Royal Begonia - a scattering of colors in one flower

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The genus of begonias is so diverse that the number of varieties of this plant exceeds a thousand. Among them there is a begonia with a rich royal name. Why is royal? This name was given to the plant not only for its magnificent, elegant, sophisticated look, but also for demanding care.

Begonias - very capricious and fragile flowers that love the light, but not direct, burning the sun's rays;good watering, but not “swamp” of standing water in a pot. As too cold and too warm temperature leads to the fact that the king begonia begins to ache and wither.

The leaves of the royal begonia are quite large, they have a different shape and color. Usually the veins are in sharp contrast with the lighter background of the leaves, forming fancy shapes on them. The specks of pink, purple, cream-green, silver, cherry blossom on the leaves, like drops, left after an awkward stroke of the artist's brush.

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Even the inflorescences of this plant look very modest in comparison with the lush and bright leaves. To give growth to the leaves, inflorescences are often removed. The rhizome of the flower is juicy, fleshy, thickened and spreads out on the top layer of soil, so there is no point in planting new pots for the new plant in the house. The flower is native to India and Asia.

In Russia, this flower began to be mentioned in 1812.When the French, frozen to shame, left the Russian plains, the peasants began to call Begonia "Napoleon's ear" for its external resemblance to a large reddened ear. There is a second, no less funny name for this plant - “elephant ears”.Photos of the royal begonia clearly demonstrates this.

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Care for royal begonia - moderation in all

What kind of care for royal begonia is needed to dissolve its rich leaves with colorful and intricate patterns and pretty inflorescences?

  • Begonia is a thermophilic plant, so it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the room from 16 to 22C.It is not recommended to keep flowers on the windowsills on the sunny side.
  • Moderate but frequent and regular watering. With an excess of water, the roots of the plant start to rot - it withers and falls ill. In the summer it can be assumed that the ground is slightly damp, and in the winter it is desirable to wait until the substrate dries before the next watering.
  • Water must be defended beforehand, if it is taken from the tap, and let it reach room temperature.
  • The optimum moisture level for a flower is provided by the placement of its “home” - a pot in a pan, at the bottom of which there is water or wet pebbles.
  • Royal Begonia grows well in soil with an average level of acidity. This may be a mixture of humus with leaf and turf ground.
  • About two times during the year, the plant needs additional feed in the form of mineral fertilizers, but if they are not there, it does not matter, for normal development and growth of begonia it is not a hindrance. Manure is considered the most suitable organic fertilizer, but it should be allowed to wander for about 2 weeks. Cow and horse manure needs to be diluted 5 times, and bird droppings - as much as 15 times.
  • How to care for the royal begonia at home? In the summer months, the large begonia leaves become a kind of dust collectors, so that the leaves “breathe”, they should preferably be cleaned at least once a month with a dry piece of cloth.
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How to propagate the royal begonia?

The most reliable and easiest way is reproduction by leaf cuttings. The cutting chosen by the hostess with leaves is divided into several equal parts, each of them is placed in a moist soil, which consists of perlite and peat. Place the cuttings in the ground should be at a slight angle.

After this, the container with the cuttings must be covered with polyethylene. Very soon, the pieces of the stalk will take root and become independent plants. It will happen in about 4 weeks, and after the same amount of time, the first leaves will be let out by the cuttings. But you can multiply begonia and seed, and the division of the bush.

Seed germination is considered the lowest since only a quarter of the total number of planted sprouts gives a quarter.

How to replant?

Like other indoor flowers, it is better to prepare the royal begonia for transplantation in spring, as the plant during this period is filled with vitality and becomes stronger. It is able to quickly adapt to external changes, and accidentally broken roots will “rise” to life much faster. If in the previous year the flower has grown well, then it makes sense to choose a more spacious “house” for it.

Actions for transplants of royal begonias:

  • Place the stem between the index and middle finger of the right hand.
  • Helping his left hand, gently turn the pot.
  • If the substrate lump has not separated from the container walls, ask one of the family members to lightly tap the bottom of the pot.
  • Transfer the flower with soil to a new container.
  • Add fresh, fertilized land as needed.
  • If you wish, you can free the root system from the old substrate, carefully removing it along the edges and not touching the central part. This will not break the roots.
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What diseases should you beware of?

The royal begonia reacts very sensitively both to changes in the external environment and to insufficient care for it. Unwelcome guests: spider mite, scab, thrips cause her a lot of "suffering."The plant languishes and may die if you ignore the pests. What should be done?

  1. Need to manually remove the begonia from the treacherous guests.
  2. Keep away nearby flowers - to avoid their infection.
  3. Make a water-soap solution and irrigate the leaves of the plant.
  4. In advanced cases, the use of insecticides will be appropriate.

Flower lovers adore the royal begonia for its unusual look, which is able to decorate any interior and decor. And then: each of the flowers is somehow different from its “brother”.The specks and drawings on leaflets can be studied for hours, marveling at the skill of the most skillful artist, Nature, who in this case did not stint either on the colors or on the time spent creating an amazing plant. It is necessary to look at a flower once - and then it is impossible to get rid of the desire to become its owner.

Video: Royal Begonia

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