Potatoes are probably the most important and staple food in any family. In order to enjoy a rich harvest in the fall, you need to know the rule of planting and caring for it, as well as after how many days the seeds begin to germinate. From many factors depends on whether the garden will bear fruit.
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seed. Potato sprout
As it has already happened, they plant potatoes in May, it grows all summer and, traditionally, in September it is harvested. Practically all gardeners do this, so the demand, as well as the sales profit, is essentially small.
Therefore, in order to grow a good crop and earn money on it, you need to know how quickly the potato grows and the reasons for which you can lose a crop.
After how many days usually potatoes sprout after planting
When the earth warms to 10 degrees, then the first sprouts of potatoes begin to appear. This happens approximately after 25 days .If the temperature for a long time is kept at around +20 degrees, then shoots can also appear on on day 15 of .

To quickly obtain early yields, you should plant shallowly in the ground .As during deep landing, the tubers are stuck in their development due to the unheated land. For quick germination, potatoes should be planted in the top layer of soil.
If the soil moisture reaches 75%, then planting is undesirable, you need a little time. Here I can attack putrid diseases.
Dependence on
variety Basically, the sprouts of any potato variety appear a month after the is planted. There are special types of potatoes that can be dug 40 days from the time they were planted.
These are the varieties:
- Early Matters
- Ultra Early.

For planting early potatoes, you need to take healthy seeds, they must be hard, not cracked and without the presence of disease.
Causes of uneven seedlings
There are several reasons for uneven germination of seeds:
- Potato seeds were sown at different depths of soil .Since the soil is heated unevenly in spring, germination will be different;
- Tubers had a different shape;
- When planting, the tubers were unevenly sprouted ;
- Use of different types of planting material.
Potato risk does not rise at all
There have been cases when potatoes did not sprout at all. It seems that all the technologies are observed, but not a single germ manifested itself. Such a sad experience was the storing seeds in white bags. Due to the fact that the potato all the storage time spent in these bags, its germination has come to zero.

The tricks of gardeners to ensure germination
For a good harvest, the variety, as well as the time of planting, play a role. But there are a couple of tricks to get the best effect when cleaning.
- Before planting potatoes, is required to fertilize the soil .The use of fertilizers is also necessary in the process of growth.
- When the tubers are only planted in the ground, you need to water the complex fertilizer of any kind. Shoots after that will appear much earlier.
- After planting, can be mulched with peat .This will protect the tubers from harmful insects.
- On the coming of a couple of days, you need to plow the ground , so that the tubers are fed with fresh air.

Planting procedures for proper germination
To get a good crop of potatoes, you need to use selected seeds. Basically gardeners approach their preparation in the fall.
Then they need to plant trees with .So they are stored better and are not exposed to the invasion of rodents. But here it is required to be stored separately from food potatoes, due to the acquired content of poisonous solanine.
Before planting, the seed again is sifted, ventilated. Then it is treated with a solution of boric acid with water.
Then select a place to land. It is advisable not to plant potatoes in the same place for several years in a row. The soil must be well fertilized. With an insufficient amount of sand potatoes will rise badly.
Sit in a depth of about 8 cm .Not thick, because the overgrown bushes will stop growing each other. They will not be blown and a disease called late blight may occur.
should be for planting. For quick germination, you need to have your eyes turned upwards. This will lead to quick germination.

eyes. Planting time is carried out when the soil is warm enough and the nights are warm enough without frost. Basically, this weather is set by in early May, .For seeds of early varieties suitable mid-April .
If it is time to plant potatoes, but it is clear that the earth is not properly warmed up, you can plant shallow about 6 cm. Even the weak rays of the sun with such a depth of planting will warm up enough tubers.
On what the timing of the
depends. But if the potatoes were planted, and it didn’t ascend, it is worth analyzing or when planting all the necessary points for that were taken into account.
There are several of the most important seed germination factors. These include:
- Garden location;
- variety of seeds;
- Temperature readings.
Temperature indicators

Potatoes can be planted with a constant temperature of about +8 degrees , provided that the depth of the warmed earth for planting is about 12 cm .
Most gardeners go without a thermometer and do not check the temperature for planting. They just trust the folk omens:
- When perennials begin to bloom and bloom.
- When birch leaves bloom to the size of a coin.
Also, the air humidity has its value. Because of it, the soil can dry for a long time. Planting at high humidity will lead to the fact that the tubers will not dry out and germinate, and rot.
Quality of seed
When planting seed potatoes used different sizes of tubers, then you should not expect a good harvest.
In order for the year to be fruitful for potatoes, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of seed. It should have:
- With the presence of eyes;
- Tubers of the same size;
- Without damage and purulent formations;
- Not long, but thick sprouts

The presence of eyes will lead to the rapid germination of potatoes. If the tubers absolutely do not have them, then such potatoes will not germinate and will simply rot in the hole.
If, however, small-sized tubers were used, the seedlings will be frail and not viable. The average size of planting material should be approximately with an chicken egg.
Cracked seed, or with the presence of putrid formations will not give the normal development of the bush. It is necessary to carefully sort through all the potatoes for unnecessary formations.
Potatoes are not taken for planting from leftovers. For planting you need to take selected seeds .
Experienced gardeners know all the wisdom of planting potatoes. A newcomer needs to take this process more seriously. At the first successful planting there will be potatoes and for food, but also good planting material.