Our ancestors planted a bird cherry near the house. And not only because it blooms beautifully and exudes a wonderful fragrance. During flowering, the tree releases into the air phytoncides, which are detrimental to the pathogenic bacteria .It was believed that if you stand in the shade of a tree, you can scare the disease. Let's take a closer look at varieties of ordinary bird cherry and its application area.
- Folk omens associated with the flowering of bird cherry
- What are the varieties of wild cherry
- The Virginia
- Common Kolorata
- Late
- Prunus mahaleb( magalebskaya)
- Ploskokistnaya
- samoplodnye and Sakhalin( Siberia cherry)
- serrulate Amanogova( Sakura)
- Ssori( Far East, Ainu)
- Healing properties of the tree
- Use in cooking
People signs associated with the flowering of the bird cherry
The tree blooms in May or early June. Flowers collected in oblong buds smell pleasantly and attract bees. Bird cherry beautiful melliferous. This is another one of the reasons why they tried to plant them near the houses or on the private plots.
Tree or shrub is widespread throughout Russia: from the European part to Siberia and the Far East .That is why, along with birch, can be considered a symbol of the Central Russian plain.
The most common type of Bird cherry is also known as brush. She throws a brush of white inflorescences. Out of 20 tree varieties, 7 are cultivated in our territory. Of them stand out decorative species. Their unusually beautiful inflorescences, from yellowish multi-colored to terry pink, are used in landscape design to decorate garden and park compositions and garden plots.
But for most people, the fragrant bloom symbolizes the renewal of nature and the spring optimistic mood.
What are the varieties of bird cherry
In addition to the familiar ordinary bird cherry, has taken root variety Bird cherry virgin .This beautiful plant migrated from North America.

The tree grows up to 15 meters. In contrast to the black-headed cherry bird with black fruits, the virginian cluster of berries is painted in dark red color .Blossoms in white inflorescences. The plant looks especially impressive in the fall. Leaves become maroon-red. It tolerates hot weather and winter. Loves wet soils and light. It propagates from seeds and root processes. The virginian cherry has several varieties by the type of fruit( black, yellow, light red).The shape of the tree is short and with lowered branches( weeping bird cherry).
Ordinary Colorate

More like shrub, as it reaches a height of 5 meters. Unusual leaves, painted in spring in shades of purple and red, by the summer become green. In autumn, the foliage becomes red again. But especially beautiful plant during flowering. Lush pink inflorescences with a delicate aroma of almonds .Twigs and bark also have a purple hue. Allows shoots from the root, therefore it is easily propagated. Loves moisture, light, well tolerates winter. Like most species of bird cherry susceptible to spring frosts. Black fruits ripen by August.

North America is the main growing area, but it has taken root in the temperate latitudes of our country. Powerful tree with a well-developed crown up to 20 meters . Bright green foliage in the summer, turning yellow-red in the autumn."Later" is called, because it blooms 2 weeks later, in late May-early June. Black round fruits ripen in late August. Fruits are two times larger than those of ordinary bird cherry, juicier and have no astringent taste. It is also called "rum cherry", thanks to the dessert flavor. It makes delicious liqueurs. The tree has high self-fertility, tolerates winter well, has a strong root system.
Antipka( Magaleb)

An amazing shrub with strong roots, which can live up to 200 years .It is not demanding on the soil, it can grow on stony slopes. Homeland is considered the Middle East and Europe. The value of this variety is that it is perfect for a stock of cherries, plums. Since the bird cherry belongs to the family of plum. The bush is used to strengthen the crumbling slopes. The bark of the shrub contains coumarin, an aromatic substance that is used in perfumery. Small white inflorescences cover the entire shrub during flowering, emitting a pleasant scent .Fruits are small, black.
Flat acid

Well caught in the middle and northern latitudes. Differs abundant flowering. Dark brown fruits have a sweet-sour and tart taste. High yield and early ripening, winter resistance make the tree suitable for growing in cold climates. Tree height up to 5 meters gives up to 15 kg berries.
Self-fertile and Sakhalin( Siberian cherries)
Early ripe varieties, the berries ripen in July, bred by Siberian breeders. Well tolerated frosts. They produce consistently good yields up to 20-22 kg .Resistant to diseases. Easily tolerate spring frosts. Trees with a powerful crown up to 8 meters, bloom with large white buds. Different varieties taste berries.

Small-crested Amanogova( sakura)

The most beautiful flowering is Sakura Amanogova. Bird-cherry tree belongs to the genus of plums, according to species, cherry. Therefore, the famous Japanese Sakura is also a bird cherry. The small-blade Amonogova is a dome-shaped decorative tree. White and pink double flowers cover the whole tree. Unusually beautiful flowering and delicate aroma glorified sakura as one of the wonders created by nature.
Consor( Far Eastern, Ainu)

Beautiful powerful tree, reaching from 10 to 20 meters in height. The distribution area of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. When the buds bloom, they are painted in a red-purple color, and later become white. Inflorescence length up to 15 centimeters , with a beautiful bell-shaped flower shape and delicate fragrance .Large berries up to 12 mm.
The healing properties of the tree
Healing properties of the plant, which are contained in the bark, leaves and berries, were known to healers in ancient times.
is therefore actively used for treatment:
- phytoncides , which are contained in the bark of the tree, used as decoctions or made tinctures. They shot the bark in thin stripes in the spring. Used as an anti-inflammatory, antifebrile and diaphoretic agent. Good help tincture with rheumatism.
- in pulmonary diseases is useful decoction of leaves and flowers. Infusion of colors treats the mucous membranes of the eyes. Bark is used to treat rheumatism;

- fruit is a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements .Vitamins P, the so-called flavonoids, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Amygdalin( B17, most of all in the pits) is used as an antitumor and anticancer substance. Sugar, citric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, essential and fatty oils( in pits), mineral elements, including molybdenum and titanium, are contained in fruits. Therefore, they are used as a reducing agent in many diseases of the stomach, colds. Tanning and astringent fruits are used to combat diarrhea;
It is because of these properties that the bird cherry has found application in medicine and home cooking.
Use in cooking
Widely used cherry in cooking. In taste, the berries are inferior to their relatives - cherries, cherries and plums due to their slightly astringent taste and sourness, but they are good for the body and fragrant.
The dried fruit of the berries is ground into flour .Used as an additive to bakery products. Baking gets delicate delicate flavor.
- from bird cherry flour to bake a cake;
- make delicious cherry kvass;
- based on it make tinctures, liqueurs;
- fresh berries are an excellent filling for pies;
- make jellies, fruit drinks, syrups;
- young leaves can be used for salads;
- brew tea;
- jam jam.
Especially valuable is the bird cherry for the northern areas of , where berries that can be grown in temperate latitudes cannot grow.
Prunus is widespread throughout our country. She pleases with flowering and delicate aroma. Used in medicine and cooking .Gardeners planted varieties of new breeding. In landscape gardening using decorative types of trees. With warmth and love poets and writers wrote about bird cherry trees.