19 best varieties of peaches and their description

Peach - short-lived plant .It is characterized by rapid entry into the phase of fruiting, intensive growth.

Peach buds have the ability to quickly wake up and release young shoots. Crohn grows and if it is not thinned, starting from the second year, the yield will decrease.

From the fourth year on, peaches will become small and deformed. Young trees begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting. With good care can give a harvest in the first year, during the autumn planting.

But it is not necessary to allow this to happen. It is better to let the plant grow. The harvest will be small, and time will be spent, and the plant will lose power.

Table of contents

  • Juicy peach variety
  • Varieties and their description
    • Mature early: Kiev Early, White Swan, Grisboro and Redhaven, Moretini
    • Medium maturity: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Siberia,
    • Fury, Frost, Veteran
  • Self-pollinated, self-fertile peaches: Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Jubilee
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Juicy peach variety

e only in the south.

Today their dreams have come true: the breeders have brought out many interesting winter-hardy, frost-resistant varieties with different periods of fruiting, fruit shapes and gustatory qualities.

Peach trees are divided into four groups of ( depending on the shape of the fruit):

  1. Peach present - a plant with pubescent fruits.
  2. Nectarine or hollow peach.
  3. Peach Potanin( Almond Potanin).
  4. Fergana peach or fig( fruit flattened).
Peach trees are divided into four groups, depending on the shape of the fruit.
  • Mid ripening enter the fruiting phase in early August and delight in the harvest until September.
  • The late peaches ripen in autumn: September, early October.
  • Which variety is best for a plot or garden depends on the climatic conditions of the area. It is important to choose the plants so as to stretch the fruiting for the entire season.

    The yield of a plant depends on the right choice of variety. When buying a sapling, you need to pay attention to several important points, we give them a description:

    1. Where did the sapling come from? If the nursery is in another lane, then the seedling may die in the first year after planting or will constantly freeze. The variety must be zoned, and the nursery is located in the same climatic zone( preferably even in the same region) where the tree will grow.
    2. Inspection of the graft site. It should be smooth and even, without bumps and frozen juice.
    3. The root system of an plant should be fibrous. Root in one trunk - no good.

    Annual seedlings take root better and delight faster in harvest. When buying, it is better to focus on them, but choose strong, healthy plants, and not frail twigs.

    Varieties and their description

    Ripen early: Kiev Early, White Swan, Grisboro and Redhaven, Morettini

    A special feature of early maturing varieties is that they quickly enter the fruiting phase. Two-, three-year-old saplings already produce a small crop. Peak yields in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

    When choosing early-maturing varieties, it is better to focus on plants that have a low, spreading crown. They are easier to care for and form during growth. From low trees it is also easier to collect fruits.

    Among the representatives of this group, the varieties of Kiev Early, White Swan and Redhaven deserve special attention.

    The peak of Redhaven's yield is eleven years. More than one hundred kilograms of fruits are harvested from one tree.

    The best early peach varieties: Kiev Early, White Swan, Griesborough and Redhaven, Morettini.

    Each early peach variety is good in its own way and has many advantages.

    Advantages of early peach varieties:

    • form a wide crown no more than 5 meters high;
    • bloom plants in April-May;
    • enter fruiting phase quickly: in the fourth year after planting the seedling;
    • fruiting stretched from July to August;
    • has a high yield, fragrant and tasty fruits.

    The first fruits appear on an adult, well-formed tree. This can not affect the yield: with a six-year tree, with proper care, you can collect up to 60 kilograms of peaches.

    Another bright representative of this group is the variety Griesboro .It is characterized by an average growth force, but, unlike the above-mentioned varieties, it has an average winter hardiness.

    In order for a plant to bear fruit in mid-latitudes, it must be planted in windless places.

    is pleased with its high winter-resistance peach Morettini .One of its advantages is the spreading crown, which is easily shaped.

    Moretini fruits ripen one of the first, but have an average transportability. It does not allow to transport fruit over long distances.

    Medium ripening: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Sibiryak, Saturn, Kremlin, Don

    The varieties of medium ripening allow the peach conveyor to continue.

    Feature of plants of this species:

    • high, spreading crown( from 5 meters);
    • high yield;
    • good winter hardiness;
    • large fruit.

    Mid-season peaches have a huge number of varieties, but among them there are several species that ideally show themselves in any conditions and do not require special care: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Siberian, Saturn, Kremlin .

    Variety Cardinal is famous for its huge fruits( 140 g) and excellent taste. This is one of the most delicious peach species. On the international tasting scale, he received five points. This is the highest rating.

    A plant that is resistant to diseases, but it is difficult to tolerate recurrent frosts. It is better to plant it on a windless place, not far from the wall of the house or the fence, but far from water.

    The best sorts of medium-ripening peaches: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Sibiryak, Saturn, Kremlin, Don

    The Kremlin peach easily adapts to changing temperature conditions, has high winter resistance. Because of this, he attracted the attention of gardeners from regions where the summer is cool. With good care, the fruits reach up to 200 g.

    The Golden Moscow variety appeared on the market not so long ago, but its seedlings are very popular. The plant winters well and is resistant to diseases, has juicy large fruits.

    The fruiting period is extended by almost three weeks. Peach blooms late, after the threat of frost return, and this increases the number of high-quality fruits.

    The variety Sibiryak is highly valued by farmers for its excellent transportability. Yellow fruits can be stored in a cold room for up to three weeks. In addition, they are tasty and juicy, and the bone is easily separated from the pulp.

    The first crop is harvested in August, and the last fruits are removed in early September.

    Peach Saturn is stored no longer than 12 days. This is also a lot. The plant has a high winter hardiness( up to -27).Vigorous crown complicates care and this affects the yield.

    If you tilt the branches down, you can get a great harvest every year.

    The most winter-hardy representative of this group is peach Donskoy .It not only withstands severe frosts, but also quickly recovers after freezing.

    The main advantage of medium-ripening peaches is high yield, fruit transportability and excellent winter hardiness of the tree.

    Most varieties have a juicy flesh and pleasant aroma .High crown can be regarded as a disadvantage, but with the correct formation of the tree, it is easily eliminated and turns into dignity.

    Late, frost-resistant: Fury, Frost, Veteran

    Planted a peach, but it does not bear fruit, it only intensively increases the crown? Do not be upset: it is better to be patient and wait a little longer.

    Late-ripening varieties bear fruit since the age of 5 after planting the seedling. They are intended for cultivation in the southern regions. In the North and in the Middle Band, they do not have time to mature and are acidic.

    American Fury grade can withstand temperatures down to -28 degrees. It is appreciated for the huge, up to 300 g orange-colored fruits. The plant is undemanding to care.

    Fruit picking falls in September, when only apples and pears are left in the garden. Fruits are stored no longer than six days.

    Frost variety was also bred by American breeders who emphasized winter hardiness and large-fruited plants.

    Tree gives a high stable yield, can withstand temperatures down to -26 degrees, resistant to diseases. Fruits are used for fresh food. Stored for ten days.

    Best late-ripening peach varieties: Fury, Frost, Veteran

    The variety Veteran differs from late-ripening varieties in that it quickly enters the fruiting phase and has a low growth. The size of the fruit is also not impressive( not more than 150 g).

    They love him for his good taste. It is ideal for conservation.

    Self-cured, self-fertile peaches: Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Jubilee

    Self-pollinated varieties are very popular with gardeners. To increase fruiting, recommends planting several plants for cross-pollination. But one little tree will also bear fruit.

    Among self-pollinated, self-fertile varieties, the Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Anniversary gives a good harvest in a single planting.

    Harnas belongs to winter-hardy, early-ripening dessert varieties. This is a strong-growing tree that regularly bears fruit. Its peculiarity is that the fruits cling tightly to the branches and do not fall.

    Early ripening varieties have a high winter hardiness of trees and flower buds. They withstand return frost. This makes it possible to grow them not only in southern latitudes, but also in the middle belt, as well as in Siberia and the Urals.

    Self-squirrel peach varieties: Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Jubilee

    In the regions of Siberia, it is necessary to protect trees from frost return.

    Mid-season varieties build up a worthy crown and only then delight them with a rich harvest. Their disadvantage is that it is difficult to form branches, but a regular and generous harvest allows you to turn a blind eye to it.

    Branches of mid-season varieties often bend downward, which facilitates harvesting.

    The lack of late-ripening varieties in that is that they can only grow in a certain area. But if the climatic conditions allow, these trees will not only decorate the garden, but will also delight you with tasty fruits.

    When planting a peach, it should be borne in mind that all varieties bloom very early, when there are still few pollinating insects. You can help the plant and gently shake the upper branches so that the pollen will fall on the lower inflorescences.

    Plants respond favorably to top dressing and irrigation .Water plays a big role in the formation of fruits. Not only the size of peaches, but also their taste and aroma depend on its quantity.

    Give your seedlings a little attention and care, so that they can turn into beautiful trees and enjoy the harvest every year.

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