Can I prepare feed for pigs myself

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Pig breeding is an effective way of obtaining marketable products in a short time. Combined feed for pigs is made according to a formula developed according to the physiological norm of nutrient intake. Piglet milk and fattening, uterus and boar require different mixed fodders. The composition of the product is balanced and produced in accordance with GOST R 52255-2004 for mixed fodder and GOST R 51550-2000 for concentrates.

Ingredients of mixed fodder their properties

Fodder for pigs is a compound, which includes all the components that the animal must receive for development and health. Kinds of forages subdivide:

  • Any grain when eaten gives energy to animals;
  • beans, meals, flour are sources of protein and are needed to build muscle;
  • bran, hay, coarse root vegetables contribute to good gastrointestinal function;
  • waste products of animal products - whey, fish, by-products of animal husbandry increase the nutritional value of feed, add necessary amino acids and vitamins;
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  • microelements, vitamins, minerals.

There are full-feed mixed fodder (PC) and feed concentrate (KK).

KK is used as an additive to other foods, it contains only proteins and minerals and microelements. The PC contains a full set of nutritional components and only water for drinking is needed to meet the needs of the animals. The composition of mixed fodders for pigs differs:

  • for suckling piglets;
  • at the age before, month;
  • for piglets up to 8 months;
  • for fattening before slaughter;
  • for boars;
  • for the queens during the period of feeding.

Usually in the compound feed 7-9 components, not including vitamins and trace elements. The forage manufacturer can not always make the composition, where the listed components are strictly applied. In one group, he has the right to make replacement parts, but so that the energy value of food is not affected and the animal receives all the necessary substances in the right proportion.

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Example, how to replace ingredients, maintaining the value and nutritional value in accordance with GOST.

The analysis shows, in comparison of mixed fodders for pigs according to GOST, that the nutritional value is actually sustained by adding fodder yeast instead of meat-and-bone meal. Important proportions of minerals are observed.

Fodder must be stored in a dry place. The smell of mustiness or the appearance of moldy clumps in the bag should be the cause of rejection.

Replace the ingredients with the standard permits. The complete composition of the pellets and the nutritional value of the feed should be indicated in the leave certificate. Standard are the tabs in the recipes of mixed fodders for pigs:

  • nutritiousness, which is reflected in the table;
  • the size of grinding of cereal components - small, medium, large;
  • size of granules depending on the age of the consumer.

Depending on the daily physiological needs, a recipe has been developed for the herd from 3 days old to slaughter.

Feed consumption rates per pig

The consumption standard is developed for all ages, depending on the need for this or that composition in certain periods of growth, during different fattening periods, and for the breeding stock.

How much fodder is eaten by a pig per day depends on its age, weight and the purpose of feeding. So, if the adult sow is in the first stage of pregnancy, it is impossible to overfeed it, will become fired, and therefore it receives, kg of the composition of SK-1, the pregnant one is fed with bringing the maximum norm, kg per day. The pig's pig is laid SC-2, in an amount from 2 to, kg. And so the fodder tables are for each head in the farm. To get bacon, the proportion of feed in the cost is the most significant indicator.

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How much does the feed for pigs depend on the ingredients used and the presence of premixes, vitamins. The faster the pig grows to commercial weight, the cheaper the content will be. In order to feed the pig to the slaughter in the semiannual age, 350 kg of mixed fodder will be needed, taking into account the loss of 15 kg.


The amount was formed from the need:

  • up to a month and a half a pig needs 1, kg of the mixture "Bogatyr
  • to two months the pig will eat another 24 kg of SK-2;
  • the third month, 54 kg of SK-3 mixture is needed to feed the gilt;
  • 4 months will require 70 kg of SK-4;
  • 5 month - SK-5, 83 kg;
  • 6 month for fattening before slaughtering SK-6, 94 kg.

To keep longer the livestock prepared for a commodity output is inexpedient.

Fodder for fattening pigs in the last period contains more protein supplements to increase muscle mass. The composition of the mixed feed depends on the taste of pork, all additives with odor, like fishmeal, are removed from it. At the same feed for fattening bacon and for fat production differ in composition - KK-56 and KK-58.

Can I make feed by myself

A full-fledged compound feed is developed by scientists and is not a commercial secret. Each pig can create mixed fodder in the farm. The condition is one, all components in the mixture must be present. If the farm has land to provide livestock feed, then own feed will cost less and will be more useful.

Prepare the mixture with the use of crushing grain and other solid large components. Surely in the farm for a long time rusts a manual crusher. This factory manufacturing requires the creation of a dry product, light in weight and convenient for transportation. At home, food can be:

  • dry, reminiscent of the factory, with a moisture content of 14%;
  • friable dry, but in the hands is felt heaviness and humidity;
  • wet friable is 50% water;
  • mushy thick and thin;
  • consistency of liquid and thick soup.
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Of course, it takes into account for what age the food is prepared. The soup is fed by weaners and suckers during supplementary feeding. The rule of cooking excludes the steaming of components, they lose useful substances. Addition of premixes will improve the assimilation of mixed fodders.

to prepare feeds independently better in small portions. Drying at home granules is problematic. For feeding pigs and queens, grinding should be medium, for feeding to slaughter - large.

One of the recipes for pigs for pigs looks like this:

  • cake from sunflower seeds - 80 g;
  • alfalfa flour - 160 g;
  • barley grain crushed - 400 g;
  • oats - 300g;
  • meat and bone meal - 120 g;
  • salt - 10 g, chalk - 20 g.

In this case, all grain, large inclusions are crushed. If the pig is preparing for slaughter, use a mixture of coarse grinding. For broodstock, grinding should be average. Everything is finely divided, mixed and a premix is ​​added at the rate of 100 g per kilogram of mash. You can pass the mixture through a granulator, and the food will be more convenient to eat. At home, roots can be added to the prepared composition. It is most effective to use the factory and household composition in equal parts.

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