The benefits and harms from the use of green beans

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Young pods of ordinary beans, with thick juicy sash and still unripe fruits, are called green beans or asparagus beans. Today, this product is well known to all who monitor their health, prefer to eat rationally and healthy. And it is difficult to imagine that neither the beneficial properties of green beans, nor even its taste were known to Europeans until the end of the XVIII century.

Perfectly feeling in the most different conditions, unpretentious and early ripening culture for many centuries was used as an ornamental climbing plant, and then a source of nutritious beans. For the first time, Italians decided to use unripe pods of beans for culinary purposes. A little later, a light fresh garnish got even on the table of the French monarchs, generating interest in the culture and initiating the agricultural cultivation of beans.

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Already in the past century, the properties of a vegetable, its composition, and conclusions about the benefits of green beans and the harm it can cause if they are illiterately used, have been seriously studied.

The biochemical composition of the string beans

A pledge of the benefits brought by the green beans to the body is a complex of bioactive substances that make up the juicy pods.

A set of vitamins consists of ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acid, thiamine and tocopherol, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and vitamin PP.Calcium and phosphorus, sodium, zinc, selenium and silicon, iodine and iron, magnesium, potassium and sulfur are present in the list of macro- and microelements found in green beans.

The abundance of such different, but completely irreplaceable substances allows the green beans not only to satisfy hunger, but to bring significant health benefits. And the taste of this diet product attracts more and more people every year. At the same time, green bean dishes can be included in both adult and children's menu. If there are no medical contraindications, the product will not cause harm, and the benefits of green beans will be obvious.

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The caloric content of green beans and its nutritional value

Fresh, only green pods cut from a plant, like many vegetables, are very low in calories.

In 100 grams of such beans only 24–32 kcal, while fats account for 0.3 grams, 2.5 grams is protein, and the proportion of carbohydrates in the composition of the product is 3.1 grams. The main part of the mass of green beans is fiber and moisture.

But the caloric content of the string beans, which is slightly dependent on the variety and degree of ripening of the vegetable, can dramatically change if the product is cooked. Since beans are used in food only after heat exposure, neutralizing non-digestible components of the plant, it is important to choose dishes that retain the benefits of green beans, but not harm from its use, in taking care of their health and well-being. Short-term, careful boiling saves about 80% of all active substances in green pods, but due to the change in the properties of carbohydrates, the number of calories almost doubles.

When frying the pods in the finished beans, 175 kcal per 100 grams will be contained, and a little less than the stewed dish - 136 kcal.

If we consider that the recipes include not only beans, but also salt, vegetable and animal fats, spices and other ingredients, the total caloric content of green beans increases dramatically.

Useful properties of green beans

The benefits of green juicy beans, first of all, consist in the abundance of cellulose, well absorbed by the body of proteins and complex carbohydrates.

  • Plant fiber that enters the digestive system, like a hard sponge removes food debris, slag and other substances harmful to humans.
  • Proteins are a building material for cells and tissues.
  • And carbohydrates supplied with food carry energy and are responsible for performance.

With a small caloric value of green beans, it well satisfies hunger, not overloading the body with fats, but providing everything necessary for life.

Green Bean has a restorative, tonic effect, stimulates the processes of digestion and intestinal cleansing.

An extremely useful property of green beans is its anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, used by doctors in the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, intestines and lungs. The inclusion of green beans in the daily menu helps to quickly deal with seasonal viral diseases and a number of skin problems.

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The cleaning properties of string beans are useful in hypertension, atherosclerosis, and the risk of developing other ailments of the cardiovascular sphere. With regular use, healthy and tasty side dishes made from green pods are excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes, arrhythmias and iron deficiency anemia.

All these qualities of green beans are due to the presence of iron and sulfur. But the presence of zinc will be especially useful for men suffering from sexual dysfunction or inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. The same element has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, prevents the development of fungal and bacterial infections.

String bean dishes will be a good help for the body in case of the threat of influenza or ARVI in the season of mass morbidity.

The ability of bean leaf valves to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and maintain blood sugar levels is well known. This is also characteristic of useful green beans, which do not harm the body and improve the well-being of diabetics in the second type of disease.

Today, oncologists are seriously exploring the possibility of including green pods in dietary health food for patients who have a breast tumor diagnosed. Already today, people treated for urolithiasis, renal failure, swelling and cystitis have already felt the benefit of the product. This became possible due to the light diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of beans.

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Boiled pods of beans will help get rid of plaque on the teeth, stale breath and prevent the formation of tartar. This is the merit of active acids and dietary fiber in the product.

And women may be interested in not only the benefits of the properties of green beans to maintain weight, but also to keep the hormonal balance, often disturbed before menstruation, during pregnancy and during climax. Inclusion in the diet of dietary foods from this tasty product will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and on well-being.

For older people, beans are interesting because they successfully resist age-related changes in organs and tissues. As a natural antioxidant, green pods reduce cholesterol levels, promote cell regeneration and prevent aging.

By introducing green beans into the diet, you can be completely sure that the beans do not contain either pesticides or nitrates, traces of heavy metals or other harmful impurities that enter the vegetables from water or soil.

The pods are fast-growing and cannot be harmful, but the benefits of green beans are enormous.

Could green beans be harmful?

And yet, not everyone can feast on juicy, active substances-rich pods without fear of health.

Dishes from bean pods can cause undesirable and painful reactions in patients:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammatory processes and intestinal dysfunction;
  • colitis.

As legumes can cause increased flatulence and stimulate the digestive process, caution in the use of green beans is also necessary in the chronic course of these diseases, as well as during remission.

You should not get carried away with green beans, especially with spices and butter, with pancreatitis, in old age and in the last months of pregnancy. At the slightest discomfort, it is better to abandon your favorite beans and get advice from the attending physician.

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