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thirst and hunger, they know anywhere in the world. Somewhere they are sold as exotic fruits, someone grows at their summer cottage. The healing properties of apricot amaze with its diversity. In truth, there is not a single culture on earth that does not benefit the human body. But this fruit requires special attention.
For the first time apricot is mentioned in ancient manuscripts by the Chinese sages, who are more than a thousand years old. There are many legends about him, in one of which he is compared with the miraculous rejuvenating apple. People like to eat apricots fresh in the summer when they appear in abundance on the branches of graceful trees. And in the cold season they like dried fruit. It is the healing properties of apricot that attract inquisitive and sensible people to this mysterious fruit.
Description and chemical composition of the product
According to some scientists, Armenia or Tien Shan is the birthplace of this fruit tree. Today it grows in many areas with a warm climate and gives abundant crops. The tree miraculously transfers dry times and severe frosts up to 30 degrees.
Apricot fruit has a rounded shape and can be of the following colors:
- orange;
- lemon;
- yellow;
- with pinkish barrels.
The food is used in raw and dried form. Amenable to canning: compotes, jam, jam, jam, which practically does not affect the beneficial properties of apricot.
In some localities, kernels of seeds of ripe fruit, which are widely used in cooking, are especially valued.
Deep studies of the plant showed that it includes a huge number of valuable elements:
- flanoid( bark, wood);
- ascorbic, phenol carboxylic acid( leaves);
- carotene( inflorescences);
- vitamins A, B, PP, C, H, E( fruits).
in the suburban dacha Besides, the healing properties of the apricot are due to the presence of such trace elements in the fruits:
- sodium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- fluorine;
- chrome;
- sulfur;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- Calcium;
- iodine;
- manganese;
- molybdenum;
- zinc;
- Vanadium;
- nickel.
The presence of a large amount of carotene in the pulp of the fetus indicates the brightness of the color. It also contains a range of acids:
- malic;
- wine;
- lemon.
A proteins, essential oils and organic acids were found in the nucleus of the stone. Studying these elements, scientists have appreciated the healing properties of apricot, beneficial effects on the body. Ibn Sina, an oriental healer of world renown, advised consuming the fruit in large quantities during its ripening. The reason - the hair shine, strong nails, skin rejuvenation. In those days, the flesh was applied to the body to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. A decoction used to treat the intestines and respiratory organs. Modern scholars fully agree with the studies of the ancient sages.
According to nutritionists, one should not get carried away with the seeds of ripe apricots. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause food poisoning.
Apricot's medicinal properties: facts and evidence of
An amazing tree with a lush crown has attracted attention since ancient times. For the treatment of various ailments, healers used ripe fruits, bark and leaves. Through careful observation, they noticed a positive effect on the body of the components of a wonderful tree. Therefore, it was well understood why apricot is useful, and how best to take it.
Studies of modern biologists have shown that the apricot bark contains a substance that resembles Piracetam, a drug for treating the heart and the central nervous system. On this basis, the decoction of the bark of the apricot tree is prescribed to restore patients after strokes. The tool helps women who have undergone a difficult birth to return to a normal state of life.
Often droplets of resin appear on the surface of the apricot bark. This sticky liquid is used to treat the stomach, because it reduces inflammation and reduces pain.
Leaves It is important to consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricot leaves in order to balance treatment methods. Various types of decoctions are used to cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins. It is especially effective to take them to people who work in such adverse conditions:
- zone of increased radiation;
- chemical industry;
- work with textiles;
- polygraphy.
Apricot leaves covered with boiling water are taken as a diuretic by people suffering from kidney diseases. A tincture will help get rid of worms.
You can get rid of unpleasant smell and plaque, if you chew on a sheet of fruit for 5 minutes.
As with any medicinal plant, apricot leaves are contraindicated for people who are sensitive to the ingredients of the product. If any abnormalities occur, you should immediately stop taking tinctures and decoctions of the drug.
In early spring, when the garden is still at rest, apricots blossom first. Delicate inflorescences with a pinkish tinge abundantly cover elegant trees. Truly stately beauty, but not only! The useful properties of apricot flowers are no longer known to one generation of traditional healers. From the buds prepare various decoctions, tinctures, compresses, which are used as a styptic.
The main condition - consultation with your doctor and dosage.
Possible contraindications
Unfortunately, for some people the proverb applies: "Not all is gold that glitters."Therefore, they have to take into account not only the beneficial properties of apricot, but also contraindications. This is especially true of people suffering from such diseases:
- pancreatitis;
- hepatitis;
- diabetes;
- nodes on the thyroid gland.
Elements that make up the fetus( carotene, retinol) are not absorbed by the body, so it crashes. In addition, the consumption of a large number of pits leads to nausea, weakness, intestinal upset and even loss of consciousness of a completely healthy person.
Solar fruit and external beauty
According to experts, the use of apricot in cosmetology, has brought invaluable benefits to the inhabitants of the planet. Elements of these fruits are used to create various creams, masks, lotions and shampoos. For this, extracts are made from the following parts of the fruit:
- kernels of the seeds of the fruit;
- pulp;
- bark;
- leaves.
Even fresh apricot is good for the skin if it is thoroughly crushed and applied to the washed face as a mask. As a result, it will become supple, velvety and tender.
Before applying the gruel on the face, you should determine the type of your skin in order to properly mix the ingredients. Otherwise, the procedure will not benefit.
Extensive use of wood
For centuries, craftsmen sought out suitable material for the manufacture of decorative objects. The use of apricot wood was the greatest event in the folk trade when it produced wonderful household items:
- caskets;
- canes;
- wall panels;
- kitchen sets;
- pendants;
- brooches;
- buckets;
- glasses.
All of these items are durable, beautiful and practical to use. They are still very popular among the rural population of the Slavic peoples. In addition, apricot wood is considered a wonderful type of fuel. It is used for cooking kebabs, barbecue and tourist porridge. Dishes are obtained with an excellent smell of sweet fruit tree.