It is difficult to imagine a garden without currant bushes. Currant is a useful berry, which contains a large amount of beneficial vitamins and trace elements.
There are several types of currant, which differ in color, ripening periods.
In order to harvest a healthy crop of currants in the summer, for shrubs needs care in spring, and especially after harvesting .
- What should be the right care in August and September after harvesting the berries
- Pruning red, white and black currants: how and what to trim
- How to care and cultivate the soil around the bush in the fall
- Features of autumn and spring dressing: what fertilizers to make around the bush in the fall
- Features of autumn and spring dressing: what fertilizers to make and autumn and spring dressing
- apply autumn and spring dressing and what fertilizers to make around the bush in the fall and spring dressing
- : and what kind of fertilizer you need?how long?
- Pest and disease control: what kind of treatment can be done in spring and autumn?
- Good watering - for fruiting in the summer
- How to feed and whether to fertilize in the fall
- Preparing for the winter
What should be the right care in August and September after harvesting berries
Currant care should be permanent .But the main period of leaving is the time after harvest.
After the harvest, the plant begins to actively give strength to the root system, foliage and new shoots. The period of active growth begins around the end of summer, in August, but it depends on the plant variety.
Care is to conduct such activities:
- Pruning old shoots will help to strengthen the strong branches, which will appear berries in the next season.
- Loosening the soil.
- Autumn dressing.
- Control and prevention of pests.
- Watering.
- Preparation of currant bush for wintering.
Consider each method separately.
Pruning of red, white and black currants: how and what to trim
The procedure is performed in several stages:
- The first stage of is sanitary pruning, all diseased, damaged shoots are removed, as well as branches, which shade and thicken the bush.
- The second stage of the is the formation of the shape and number of shoots of different ages, which will allow the plant to fully bear fruit.
The main part of the fruiting are shoots. The crop is formed along the entire length of annual and biennial branches. The fruitful part die off several years after the harvest. Therefore, branches older than three years, it makes no sense to leave .
Because of this, currants are not recommended to be grown as a cordon. The bush must have a minimum of 15 healthy shoots, which must be one-year, two-year and zero.
Cut the following is necessary:
- Shoots older than 3 years, which do not increase the growth of at least 20 cm per season.
- Cut old branches. This will help awaken the underground buds and begin to grow zero shoots.
- Annual branches that hinder the full development of strong shoots.
- Remove from the bush damaged by diseases and pests branches.
Cut off the branches better burn .Carry out the procedure in late autumn or early spring. Old shoots can be cut after harvest so that the plant does not give them strength.
Pruning should be done every year .Sections should process garden pitch. After the procedure, perform intensive plant nutrition.
How to care and cultivate the soil around the bush in the fall
Care in the fall, in September, should be not only for the plant, but also for the soil. The care activities include digging pristvolny circles around the bush .
The earth is dug up or loosened carefully, stepping away from the center of the bush for about 1 m. After digging, the soil is watered and mulched with dry earth in a layer up to 10 cm.
Features of autumn and spring feeding: what fertilizers to make and in what time?
Fertilize currant bush at the same time as digging .Only potassium phosphate fertilizers are used for this. Organic use only in spring.
After completion of the fruiting currant begins to lay buds for the next season. Therefore, this period is considered the most important in the care and nutrition of the bushes.
The land is depleted by the end of summer, so your task will be to feed the bush with nutrients. If you do not, then next year you can not count on a rich harvest.
What can be fed? It is allowed to make mineral and organic fertilizers. He remembers that phosphate and potash components should be included in the fertilizer.
It is recommended to apply these types of feeding:
- Mix in a bucket of water and 1 tbsp.lsuperphosphate and potassium sulfate.
- In a bucket of water dissolve 1 tbsp.lurea and superphosphate, add 1 cup of wood ash.
- With a strong depletion of the bush is better to use mineral fertilizer.
- As for organic fertilizers, bird droppings and mullein can be used. Chicken litter diluted in a ratio of 1:12, insist 2 weeks. For watering, use 0.5 liters of infusion per bucket of water. Korovyak diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, insist 1 week.
- You can also use potato peelings, which are simply buried in the soil around the bush.
Top dressing currants after harvesting, treatment for pests:
Pest and disease control: what kind of treatment can be done in spring and in autumn?
Pest treatment is a mandatory measure, which should be carried out in early spring and in autumn. Bordeaux liquid, karbofosi and other drugs are mainly used.
If you find a pest infection, fight it immediately.
After ripening and harvest, dried branches and leaves can be seen. These are signs of infection with an glass case.
It is recommended that the infected branches be removed immediately so that the pest does not reach the base of the bush. Suitable for the treatment of such drugs: Lepidocide, Karbofoks, Fitoverm.
Found ticks - immediately treat the bush with special preparations. Neoron, Fitover, Kinmiks, Kleschevit, Karbofos will do.
From gall midges use Neoron, Aliot, Kinmiks, Lepidotsid.
Good watering - for fruiting in summer
Like all trees after harvest, they begin to stock up for the winter with moisture and nutrients to overwinter. Currant bush is no exception.
Watering should be abundant .It must be carried out before the onset of cold weather.
In order for the bush to prepare for winter, remove all foliage from the branches, which draws from the shoots.
How to feed and whether to fertilize in the fall
To feed the bush in the autumn, you need .Currant pulls from the soil a large amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, so the lack of these elements will lead to minimal fruiting next year.
It is recommended to apply soil fertilizer according to the following scheme:
- Before applying the fertilizer, the soil around the bush must be cleaned of leaves. Hot leaves can be a hotbed of various diseases that will begin to develop in the spring.
- The soil must be decontaminated. For the procedure suitable potassium permanganate, blue vitriol, a solution of soap.
- Use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They provide the basis for laying buds for future harvest, and stimulate the active growth of the bush.
Preparing for the wintering
Winter is a special time for the garden. During this period, most shrubs just freeze from the cold, which is what makes gardeners very upset. To avoid this, the trees and bushes need to be prepared for the winter period .
In order for the currant bush to winter and delight in its rich harvest, requires the following measures:
- In the autumn, take preventive measures against fungal diseases and pests. The soil around the shrub should be cleared of weeds, fallen leaves. Feed your shrub with fertilizer.
- Preparation begins with the trim. Remove all diseased, dry and old branches. Better to do it in the fall. Since in the spring due to the fact that the plant quickly enters the stage of growth, it is possible to damage the kidneys, which will lead to a decrease in yield.
- Feed the bush after pruning, digging and mulching the soil around the currants .For this you can use sawdust, newspapers, hay.
- At first frost, the bush can be wrapped. To do this, you need a twine, which tightened the branches top, spirally. Branches in this form will not rub against the wind, and will retain the maximum number of fruit buds.
- When the snow falls, compact it around the base of the bush, and then pour the currants all the way.
- If you are afraid of damaging the branches with twine, then use another method of covering the plant. Lay the branches carefully as close as possible to the ground .Cover with slate on top. Due to this, the shoots will be protected from the effects of wind and frost.
- Young plants, it is desirable to wrap the on the principle of grapes and dropping earth.
Preparing berry bushes for winter:
Remember that proper preparation for winter will save currant bush from freezing. It so happens that after removing the winter shelter, the frosts return, cover the plant with straw, old blankets to preserve the harvest.
Currant after-harvest care provides for a large number of activities that are recommended to be followed for the harvest.
Watch the plant, spend time processing from pests. After all, the harvest depends on your timely care.