Useful properties and contraindications of hazel

Hazel( hazel nut) is one of the most popular nut crops, the taste of which is familiar to everyone without exception. In addition to the attractive taste of hazel nuts have a high nutritional value for the human body, have healing properties.

Therefore, they are often included in the compositions of therapeutic diets, recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetology.

Table of contents

  • Composition of large fruits of hazel
  • Useful and medicinal properties of fruit and those of tree and plant branches of hazel
    • Contraindications for use of
  • Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
  • Forest fruits in traditional medicine

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  • The range of the plant extends from the Baltic to the Far East, where it can be found on the edges of mixed forests or along the edges of ravines. The fruits of cultivated species of hazel are called hazelnuts.

    100 g of hazelnuts contain:

    • fats 62.6 g;
    • proteins 13 g;
    • carbohydrate 9.3 g;
    • dietary fiber 6 g;
    • organic acids 0.1 g;
    • water 5.4 g;
    • ash 3.6 g.

    Energy value - 653 kcal. Thus, 400 g of nuts completely covers the daily rate of calories of an adult, moderate physical activity.


    • alpha tocopherol( E) 21 mg;
    • nicotinic acid( PP) 4.7 mg;
    • pyridoxine( B6) 0.24 mg;
    • thiamine( B1) 0.46 mg;
    • riboflavin( B2) 0.15 mg.

    Nuts contain beta-carotene( 0.042 mg), which is converted into vitamin A( 7 μg) in the body.


    • potassium 445 mg;
    • phosphorus 310 mg;
    • calcium 188 mg;
    • Magnesium 160 mg;
    • sodium 3 mg.

    Nut contains trace elements iron 5.6 mg, zinc 2.2 mg.

    Proteins nuts after being injected into the body break down into 20 amino acids, providing the body with building material. The composition of fats includes omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote the absorption of vitamins A and E, regulate the level of cholesterol in the body.
    The hazelnut fruit on the branches of

    Useful and healing properties of the fruits and leaves of the hazel tree

    The benefits of hazel is invaluable! The composition of large hazelnuts - the perfect combination of healthy fats, dietary fiber and protein. Dietary fiber slows the release of glucose, which contributes to the body's energy for a long time. This increases the endurance of the body and reduces recovery time after exercise. Therefore, the nuts will be useful for athletes, active children, people with increased physical activity at work.

    Hazelnut nuts contain a record amount of potassium and magnesium. These macronutrients are participants in the regulation of acid-base balance, the cycle of heart contractions, increasing the tolerance of oxygen deficiency by the myocardium( cardiac muscle).

    Potassium in the body replaces sodium, the excess of which leads to the formation of excessive fluid and is a big burden on the heart. Potassium strengthens the walls of blood vessels, inhibiting the development of their permeability.

    Nuts will be useful for:

    • heart failure;
    • coronary heart disease;
    • senile myocardial wear;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • varicose veins;
    • angina pectoris;
    • cerebral vascular sclerosis;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • hypertension.

    Phosphorus and calcium form a solid bone structure and are involved in remodeling( renewal) of the skeleton and teeth. Another function of phosphorus is the transfer, transformed from incoming food energy to the tissues of the muscles, brain and nerves. It accumulates in phosphorus molecules and enters the blood, through which it is carried to all parts of the body. Therefore, muscle contraction and mental activity without phosphorus is impossible. Magnesium reduces nervous irritability and regulates respiratory functions.

    Therefore, nuts are recommended to be used when:

    • increased mental activity;
    • neuropathies;
    • joint diseases;
    • bronchopulmonary diseases;
    • rheumatism;
    • senile dementia.

    Stable intake of iron in the body prevents the risk of anemia and supports the endocrine system.

    Fatty acids in combination with minerals have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, help to heal ulcers and gastritis. They increase bile secretion and reduce blood toxicity. Therefore, nuts are included in the clinical nutrition of patients with hepatitis B.

    Zinc is an essential element for men's health. He is involved in the production of the male hormone - testosterone, which regulates the sexual function and quality of sperm.

    Vitamin E regulates tissue renewal, which accelerates the healing of wounds, ulcerative lesions and skin irritations. For the ability to restore the natural collagen of the skin it is called beauty vitamin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that promotes the removal of toxins from the body. Together with beta-carotene, it improves lung and respiratory function.

    Vitamin PP is an indispensable participant in the formation of the immune system, metabolism, cellular respiration and redox reactions of the body. B vitamins regulate cell metabolism, promote the absorption of fatty acids and macronutrients.

    The hazel fruit contains the plant component paclitaxel. This substance has carcinogenic properties, so it is used in the compositions of drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors. Daily nut consumption is good prevention of cancer and possible relapses after a course of antitumor therapy.
    Green nuts of hazel

    Contraindications for use

    Not without cost, of course, without contraindications. Excessive consumption of hazel nuts causes headaches and digestive disorders. The daily rate of hazel nuts for an adult is 50 g, and for children 30 g. This is about 10-12 kernels.

    Nuts - potential allergens. Therefore, they are excluded from the diet of people with body sensitization and autoimmune diseases. These are psoriasis, urticaria, diathesis and dermatitis. With diabetes, the daily nut rate is halved.

    It is important for people with liver and pancreas disease to use the product to consult a doctor. With obesity from the use of nuts is better to refuse.

    Benefits of the nut during pregnancy and lactation.

    Structural changes occur in the woman's body during the child's pregnancy. This is due to the appearance of pregnancy hormones progesterone and relaxin, weight gain and placenta pressure on the vessels. Therefore, to prevent complications and the full formation of the fetus requires a constant flow of nutrients from food.

    The products recommended for pregnancy include hazel nuts. In the first place, they provide a stable supply of the most important macroelements: potassium, calcium and phosphorus. This strengthens the blood vessels, the failure of which causes complications during pregnancy - preeclampsia, varicose veins, edema.

    Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation of the bone system of the fetus, thereby preventing the development of rickets. Mother's bone tissue is also strengthened, the load on which increases with each passing month.

    Vitamin E is necessary for the formation of the respiratory system of the fetus. In addition, the substance contributes to the maturation of the placenta, regulates its functions and cellular metabolism, prevents detachment. Tocopherol is involved in the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which provides lactation. Vitamin A is a participant in the formation of fetal visual pigments.

    During pregnancy, the body increases the circulating blood volume to feed the growing uterus. Accordingly, the need for iron, the main participant in blood formation, increases. Against this background, iron deficiency anemia often develops. Eating nuts prevents this problem.

    Careful when using nuts during lactation. This is an obligate allergen that can cause an inflammatory reaction in a child’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to add hazel into the diet gradually, after sampling less allergenic nuts: walnut or pine. The recommended age of the child is 3-4 months.

    During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams of nuts per day. The product will be absorbed better in the ground state. Mixing nuts with dried fruits and honey, you can make a delicious and healthy dessert - a worthy alternative to pastry.
    Ready-to-eat peeled nuts on a dish

    Forest fruits in folk medicine

    Fruit kernels, leaves, vines( green nuts wrappers) and hazelnut have healing properties. The young leaves of the plant are harvested in May, and the bark in early spring or autumn.

    The best recipes:

    • Urolithiasis. Faded nuts( 200 g) pour hot water( 200 ml) and incubated for 1 hour. Take 50 ml 3 times a day. A positive result is achieved in 10 days.
    • Anemia. Chopped nuts( 200 g) mixed with honey( 40 g).Take 1 tbsp.l3 times a day. This recipe will be useful for hypovitaminosis, muscular dystrophy, rheumatism, cardiac pathologies.
    • Bronchopulmonary diseases. Chopped hazel kernels( 100 g) are mixed with hot milk( 150 ml).Take in a heated state of 50 ml 3 times a day. Treatment continues until positive results.
    • Disruption of potency. Ground nuts( 150 g) is mixed with goat milk( 250 ml).Take 100 ml 3 times a day between meals.
    • Dysentery. Dried plyus( 20 g) is poured with water( 200 ml) and put on slow fire for 15 minutes. The remedy is infused for 1 hour and filtered. Take 4 times a day for 100 ml.
    • Hypertension. Juice of young leaves mixed with honey 1: 1. Accept 1 tbsp.l3 times a day between main meals.
    • Jaundice. Crushed leaves( 10 g) insist in white wine( 200 ml) for 8 hours and add golden mustache juice( 25 ml).Divided into 3 parts of the infusion taken during the day. Treatment lasts 12 days.
    • Inflammation of the kidneys, liver. Hazelnut shells( 2 tbsp. L.) Are boiled off with boiling water( 0.5 l), infused for 12 hours. Strained infusion taken 3 times a day, 100 ml. Treatment continues for a week. The same tool will help restore intestinal motility.
    • Atherosclerosis. Finely chopped bark( 40 g) is stripped in boiling water( 0.5 l), infused for 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp.l4 times a day for 10 days.
    The beneficial properties of nuts and other medicinal components of hazel are active throughout the year. During the acquisition of nuts, it is important to pay attention to quality indicators. These are dry fruits with uniform coloring and without traces of a mold. To guarantee the freshness of the product, it is better to purchase it during the collection season in August or early September.

    Hazelnuts are a worthy addition to the diet of adults and children. It is a tasty and nutritious product that strengthens the immune system every day, promotes good mood and vigor under any stress.

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