Initially, feijoa was used in landscape design, park areas were decorated with evergreen shrubs. Today, it is an exotic plant with fruits of amazing taste.
Feijoa is gaining popularity not so much because of its taste, but because of its benefits. A selection of amazing facts will allow you to take a fresh look at this tropical fruit.
What is feijoa, where
grows in Russia Byclassifications belong to the family of myrtle plants. The height of the bushes reaches 3 meters. It looks especially beautiful during flowering. Feijoa blooms bright crimson inflorescences with white and pink splashes.
Leaves dense, dark green. Fruits resemble unripe walnuts. Inside the berries are juicy pulp. The taste is felt sweet strawberries and astringency kiwi .
The amazing properties of the shrub allow it to be evergreen. The plant tolerates frosts up to -14 ° C.The crop has the ability to not spoil for a long time. Well transported.

Due to insufficient information, the overseas fruit has not found wide application in us. Those familiar with feijoa, eat raw fruit, prepare jams and preserves .Feijoa can be bought in the markets and in large supermarkets.
Thanks to the work of breeders, a tropical plant has become common in Russia - in the Crimea, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine.
Depending on growing conditions, there are small, medium, large fruits of .Eat whole fruit or scraped pulp with a spoon.
Because of its composition, a tropical culture is used to treat a variety of diseases. Especially prized medicinal properties of fruits in the period of beriberi for a weakened body.
How to choose feijoa:
The benefits of fruit, useful and healing properties of fruits and leaves
The chemical composition of feijoa indicates its benefit. This fruit can rightly be called not only a “miracle of the tropics”, but also a panacea for many problems.
Among Europeans, the berries became popular at the moment when found a high concentration of iodine in them.
Pot growing feijoa does not guarantee a rich iodine content, it is abundant only in fruits growing on the coast. Use:
- feijoa has a high content of beneficial substances, vitamins C, P and B;
- in the fruits are present with anti-inflammatory effect of essential oils;
- extracts and feijoa oils are widely used in dermatology, as well as in cosmetology;
- contain iron, zinc, manganese, copper, organic iodine compounds;
- by value, fruits are equal to iodine-containing seafood;
- essential oils promote rejuvenation;
- juice and pulp help to fight with rosacea, after using masks capillary nets on face disappear;
- for depressive disorders use fruit seeds;
- leaves are used to make healthy tea. Feijoa's

Leading nutritionists recommend eating fruits into the diet of people who have problems with overweight. They justify their decision with low calorie content, valuable composition, and lack of fat.
The tacky taste of feijoa is not accidental, it is associated with the content of antioxidants. They are considered a valuable product for the prevention of cancer.
Endocrinologists agreed that needs tropical berries for the thyroid gland .
With regular use, by reducing the level of cholesterol, there is an improvement in the blood. Due to the content in the skin of phenolic compounds, they are taken to stimulate metabolic processes in the digestive organs.
The beneficial properties of feijoa for men are invaluable. Urologists recommend to use for problems with the prostate .
Women will be able to keep their figure and youth due to the exotic fruit. Replacing confectionery feijoa, you can throw off those extra pounds.
Important: per 100 grams of feijoa accounts for 0.5 mg of the iodine-soluble for the body.
What is feijoa berry useful?
Harm and contraindications for consuming
Ripe feijoa have a positive effect on the body, but here unripe fruits negatively affect the digestive system .Can even cause poisoning.
If unripe fruits are bought, it is better to put them at room temperature.
A tropical plant is contraindicated:
- direct contraindication - with an excess of iodine in the body;
- to use with caution in diabetes mellitus;
- is not recommended to be mixed with milk( it may cause an upset stomach);
- due to poor digestibility should not give feijoa to children younger than one year old;
- for pregnant and lactating mothers to use minimal amounts.
A large number of eaten fruit can be harmful - cause nervous excitability, anxiety.
Important information: to avoid consequences, be careful when treating to feijoa children.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The richest natural source of nutrients is recommended for pregnant and lactating with caution. In order not to cause side effects due to an excess of iodine, do not overdo it with their use.
The opinion of experts divided about the exotic fruit, some recommend them during pregnancy, others - associated with the risks of .In all you need to know when to stop.
Feijoa is especially useful in the 12th week of pregnancy, during this period the child's thyroid gland develops.
It is difficult to predict how a pregnant organism will behave if it is tried for the first time. The same can be said about breastfeeding. If there are doubts, it is better to to consult with your doctor and control the reaction of the body .Feijoa's

gestation. Culinary and cosmetic recipes
The topic below is devoted to exotic fruit recipes. Of them prepare jams, mousses, jellies. The popularity of these recipes is associated with a rich pectin content.
Useful broths for the treatment, grind with honey, nuts .Add as a flavoring in salads. Make a mask for the face.
Fruit shredded with sugar
Proportions: per 1 kg of feijoa take 1 kg of sugar. Fruits take ripe. Well wash them, dry on a towel.
Finely chopped with a knife, add sugar. Rub with a wooden spatula. Keep refrigerated. Apply as needed. Candied fruits are a great way to protect the immune system.
Feijoa jam without cooking for the winter:
Dietary salad
Proportions: for 5 fruits take a handful of walnuts and 1 boiled beetroot. Feijoa and beets cut into strips. Dry nuts in the oven lightly and crush. Season the salad with olive oil.
Add spices, herbs, or garlic to enhance flavor. Easy to prepare salad will help you lose weight.
Fortified cocktail
Proportions: 4 feijoa, kiwi, apple, cinnamon, 150 ml of defatted kefir or yogurt. In the bowl of the blender to place the fruit of an exotic fruit, kiwi, apple. All previously washed, peeled, chopped.
Pour the fermented milk product, add a pinch of cinnamon. Grind blender until smooth. The fortified cocktail is the perfect start to the day instead of breakfast.
Feijoa with honey
Proportions: honey with feijoa in a 1: 1 ratio. Pulp ripe fruit to grind with honey, spread on sterilized jars. Cover with lids or paper. Keep in the cold.
Consume in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp.a spoon. The composition allows you to quickly recover from past illnesses. The remaining outside can be frozen or dried.

Compote with lemon balm.
feijoa, sprigs of lemon balm. Wash fruits, chop them with a toothpick. Pour water, add sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat in the oven. Boil for 3-5 minutes.
Remove from heat, strain, add melissa. Pour into glass jars. Store inside the refrigerator. Chilled drink - tones, soothes the nervous system.
Leaf tea
Proportions: 1 tsp.dry leaves for 250-300 ml of boiling water. Leaves wither in partial shade. Ferment in fresh air or in a dry ventilated place to the condition of the tea leaf.
Brew like regular tea, you can add sugar or honey. The taste of tea is very unusual, with a slightly tart aftertaste.
Pulp with lemon
Proportions: for 1 kg of ripe fruit you need 1 kg of sugar and half a lemon. Feijoa wash, chop a toothpick. Boil sugar and 200 ml of water syrup. Pour them fruit.
Cook in 3 stages with complete cooling of the jam for 5 minutes after boiling. At the final stage, add lemon wedges.
Packed in clean, dry jars. Cork and cold. Jam will help out to raise immunity in the period of respiratory diseases.

Face Mask
Proportions: 2 pcs.feijoa, yolk of one egg, 5 gr.honey and 5 ml.olive oil. Beat the ingredients, heat slightly in a water bath. The temperature of the mask should be 36-37 degrees.
Apply to cleansed face. Hold for half an hour. Wash off. Vitamin composition moisturizes, softens and tightens the skin. Can be used in rosacea.
Dedicated to the benefits of feijoa material will be of interest to both men and women. Using recommendations for the prevention and treatment of diseases, you can maintain your health for a long time!