Detailed description and characteristics of potato varieties Romano

Picking up a variety of potatoes for planting on the plot, you should read a lot of literature to get acquainted with those species that are zoned for a specific region. Romano variety potato is noteworthy.


  • History varieties
  • Description and potato characteristics Romano
    • Commodity and consumer properties
  • Application vegetable
  • stepwise procedure
    • growing When and how are planted
    • Care
  • How to improve
  • yield How resistant to diseases and pests
  • Reviews growers

History varieties

This kind, derived by Dutch scientists and in 1994 , was entered into the state register of Russia.

Grade zoned for all regions of the Russian Federation, suitable for both commercial cultivation and cultivation in small areas.

Good tuber performance speaks for itself, and Romano is in demand.

Description and characteristics of Romano potatoes

To understand how Romano is profitable and susceptible to care, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics and decide what is needed for cultivation.

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This potato is a mid-early and, for its intended purpose, is a table variety. Stems erect and medium height. Productivity makes 800 gr.from each bush of dug potatoes or 600 c.per hectare.

In the bush grows to 9 pcs.presentation of potatoes. Romano always gives a stable crop regardless of weather conditions and different climatic zones. When digging up potatoes in the bush, there are practically no small unripe potatoes.

Choosing this variety, you can be sure that you will not be left in the winter without tasty potatoes.

grade Description:

index Description
rind smooth, light pink
Eyes Small eyes
Pulp creamy
Form nearly round shape
Starch 15,5% starch
average weight of tuber 75g.
Flowers Red-violet

Commercial and Consumer Properties

It is known that part of the starch in the composition of the tuber is above average, so the potatoes are boiled soft and cooked puree shows good taste.

This taste attracts absolutely everyone, since took 5 points out of a possible 5 .

The appearance of the tubers is quite attractive, as the presentation is 96%.

Romano is excellent for making mashed potatoes, thanks to the increased starch content

The use of vegetable

Vegetable has firmly entered the life of a person, participating in various fields. Potatoes are used:

  1. In cooking - preparing from it not only a side dish, but also wonderful independent dishes - pancakes, chops.
  2. In folk medicine - decoctions are prepared from the flowers of the vegetable, lowering blood pressure, curing tuberculosis in combination with other drugs.
  3. Tubers are also involved in the production of - alcohol, starch, glucose, rubber, and other compounds.

Step-by-step order of cultivation

When and how to plant

Planting dates depend on the region where the garden is located, potatoes can be planted in the Krasnodar Territory, starting from mid-April , if the land is well warmed. Return frosts are practically not manifested in this region.

In the Moscow Region, tubers are planted in the land of in late May and early June .

For planting select healthy tubers weighing about 80 grams. If they are too small, then put two or three pieces into each well. Large is divided into parts.

Tubers are germinated before planting within a month, this will guarantee quick shoots of the planted potatoes.

The place where the potatoes will be planted should be :

  • sunny;
  • soil loose and with a large proportion of applied nitrogen fertilizers;
  • to choose the method of planting potatoes according to the occurrence of groundwater.

It is important to choose the planting method correctly, since, if the groundwater is close to the surface of the soil, the landing should be done in ridges up to 40 cm high.

Planting dates vary by region: starting from mid-April and ordered by early June

care To get an increased potato crop, should take care of the necessary care and carry out:

  • watering three times during the growing season;
  • fertilizer;
  • weed removal;
  • hilling.

It is no different from grooming other varieties of potatoes. The first hilling of planted potatoes is carried out when 10 cm shoots appear.

Feed the plant only after irrigation with , and do it:

  • after emergence;
  • when the tops are in bloom;
  • a couple of weeks after flowering.

After each watering, the next day, should be loosened and removed as weed plants .

Care is to irrigate three times per season, fertilizer and hilling

How to increase yields

To increase yields, it is necessary, above all, to take care of the seed, which is changed every five years .If they do not, then the potato degenerates, the tubers become shallow, if not degraded.

It is also worth following certain rules of in order to get more yield:

  • to plant vegetables only in heated soil;
  • if the tubers are large - it should be divided into equivalent parts that will be available, both eyes and flesh;
  • seed should be completely healthy from diseases peculiar to potatoes;
  • tops are mowed a week before harvest.

By adhering to these rules, you can get a higher yield of potatoes than if you let it go.

In order to increase yields, seed material needs to be renewed every five years.

How resistant to diseases and pests

Romano is absolutely not susceptible to late blight tuber, but sometimes in wet weather can be observed on the leaf plates.

Received moderate resistance to scab and a variety of viral diseases. Rarely cancer of .

Since the potato was immune to various diseases, the variety is stored for a long time in the winter, .

Vegetable growers' reviews

Artem, Novosibirsk : “A good yield, giving a great harvest compared to other varieties planted on the site. Tastes are beyond praise. ”

Maxim, Krasnodar Territory :“ My family is delighted with the taste of this potato, and cultivation is a pleasure, because it doesn’t require much effort, but as a result a large crop of good tubers leveled bysize. ”

Marina, Rostov :“ Romano potatoes are well preserved and the cooking qualities during cooking and frying are just wonderful. Tubers during storage do not fade and do not grow into sprouts. ”

Potatoes grown in a private garden will taste better than those purchased on the market and therefore it is worth trying this type with keeping quality, transportation and great taste properties.

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