Planting, growing and transplanting in the areas of high-risk farming of such a capricious southern crop as a peach is a difficult and nontrivial task.
Many gardeners refuse to make further attempts after the first unsuccessful experience. And in vain. Most of the misunderstandings can be avoided with proper approach to the laying of the peach orchard, already at the stage of planting seedlings.
Table of Contents
- When is it best to plant a peach in autumn or spring?
- Which peach to plant?
- Selection of the
This is a problem around which many copies are broken. There are two options - spring and autumn, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Season Dignity Disadvantages Spring Over the summer, seedlings have time to take root and reduce the risk of freezing of an immature root system. · In hot summer, the sun's rays can dry the bark and buds. It takes a lot of effort in shading and maintaining constant moisture around the planting. · A fragile sapling is prone to pest attacks.
· When purchasing a sapling in spring, it is more difficult to assess its condition.
Autumn · Rooting takes place in a dormant period when a young plant is not disturbed by diseases and pests. · The sapling is not drained by the sun.
· Sleeping shoots do not detract from the developing roots.
· In the fall, purchasing seedlings is cheaper in price.
· When choosing a seedling, it is possible to assess its condition by vegetative shoots.
With early onset of cold weather, seedlings are more at risk of freezing. Such a brief analysis shows that the autumn planting has more advantages. However, the main factor determining the optimal time is the climate zone.
In regions with a temperate climate( Central, North-Western, Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka), you need to be guided by the weather.If autumn is warm, you can plant a peach in September. 6-10 weeks before the frost, he will have time to start and prepare for the winter. If early frosts and cold are predicted, it is better to save the purchased seedling until spring in the copland, and plant it in March, when the temperature of the topsoil will be + 12⁰С.
In the southern latitudes( North Caucasus, Nizhnevolzhsky and Central Chernozem regions), a peach is planted, of course, in autumn, until mid-October. In areas with a difficult climate( the Northern region, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East), the landing should be only spring.
Planting a peach sapling in August
Which peach to plant?
The selection of a sapling is one of the most crucial moments. The success of cultivation is influenced by three main factors: variety, stock, seedling condition.
Variety Selection
Everyone knows that varieties must be zoned for a specific cultivation region. The problem is that out of 57 peach varieties registered in Rosreestre, all 57 are recommended for cultivation only in the south of Russia. For the Central or, for example, the Far Eastern regions there is no suitable peach. Therefore, to choose a grade for this landmark will not work. What to do?
In addition to regionalization, there is also the concept of acclimatization. It consists in the fact that a variety transferred from a different climatic zone, with the help of special agrotechnical methods, takes root in the new conditions .In other words, the tree must be born where it grows. Find acclimatized peaches only in closely located nurseries. Writing seedlings on the Internet and carry them for thousands of kilometers makes no sense.
When choosing a variety, you should also ask about the color of the fruit pulp.“Yellow-eaten” peaches are better preserved than “white-eared”, on which dark spots immediately appear even from light pressure.Peach seedlings ready for planting
Stock selection
The stock determines a lot: plant viability, crop yield, disease resistance, durability, and even future sizes.
Stocks can be vegetative and generative. Vegetative obtained from cuttings of plants with the desired properties. Generative - seedlings grown from seeds. Vegetative rootstock is always safer, generative less predictable.
The main criteria for the stock are as follows:
- winter hardiness;
- excellent graft compatibility;
- ability to adapt to different soils.
As a stock for peach, several plant species can be used:
- apricot;
- bitter almonds;
- plum;
- Manchurian Peach.
For cultivation in areas of risk farming, it is best to take a seedling grafted on a Manchurian peach. It is this stock that is well rooted in any type of soil, it has increased winter hardiness and drought resistance, makes the future tree compact and resistant to bacterial cancer. In addition, peach fruits on such a stock do not tend to shredding.
Condition of the seedling
Two-year-old seedlings are most successful. When buying, you should inspect the plant according to this scheme:
- Inspection of the root system. It should be fibrous, strongly branched, not overdried. The more powerful the root system, the better the plant will be applied.
- Inspection of the trunk and branches. The normal growth of the “two-year-old” is from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. The thickness of the trunk is about 2 cm. The distance from the root collar to the vaccination site is 6-8 cm. Well-developed lateral branches are at least 3.
- Inspection of the cortex. It should be smooth, glossy, without cracks and peeling. In no case should there be traces of gum.
Rooted young peach trees
If the seedling is purchased in the fall, it may contain leaves. On them it is also possible to judge a condition of a sapling. Twisted leaf plates, dried, affected by congestion and other fungi - a reason to guard.
A purchased sapling can be dipped for a day in the solution of “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin” preparations to stimulate root formation. Can be planted the next day.Preparation of the seat
Peach is an extremely thermophilic and light-demanding plant. When choosing a site for planting, it is necessary to immediately cut off all lowlands, windy, flooded and boggy places, areas with high standing of subterranean waters, places obscured by tall buildings or mature trees.
The best options are any well-lit places covered on the north side: the south wall of the house or the slope of a gentle hill.
If a sapling is planted on a plot where garden plants were previously cultivated, it must be borne in mind that any plants of the solanaceous family, melons and gourds, as well as strawberries and sunflowers are not suitable as precursors.
The general scheme for preparing the landing pit is as follows:
- The minimum dimensions are 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 meters. If the root system has powerful dimensions, the size can be more - 1 * 1 * 0.8 meters. On wet soils, the depth increases by 20 cm. Additional space is filled with expanded clay.
- The land taken out of the pit is separately mixed with two buckets of good humus and a liter jar of wood ash.
- A support can be hammered into the bottom of the pit close to the center.
The peach tree takes out a lot of nutrients from the soil, and filling the planting pit with fertilizers is a must. In addition to pure organics, you can add mineral complexes. For example, "Kemira Lux" or "Nitroammofosk."In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the root system does not receive a chemical burn, and sprinkle the mineral fertilizers with a layer of soil before planting the seedling.
Two ways of planting a peach
In recent years, there have been many discussions between gardeners on the question of deepening the root collar of peach seedlings. It is believed that the recessed landing increases the frost resistance of the tree. Some peachwatchers go further and advise not only to deepen the neck, but also the place of vaccination.
However, in this case there is a risk that the graft will go to its own roots, and all the positive qualities of the stock will be lost. Therefore, the expediency of dropping vaccinations is questionable.
There are two standard landing techniques: "Cone" and "Slush".
Peach tree planting scheme
Planting "on a cone"
Planting "on a cone" is not difficult. This is the most common method. The procedure for planting is as follows:
- 2 buckets of water are poured into the landing pit.
- After soaking, a soil prepared in advance by the above scheme is piled on the bottom of the pit with a mound.
- A seedling is placed on the top of a hill( "cone"). The roots stretch along the slopes so that their location is at an angle of 45⁰.
- Constantly monitoring the position of the root collar, the pit is filled with fertile soil, slightly tamping down so that there are no air cavities around the roots.
- Pistol circle is watered with 1 bucket of water. When absorbed, the entire area of the circle is mulched with humus, peat, crushed bark.
After planting, the seedling is fixed to the support, so as not to tilt when the ground subsides in the pit and does not break with a strong wind.
If the Maybug or Medvedka hooligan at the site, the roots of the seedling before planting can be sprayed with the Aktara insecticide solution.Landing
This method is good for allowing you to land alone. The action algorithm for planting a peach "to slush" is as follows:
- At the bottom of the landing pit, 2 buckets of humus pour out and pour in a bucket of water.
- When the water is half soaked, a bucket of fertile soil is filled.
- The root system of the seedling is immersed in the formed slush. Viscous mass holds it well in an upright position.
- The pit is gradually filled with soil. As it is filled, the sapling behind the stem pulls up higher. The roots themselves are located at the right angle.
- When the pit is filled, the position of the root collar is checked and another watering is performed.
Pristyvolny circle should be mulched. The layer thickness should be at least 7 cm.
When autumn planting mulch, you can cover the seedling trunk to a height of 20-25 cm above the grafting site. If the above-ground part of the peach is damaged by frost, in the spring the plant will recover from dormant lower buds.Young peach tree in the garden area
A special case is stanthus peach
In the northern regions, in Siberia and in the Far East, it is advisable to form stancine peach forms. In this case, the landing is carried out as follows:
- Dig out a landing pit with a diameter of 120 cm. The depth is small, the thickness of the fertile layer.
- At the bottom of the pit, a mound of earth mixed with humus and superphosphate( 250 g) is piled up. Nitrogen fertilizers do not make.
- The seedling is placed on a mound so that the tip does not touch the ground and is directed to the south.
- The pit is filled with fertile earth, keeping track of the position of the root collar - it should be buried no more than 3-5 cm.
- A thicker layer of soil is poured over the root system to prevent it from freezing.
After planting, the seedling is well watered and mulched with a layer of organic matter.
Leaving after planting.
. The main mistake that novice peach drivers make after planting is leaving many side shoots on the seedling. When spring planting - this is a direct path to the death of the seedling: the vegetative ground part will evaporate too much moisture, which will not have time to fill the broken root system.
In the fall, post-plant trimming is not so crucial. You can make it in the spring, according to the results of wintering. In any case, the operation is performed as follows:
- Choose 3 strong lateral shoots at a height of about 0.5 m and slightly higher. The center conductor is shortened above the upper branch.
- Lateral branches are shortened by 2 buds. The top must look outward in order to form an open crown in the future.
- All excess side shoots are cut.
When planting in the autumn, care must also be taken to shelter a peach. To do this, you can build around the tree structure of 3 layers of dense agrospan. Tent roofs made of reeds or corn stalks will do well. It is better not to use straw mats - they often get rodents.
If the planting pit is filled with fertilizers, no peach dressing will be needed for two years. But to whiten the stand is: whitewashing will protect the delicate bark of the plant from frostbite.
You can grow a peach tree not only in the south. If you correctly approach the selection of varieties, to prepare the seedling and plant it, even in more northern latitudes in a couple of years the peach will delight the owner with delicious fruits. The main thing - the right care and faith in a successful outcome.
- Selection of the