6 blackberries similar to blackberries

What the blackberry is usually called “berry” is not really a berry. This type of fruit is referred to as a collective drupe. A blackberry flower is a multi-pest, and around each pistil is formed a small, juicy fruit with one seed inside. Many of these fruits, gathered together, and there is the very tasty and fragrant blackberry.

Prefabricated drupes are formed in many plants. Some of them, in their bluish-black color, are so similar to blackberries that they introduce the uninitiated to the delusion. Plants whose fruits resemble blackberries are discussed in this review.

Table of Contents

  • Black Raspberry, Blackberry-like
  • Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms;In appearance, it is, indeed, easy to confuse with blackberry: shrub, with thorny shoots and leaves typical for raspberries and blackberries. When ripe, black raspberry fruits change color from pink to dark red to black. Yes, and they taste a bit like blackberries.
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    But there is still a difference: when collecting, black raspberry trees are easily removed from the fruit bearing - like a thimble from a finger. Similarly, the usual red or yellow raspberry behaves. In blackberries, the same crop is harvested together with a fruit tree and stem, because its drupes densely grow together with their place.

    Black Crop Raspberry is descended from the American wild, black raspberry.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, this plant began to be introduced into the culture by N. Lonagwart. In the US, black raspberries quickly became popular. Through the efforts of breeders, her varieties of Remontant were bred from Ohio, Evans, Dundee, Bristol.

    In Russia today, two varieties of black raspberries are cultivated: Cumberland and Charcoal.

    Black Raspberry on the bush

    Raspberry Cumberland

    This is a very old variety of American selection. It was received at the end of the 19th century by D. Miller, and quickly moved to Europe. Until recently, Cumberland was the only black variety known in Russia. In our gardens, it got accustomed due to the undoubted dignity - high frost resistance( up to -30⁰С).

    Cumberland forms a powerful shrub with a length of shoots up to three meters. Shoots with a large number of thorns, grow in the form of a semi-shallow blackberry: initially upright, arcuate bent during regrowth. The tops at the same time, reaching the ground, are able to take root. Therefore, Cumberland, although it does not give root offspring, but can “walk” on the site.

    Cumberland raspberry fruit is small and its yield is not too high. But high density allows the crop to be stored for a long time and to tolerate transportation well.

    Cumberland looks particularly decorative in the fall. At this time, his shoots become an exotic gray-blue color. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to form a hedge from Cumberland, which will be both “tasty”, and beautiful, and reliable.

    Cumberland raspberry variety

    Raspberry Ember

    The tradition of American breeders was picked up by Russian scientists from the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture. Variety Ugolek was introduced recently and recommended for cultivation in the territory from the Urals to the Far East.

    The raspberry bush, which is called Ember is more compact than Cumberland. Shoots are not studded so heavily, an average of 2.3 meters in length, half-cello. Annual lashes of green color with a bluish bloom. Biennial - brown and gray.

    Fruits of raspberry Ember small, 1.8-2 grams. In good conditions, the variety gives about 8 kg from a bush. By the time of ripening, Ember is considered medium-early, the crop gives more or less amicable - within two weeks.

    Serious advantages of the variety are high winter hardiness and disease resistance.

    A curious feature of the black raspberry is unattractiveness for birds, which usually like to peck in the red fruit and yellow fruit.
    Black Raspberry Grade Ember

    Berry Mulberry

    Juicy mulberry looks like very similar to the fruit of the garden blackberry. The same slightly elongated shape, the same purple-black color. True, this plant is not only black, but also white. And yet it is black mulberry that is most often cultivated for eating( she is a mulberry tree).

    You can confuse mulberry with blackberry only by looking at the fruit. Her taste is completely different, unlike anything, very sweet, with an unusual aroma and aftertaste. The plant morphology is completely different. This is not a shrub, but a tall tree( up to 20 meters), sometimes growing in several trunks. For the convenience of cultivation, cultural mulberries are formed with a 1.5-meter shtamb - in this case, it does not outgrow above 4 meters.

    Of the most popular mulberry trees, an interesting variety of Shell LI # 150 can be noted. The name comes from the first syllable of the word "mulberry" and the initials of the creator of the variety Leonid Ilyich Prokazin. The fruits of this plant are of excellent taste and reach a length of 5.5 cm. Shelley's sheet plate is giant, 0.5 in length.

    The black-fruited mulberry tree is very thermophilic. In Russia, it is grown in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga region, where it is often found in its wild form. Surprisingly, but in the middle lane, the mulberry is sometimes cultivated very successfully.

    Mulberry - a berry similar to the blackberry

    Mulberry Smoothie

    For the climate of the central region may be suitable variety Smoothie. Very pleasant to the taste, slightly acidic fruits Dark-skinned women have a length of 3 cm and ripen very early. Already in June, you can try the first harvest. And the yield of this plant pleases the gardener's heart - 0.5 kg of mulberry is collected from each meter of fruitful branch.

    An important advantage of the variety is a high degree of adaptation to cold and short summer. Mulberry Darkie quite easily restored when freezing shoots. This is facilitated by an interesting feature of the plant - the propensity to run over. In case of an early cold snap, the matured part of the branch forms a cork separating layer, discarding the underexposed part, like a lizard's tail.

    Nevertheless, too severe and prolonged frosts have a bad effect on productivity. Therefore, it is better to secure the Darkie with shelter. To do this, it is necessary to form it so that the crown height does not exceed two meters, and with the onset of cold weather, tie the plant with spunbond in several layers.

    Mulberry fruits in Asia are used as a medicine for sore throats, stomatitis and coughing. Infusion of leaves helps to reduce blood pressure.
    Fresh mulberries berry shade

    Plant Berry laconas

    Extremely rare in our latitudes a plant, surprising exotic combusions. Segmented juicy black fruits on long “cobs” resemble blackberries.

    This plant is a plant of the Phytolacca family, originally from North America. Perennial, annually producing several thick stems, up to 1.5 meters. The long, erect inflorescences of lacunosa appear at the end of May and vaguely resemble the blooming of hyacinths. A variety of greenish-pink flowers give the plant a very decorative look.

    Berry Laconosa fruits ripen by the end of summer. By this time, the fruitful becomes red in color, and on its background black “blackberries” look amazingly spectacular. The juice of this plant has a rich dense scarlet color.

    There is evidence that in the old days confectionery was tinted with this juice, and in some wine-producing regions of Europe it is still used to “tint” wines. In many countries lakonos is considered a medicinal plant. However, unfortunately, the seductive fruits of lacunosa are very cunning.

    As Paracelsus said, "everything is poison, and everything is medicine."Lakonos, indeed, recognized as a poisonous plant. Allow children or pregnant women to feast on black berries in any case is impossible. And adults need to treat them with great caution. Many cases of severe cardiac arrhythmias associated with the use of laconosa are described.

    And yet you can try to find practical application of this interesting plant. Traditional medicine knows the recipe from roots of lacunosa, which can alleviate rheumatic pains.

    Orchard Plant Berry Lakonos


    • 0.5 cups of laconosa roots;
    • 1 cup vegetable oil or kerosene.

    Chop the roots, mix with the base and insist in a dark place for ten days. The resulting tool to rub the aching joints.

    When harvesting the roots of laconosa for therapeutic purposes, you need to pay attention to the color of the break. You can only use white roots. If they are red on the break, it is better to refrain from using them.

    In the list of berries that look like blackberries, it could be noted that the spring is even. For example, very popular varieties of Loganberry, Taberri or Michurinsky Progress. But emalin is still almost a blackberry, a product of hybridization. Therefore deserves a completely separate conversation.

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