinse them well in running water. Put the plums in a clean three-liter jar. If you have the opportunity to wash the container in the dishwasher, where the temperature rises to 70 degrees, then it does not need to be further sterilized.
Some fruits may burst during cooking. Of course, it will not spoil the taste of the drink, but you can easily avoid such a situation. The fact is that usually thin skin does not withstand an abrupt change in temperature. Therefore, it is better to get the plums out of the refrigerator in advance, and then lower them into the water and warm them over low heat.
Boil water in a saucepan, then pour it into the jar. To prevent the dishes from bursting, do not forget to put a stainless steel spoon inside. Cover the jar with a tin lid and leave it alone for 15 minutes.
The compote from plums with stones for the winter cools down long enough. Put the jar on the lid and cover it with a wool blanket. About a day later, the drink can be transferred to the rest of the blanks and leave it there until winter. But if you want to take a sample, you can do it in a few days. Perhaps compote will seem too sweet. But it is easy to fix - just pour it into a jug and dilute it with warm water.
If you like the taste of this pleasant drink, then you can spend some more simple experiments with the ingredients. For example, add to the recipe apples, pears or favorite berries. Next, we will offer you another interesting way to prepare this tasty treat.
Compote from
plums and grapes The original flavor combination is obtained by mixing several types of fruit. And mint leaves will give the drink a special freshness and unusual flavor. This time we will tell you how to cook plum compote in a liter jar.
- dark grapes - 130 grams;
- eight plums;
- sugar - 160 grams;
- water - 800 ml;
- mint - two twigs.
How to cook compote with stones from plums and grapes? You can read the detailed recipe below.
Thoroughly clean and clear the twigs from the fruit. Wash the jar in soda solution inside and out, then rinse and sterilize in any way convenient for you. Cover the lid for a few minutes in boiling water, and then gently remove it.
Put the plums and grapes in the prepared dishes, and then fill them with boiling water. Cap the cap and allow the liquid to infuse for five or seven minutes. When the water changes color, pour it into a saucepan and mix with the sugar. Add fresh mint leaves to the syrup and cook for a few minutes.
If you like spices flavors, then try adding starter, melissa or cinnamon to compote. Plum compotes with ossicles for the winter are well combined with lemon or lime juices.
Pour the syrup back to the fruit, and then roll up the dishes. Do not forget to turn the jar upside down and wrap it warmer. The very next day you can send the compote to storage in the refrigerator or pantry.
When the time comes, dilute it with cool boiled water and serve the drink to the table. Do not forget to cook for him a delicious homemade cake or charlotte.
As you could see, compote with plums and stones for the winter is prepared very simply and quickly. As a rule, it does not require additional long-term sterilization or any other treatment.