Paradise Apple Compote Recipes

Contents of the article:

video Wild apples have almost the same taste as usual apples. Therefore, the compote of the heavenly apples in taste is not inferior to the compote of the ordinary. These wonderful apples are no more than five centimeters in diameter. For a very appetizing and aesthetic appearance, which they also retain in “twists”, they are often used as decoration for desserts. But you can eat apples and just eat them, as a separate delicacy, in compote they become soft, soaked in syrup, do not lose their aroma.

There are not so many varieties of such apples. Historically, when large-fruited varieties were bred, small apples were unjustly forgotten. We cultivate only three varieties of wild apples - Siberian, Chinese, and insects. By the way, its name - “paradise” - the blocks received from botanists, who singled out one of the species of low-growing apple trees called it “paradise”, that is, paradise, the name stuck and gradually spread to all the little apples. The downside of such apples is that they are not frost resistant. Therefore, there are more in the southern regions of Russia. Hybrids are planted in the northern regions and in the middle belt. Gardeners appreciate these trees for their appearance - fragrant flowers in spring, bright fruits in autumn, beautiful crown shape and tasty fruits, which are widely used in household preparations.

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Useful properties of wild apples

Paradise apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. They have a lot of pectin useful for the intestines.28 trace elements, among which are minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, iron. And, of course, as in all apples, a whole list of vitamins - C, E, A, B1, B2, PP.They are excellent antioxidants, clean the intestines, relieve dysentery and colitis, due to the high content of fiber. There are substances in them that normalize pressure, remove excess cholesterol, toxins, slags. Fruits are useful for rheumatism, kidney, liver, skin problems. The polyphenol contained in apples prevents the appearance of cancer cells. They have ten times more biologically active substances than ordinary large apples. And this storehouse of utility can be saved in canned food, closing the compote of heavenly apples for the winter.

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A simple compote of wild apples

The process of preserving wild apples can not be called difficult or time consuming, everything is very simple. Consider a simple recipe for apple compote step by step.

For one 3-liter can of compote you will need:

  • paradise apples - 700 grams;
  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Compote from apples, conservation step by step:

  1. Prepare jars and lids - my, sterilize in the usual way for you.
  2. We process apples - wash, dry, prune “sticks” and “tails”.If you wish, you can leave the stalk if you plan to use apples to decorate desserts, but then they need to be beautifully cut.
  3. Apply 700 grams of apples to each jar.
  4. Cook the syrup from water and sugar - heat the water to a boil, then dissolve the sugar in it and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Fill the apples with syrup.
  6. We place the jar in a pan for sterilization. At its bottom you need to put a soft cloth so that the jar does not touch the bottom of the pan directly, pour warm water to the top of the pan and boil for twenty minutes. A rather deep pan would fit so that the water in it would reach about the hangers of the can.
  7. Remove the jar from the water, roll up the prepared sterile cap.
  8. Put the jar on the lid and wrap it with something warm. Leave in this form until cool. Then compote of heavenly apples can be moved to a place for long-term storage.

In order not to burst the fruits in the compote, but to maintain a beautiful appearance, you need to gently chop each apple in several places at the stage of their preparation.

Recipes compote of wild apples with additives

Some people think that apple-only compote is fresh, does not have a rich taste, and they prefer to make apple compote with additives. For the compote of small apples for the winter, this is also possible.

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You can combine wild apples with cinnamon and cloves, making compote for the above recipe, adding spices to taste( in the classic version, for a 3-liter jar - 3clove bud, cinnamon stick) and still need to add 1 teaspoon of citric acid to the jar. For the flavor, mint and vanilla sugar are also added.

Delicious compotes are obtained by combining apples with hawthorn, grapes, pears. These berries and fruits ripen in the same period as the heavenly apples. Consider a recipe for compote of heavenly apples with hawthorn, this is quite a good combination of taste characteristics and appearance. Fruits are close in size, well combined in color. And, compressed before the winter, it turns out very fragrant and tasty.

The highlight of the recipe is that the compote reaches its maximum in preservation, sustained at least a couple of months.

For a recipe, you need one liter of water:

  • 150 grams of hawthorn;
  • 50 grams of apples;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. Citric acid.
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Compote from paradise apples for the winter, recipe step by step:

  1. Prepare jars and lids - wash, sterilize.
  2. Prepare apples and hawthorn. Berries pick and wash, cut apples in half and clean the core with the seeds.
  3. Fold the fruit into jars.
  4. Prepare a syrup from water, sugar and citric acid.
  5. Sterilize in a saucepan, in the manner indicated in the previous recipe, 3-liter jar - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 15-t, liter - 12-13 minutes.
  6. Roll up with a sterile cap.
  7. Leave it warm on the lid until cool.

Compotes of small apples will appeal to you and your family. You can make several different preservation options to try, to choose for yourself the best combination of flavors, apples with cinnamon, mint, hawthorn, or a compote of apples in its purest form. Enjoy the taste, and get charged with vitamins and other nutrients that these fruits are rich in.

Preparing a paradise apple compote for the winter - video

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