We buy the right vitamins for chicken broilers

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Growing chicks is not easy. Vitamins for broiler chickens in the diet are very important. In micro doses they stimulate biochemical processes in the body. The lack of catalysts leads to growth retardation, non-infectious diseases. But it is important to balance, excess vitamins cause worse consequences than their lack.

Rules and techniques for broiler broiler brothel vitamins

The feature of meat crosses is rapid growth. Product weight is typed in 2 months. But broilers are not a breed, but a hybrid obtained artificially. Therefore, it must develop under certain conditions. Care and feed for these chickens is special.

So, it is believed that a quick set of weight is stimulated by a lot of vitamins and a balanced diet. In this case, the diet varies depending on the age of the scabbard. If lighting, air exchange and temperature are observed, the food should contain the following ingredients:

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  • from the third day of life, fresh grass or sprouts of cereals are added to the feed;
  • on the fifth day, add the green onions to broilers, gradually increasing the amount;
  • from 5-7 days in the diet must be present grated carrots;
  • degreased serum and yogurt from the first day.

Onions and milk - acid bacteria allow to design their own microflora in the intestines of the chicken. A soldering on the first day of glucose in a concentration of 10% of the total amount of water allows you to quickly decompose the remainder of the egg yolk in the body, affects the further development of the individual.

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From the fifth day, it is possible to give the chicken to pharmacy vitamin complexes, according to the instructions for use. It is important, any complexes are added to the moistened food or water for drinking. Vitamins can be collected in multivitamin formulations. Premixes are often used, which represent a complex of the most important additives in a balanced form:

  • amino acids;
  • antibiotics;
  • minerals.

A balanced composition, which includes vitamins for broiler chickens, is added to the mash in small quantities. When making mixed fodders, they are enriched, including ready-made mixtures.

The biological additives that make up the premix are destroyed by the heat. Therefore, pour the vitamin supplement only into a warm mash.

An example of the correct use of premixes in a balanced diet is the special food of the BMVD. This kind of mixed fodder for chicken broilers is intended for a certain age:

  1. Starter feed contains 5% premix with predominance of the protein component.
  2. Feeding - serve for rapid growth.
  3. Finishing compound feed is responsible for maturing the taste qualities of muscle mass.

For broilers onlyBMDVwith the content of complex additives in an amount of 5%. Special mixed fodder costs not cheap. But with a balanced diet, the benefits of its use are obvious. For 1 kg of poultry weight, 2 kg of feed is used, provided there is no delay in growth. That's why the use of vitamins for broiler chickens is mandatory.

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Natural vitamins for chicken broilers

In the farm, it is possible to partially replace the pharmacy vitamin formulations with natural ones. The most famous and affordable grass in any season is the onion pen. It can be driven out in winter, grown in a garden. Onions love all birds. It destroys the parasites in the intestines and delivers the trace element of sulfur. Add the green onions to broilers in the composition of the sticks at the rate of 5-6 g per individual, but start with 1 gram. Chickens eat finely chopped onions willingly, starting with the fifth day of life. In the absence of greenery, you can add grated, but give him a little standing, so that a sharp smell disappears. In winter it is easy to get seedlings from cereal crops, sowing them in ordinary moss.

Vitamins for chicken broilers at home grow on beds. It is important to wash vegetables and herbs, and to exclude the ingress of celandine. It's poison! You can not give uncut grass, it gets entangled in the ventricle.

Sorrel is the spring storehouse of vitamins. In the early spring, a herb containing vitamins B, PP, C, E, F, K will be fed to the bird table. In addition, in sorrel there are biologically active substances, fiber and protein.


Cabbage contains sulfur and vitamin K. It is rubbed and added to the mesh. Add a little, 1 teaspoon per bird. Cut into the mesh leaves dandelion and nettles, steamed and chopped hay, grated vegetables.

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But yeast improves intestinal flora. Starting at day 8, give them a little, 1 teaspoon per 10 birds. Yeast promotes rapid growth. Just soaked breadcrumbs and bread.

Fresh, low-fat yogurt, whey, cottage cheese are foods that carry calcium and vitamin D, they are beneficial to the growing body. On a warm summer day, chickens can be released on a grassy lawn, they themselves will naklevyvat vitamins.

Use of concentrated vitamins of industrial production

All poultry farmers know the effectiveness of pharmacy vitamin complexes. So, Aminovital contains 18 essential amino acids, 8 vitamins and microelements. The drug is water-soluble, added to drinking water in the first week in a concentration of 2-4 ml per 10 liters of water. If the bird is weakened or has been treated with antibiotics, the vitamin complex is simply necessary for it.

The drug Chiktonik belongs to a number of probiotics. Probiotics are used to strengthen immunity, to restore the microflora in the digestive tract of chicken, and for vitaminization of the body. According to the instructions for use, Chiktonik is used in drinking, at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water for a week. There were no side effects from the use of the drug.

To grow chickens of broilers, to receive pure dietary meat any summer resident can. It is important to treat the scribes carefully, to create conditions for healthy development. To help the worker created special vitamin supplements.

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