We find out the reasons for which geranium does not bloom

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Indoor flower geranium is loved for its beautiful long flowering. Why does not the geranium bloom, if the plant looks great, it becomes a mystery to the grower. The secrets of long flowering and the reasons for its absence are known. From the first steps we will create conditions for the correct development of pelargonium. Tips experienced gardeners will help create a garden on the windowsill.

How to make geranium blossom at home

Already when planting pelargonium, care must be taken to ensure that the plant is pleased with its decorative effect. The ground is chosen light, consisting of sod and leaf earth, sand and humus. If you take the capacity, where the roots are spacious, the plant will build up root mass and leaves. Flowering will have to wait a long time. How to make fast geranium? In a spacious box to plant a few bushes, let them be cramped. After the drainage, a dry cow cake should be put on the perforated bottom. It will feed the roots for a long time with a complete organic composition.

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So, when landing you should:

  • pick the right capacity;
  • to make a moisture-absorbing nutrient substrate;
  • plant for the rapid development of peduncles in one pot a few plants.

The place for novosadki need to choose a light, but inaccessible to direct midday rays of the sun. Under the sun, the leaves get burned and lose their decorative effect. Why does not geranium bloom under the sun? It blooms, but quickly loses its beauty, in the garden the geranium should be in mild conditions not under the direct rays of the sun.

Geranium can be watered with hard water and even from the tap. Salt spillage on the soil should be periodically removed.

If geranium does not bloom, you need proper watering. Moistening will lead to decay of the roots, and then the flowering does not wait. It is necessary to water a geranium in a pot when the top layer of the earth dries out. Geranium will bloom if there is little nitrogen in the soil. But phosphate fertilizers increase the viability of the plant and are needed for lush flowering. What is to feed the geranium for abundant flowering? You can use the extract of superphosphate. It is better to use a special, liquid composition for indoor plants, where nitrogen is 11%.However, Pelargonium mineral supplements do not like and need to be used in small quantities. In the fresh land, in the first year of life, the feeding of geraniums is generally not needed.

Read also: Perennial garden geranium

came from the forest to the flower bed If, despite the correct content, the geranium does not bloom, we use shock methods.

Why does not geranium bloom at home?

Recall when all plants tend to continue to kind. Then, when life threatened. Therefore, it is possible to create conditions when a healthy plant throws out the peduncle in various ways:

  • is a cool wintering season with restriction in watering and nutrition;
  • iodine will be the best flowering stimulator for geranium;
  • hard pruning of plants in early autumn with 2-3 holes left for all varieties except royal geranium;
  • take out the plant in the summer on the balcony to create a temperature drop.

What if geranium still does not bloom? You need to plant it in the garden, bloom! In the fall, keep the plant in a flower bed for a long time, preventing frosting. In a warm room, the bushes are pruned and maintained in winter in Spartan conditions. In spring, the stubborn flower will bloom on the windowsill. However, it should be remembered that in winter a dangerous time for the plant. It must be protected from drafts, hypothermia, do not pour or dry.

Do not use this method for royal geraniums! After pruning, flowers can be expected on this variety for years. Perhaps this will be the answer, why not room geranium blooms.

For prolonged flowering in the room once a week, the plants are watered with iodized water at the rate of 1 drop of iodine per liter of water. In this case, a single serving should be 50 ml. Fertilizing with trace elements for the flower is a flowering stimulator.

Read also: How to cut geraniums in spring?

Some features of care for geraniums

For hundreds of years, our indoor guest has shown its character. The best growers have learned her preferences. Little by little information is collected how to make geranium blossom at home for a long time and with large caps.

Fans advise more often, but in micro doses, give the plant potassium salts. The ash extract will be the best fertilizer. If you insist on a spoonful of wood ash in a liter of water, drain the liquid and use a spoon for breeding for watering, the plant louse will not settle on the plant. The leaves will be dark green, the roots are healthy.

No need to water the geranium so that the roots are swimming in the water. As soon as excessive moisture appears, the plant will stop flowering. If the geranium becomes crowded, the dishes need to be changed. When several plants are sitting in one box, the top layer of soil in the spring is replaced with fresh. Geraniums are planted immediately, as the crowding will interfere with the development of bushes.

You can search for the best place for a flower by moving it around the room. But as soon as the buds appear, the plant is left in one place, even without changing the position of the leaves. Geranium gives care for long flowering.

At a grower, geranium is not the only plant. If higher specimens are hanging and Pelargonium is pritenyat - do not wait for flowering. He does not like geraniums, so that neighbors interfere with admiring her beauty.

No need to force geranium to bloom in winter. Create conditions for her rest in the cool, and she will thank the summer riot of beautiful inflorescences. In winter room conditions, it should be placed near the window itself. Even if the temperature is 15 degrees - it does not hurt.

Read also: Fertilizer for geranium with iodine or Abundant flowering provided

Special conditions need to be created for wintering the most beautiful plant - the royal geranium. Her flowers are terry, the most unexpected shades. But it will be able to bloom abundantly, if in winter she was given a rest at 12 degrees, she was not pruned and kept healthy. The same conditions like ampel geraniums.

Royal geraniums should not be planted in the garden. A hybrid plant is very decorative. This room culture, even a balcony she does not need. When the buds appear, the tops should be pinched so that the plant's strength does not go into growth, into flowering. Pruned twigs need to be removed.

Lovers noticed that geranium lives for five, in good conditions, for up to ten years. However, over the years, the decorativeness of the bush is lost, it blooms less. Therefore, by cutting each year you can get young bushes that are fluffy, compact. Grown from seed pelargonium in the first year will give a violent bloom.

Everything written above concerns healthy plants, without any signs of diseases of any kind. If the color of the sheets changes, the stem begins to dry or blacken near the root, you need to achieve no flowering, save the plant. Diseases can be:

  • physiological, when conditions of detention are not met;
  • bacterial, viral and fungal;
  • associated with the colonization of insect pests.

After the cause of the disease has been eliminated, the plant will become healthy and bloom. Especially for pelargoniums, bushes care products have been released. Using them improves the immunity of the pet, which will necessarily affect the duration of flowering.

How to make geranium blossom -

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