Bee products and their use by humans

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Natural medicines include beekeeping products, and their use by humans is prevention and treatment since ancient times. Modern science only confirms the benefits of apitherapy based on bees sting, the use of natural products and the dosage forms prepared from them.

What is attributed to beekeeping products

Everything that a bee colony produces is used as a natural medicine. The hive is waste-free production. Even the bees' corpses are used as a remedy. At the apiary receive:

  • honey, and its properties depend on many factors;
  • beeswax - building material for bees;
  • pollen - collecting when flying around;
  • pergou - pollen preserved in honeycombs with honey;
  • zavrus - the product obtained by cutting the covers of sealed cells;
  • propolis - bee glue for repairing the hive from the inside;
  • Royal Jelly - a secret extracted from the jaws of young bees;
  • bee venom;
  • bee subs.
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It is necessary to know that honey does not retain its healing properties when heated above 60 C.

The use of honey and other apiates for medicinal purposes is possible after consulting a doctor. Bee products and their uncontrolled use by humans can cause severe allergic reactions, even laryngeal swelling.

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Honey and its use

Honey is the most famous beekeeping product that has a unique composition and activates biological processes in the body. But with a high demand for honey, a high proportion of counterfeits. You can buy guaranteed natural honey from a beekeeper. The best is the floral, mountain and buckwheat collection. Taking out the hives to flowering arrays, get different varieties of honey, named after the plant from which the pollen was collected.

Natural healer honey and beekeeping products that have not passed veterinary control, not having a quality certificate, can be dangerous. Beekeepers can use illicit drugs or collect bribes from chemical-treated fields.

Honey is considered a valuable energy product, as 75% consists of fructose and glucose, which are directly absorbed by the body. In addition, a rich enzyme composition, the presence of organic acids, vitamins, speeds up metabolism, boosts immunity and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Other bee products are used by a person according to their specifics and on the recommendation of a doctor.

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What is beeswax and how is it obtained. These working cells produce building material from the honey by the internal glands. Per kilogram of wax requires 3.5 kg of honey. The wax has a complex organic composition, 75% composed of esters and 15% fatty acids. Light composition is insoluble in water or alcohols. Used wax for skin diseases and cosmetics. For the treatment of beekeeping products prepare wax patches applied to the skin.

Collected pollen is a product that does not have any analogues in use. Bees collect pollen, roll it into a ball and carry it to the hive. In one fly, one bee delivers 10 mg of pollen. And there is no more useful product for a weakened person. For three weeks taking pollen with honey or in pure form, the patient is undergoing a course of apitherapy. The duration of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

Zabrus among bee products and its use requires special attention. First of all, it is possible to collect the caps from the honeycomb only while pumping honey. Secondly, this substance does not cause allergic reactions. Thirdly, it is just delicious and kids chew it with pleasure. And saves zabrus from many infectious diseases, improves immunity and even gives strength to weakened muscles. All you need and 4 times a day for 10 minutes to chew a tablespoon of medicinal powder.

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Propolis is considered a well-known healing product. The bees created it to repair the hive, and the man used the drug to treat skin diseases and internal organs. The composition contains wax, vegetable gums and a unique balm. Even tuberculosis can be defeated with propolis in complex therapy.

Consultation with a physician is necessary in the treatment of royal jelly and when using bee venom. These are strong allergens and there are contraindications for use.

Uterine milk is taken in capsules, which dissolve under the tongue. In the stomach, the beneficial composition decomposes. Acceptance of capsules increases the tone of the body, activates the nervous system, reduces the manifestation of angina and asthma. The use of bee venom is limited to many contraindications. Basically, drugs are used to treat joints and muscles. It is noticed that beekeepers do not have rheumatism, but they live long. Most likely, this is due to the complex effect of fresh air, oneness with nature and the use of healing products of beekeeping.

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