Benefit of black chokeberry and apple compote Applied techniques; one in one?of blackfruit with apples for the winter. As it is good to get homemade fruit compote from black-fruit with apples to the festive table and in the winter season to please the guests with tasty hand-made cooking. Useful and affordable ingredients will double delight in the cooking process. Chokeberry is a fairly common berry in cooking. It is boiled on compote, jam, jam, jam, added to the baking stuffing and just eaten fresh. The sweet-sour taste fills the dishes with unusual spice and perfectly combines with other fruits and berries. Therefore, the list of sweet dishes with it is not counted.
Benefits of chokeberry and apple compote
Pre-canned compote apples with chokeberry for the winter will fill you from fingertips to hair with a set of vitamin complexes. Vitamins B, E, P, C, as well as copper, molybene, iron, fluorine, sorbitol, pectin substances - all this is contained in the berry in question. In addition to apple vitamins, the benefits of such a mix only increase. After all, apples are the most easily accessible source of iron for the body. Almost the same vitamins - C, B1, B2, E, P - serve as a helping hand for colds, calcium strengthens tooth enamel, well, and pectin adds bright purple to the cheeks.
Abundant composition of fiber in apples, gives a feeling of satiety after eating them, so this choice is perfect for vegetarians or those who want to lose a couple of pounds.
Compressed sufferers should drink compote from apples and chokeberry. This combination will also prevent signs of atherosclerosis, will act as a preventive measure of the body by natural means. Strengthening the cardiovascular system, healthy people will also benefit from this mixture of Black Wafers tend to lower cholesterol in the blood. A large composition of iodine in this berry will positively affect the thyroid gland, who has problems with it.
Black fruit berries are long-life products, so they can be kept in the refrigerator for almost the entire winter in their usual form and cook compote at any time.
The following is a recipe for a compote of apples and chokeberry. Preservation is simple and quick. It does not require sterilization of cans with the contents and other similar difficulties. You will not only enjoy the process, but also a delicious result on the outcome. Even an inexperienced or novice specialist in home preservation will appreciate these easy preservation steps. Before you there will be 2 ways, which is closer to you to your liking, such and choose the option of making compote from black-apple with apples for the winter. The nuance of the first description is the cooking of all the ingredients at once as a compote for quick consumption, while the second method will slightly stretch the procedure into the stages of draining and pouring syrup over the cans.
Read also: How to quickly make a compote of apples and plums: recipes, canning and useful tips
For those who like to experiment, you can add any fruit or berry to taste and desire in the suggested recipe. It can be lemon, orange slices, plum, raspberry, if preserved frozen until September, becausethe rowan tree ripens in late September with the transition to October.
Read also: Compote-platter of cherry plums and zucchini for winter
Two ways to preserve compote
Ingredients for 10 liters of water - 4 pieces of three-liter cans:
- black chokeberry - 6 glasses( 1 cup = 150 grams);
- apples - 1.5 - 2 kg;
- sugar - 4 cups( for sour apples it is possible more, but in general this ingredient is taken to taste).
Steps for compote preservation according to method No. 1
The components are thoroughly washed in running water.
The pedicels are separated from blackfloods.
With apples cut out the core and cut into four pieces. Depending on the size and variety of apples, they can be closed whole or cut into cubes. It all depends on preference.
It is not recommended to remove the peel from apples, as it contains substances that remove cholesterol from the body.
Mix the ingredients.
Fill the pot with water and set to cook until ready: 15-20 minutes. In boiling water, add sugar. Ready syrup is considered to be the state of the mountain ash, when the skin on it began to burst.
The welded compote is poured into pre-sterilized glass containers, rolled up with a tin lid, turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth. In this state, cans with apple compote and black fruits should stand for about a day until they cool down completely and in order to check whether the lid is firmly rolled up or if there are no leaks.
You can use cans with a twist-on metal lid, in this embodiment you should not turn over the cans.
The next day you can turn the apple-chokeberry compote into its usual position, leave them standing in a ventilated room for another two weeks, then put them in the storeroom or cellar and wait for the harsh winter to consume this yummy.
Read also: Sweet compotes for the winter
Bon appetit!
To add a refreshing taste to the drink, add mint leaves.
Steps for preserving compote using Method No.2
Sterilize the jars, boil over the lids, or sterilize them as well.
Put vegetables and berries in jars. Apples fill capacity by ½ or 1/3, chokeberry - 1.5 cups per jar.
Boil water and pour over the jar with the components, cover with a lid and let stand for 5 - 10 minutes.
Drain the water back into the pan, boil, add sugar, let it dissolve completely in boiling water. From the moment of boiling water, it is necessary to pass a mine 5-7.
Ready syrup pour into banks and roll tin lid.
Delicious blanks you!
Saturation and compote concentration depend on the amount of fruit and berries in a container. Taste quality depends on the proportions of rowan - apple.
Compote of blackfruit with apples for the winter - an excellent source of vitamins in the fierce season, when they are so lacking. Every family will appreciate this pleasant surprise, which has been kept in the closet since warm times.
Compote without sterilization - video