A moderate consumption of ripe sweet pineapple will only benefit

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Pineapples, so beloved around the world, today cultivated in many tropical countries, andvarietal plants are planted on the plantations, compared to wild species with greater weight, juiciness and sugar content. Pineapple ripening under the tropical sun for several months accumulates up to 86% of moisture and can weigh from 1 to 3 kg. And the sugar content in ripe pineapple reaches 9.85%.

What are the benefits of pineapple from? When eating fruit will be a good support for health and well-being, and in what situations it is better to refrain from juicy delicacy?

Vitamins, minerals and BJU in pineapple

It is obvious that the South American Indians appreciated the pineapples for their juiciness and opportunity, having found such a fruit, to safely quench their thirst and hunger. Today, supporters of a healthy diet are interested not only in the content of moisture in fruits, but also the benefits of pineapples for the body. After a comprehensive analysis of the biochemical composition of ripe pulp, it became clear that tropical fruits deserve the closest attention of nutritionists.

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While the caloric content of a 100-gram serving of fruit does not exceed 48–52 kcal, the fruits contain many vitamins, acids and mineral substances.

The ratio of BJU in pineapple per 100 grams of pulp is as follows:

  • 13.12 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.12 grams of fat;
  • 0.54 grams of proteins.

In addition, when eating a slice of ripe pineapple in the body gets about 1.4 grams of fiber.

Ascorbic acid leads among vitamins in pineapple that are beneficial to human health. The vitamin concentration is so high that, having eaten 200 grams of fruit, an oversupply person provides the body with this vital compound. Per 100 grams of pineapple accounts for 47.8 mg of vitamin C.

The content of the remaining vitamins in fresh pulp and the ratio to the daily requirement can be represented as follows:

  • B1 - 7%;
  • B2 - 3%;
  • B3 - 3%;
  • B5 - 4%;
  • B6 - 9%;
  • B9 - 5%;
  • Choline - 1%.

The mineral composition of pineapple includes calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc.

Unfortunately, the concentration of these micro and macro elements in the pineapple is not so high, so there is no need to wait for a miracle or serious health benefits of pineapple. When a 100-gram portion of fruit is eaten, the human body is replenished with these substances by 1-3% of the average daily intake rate. But the manganese content in pineapple is extremely high. Only 200 grams of pulp can fully satisfy the need for this mineral.

Read also: How to choose and keep fresh pineapple

Health benefits of pineapple

The obvious benefits of pineapple for the body is that fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Yes, and the B vitamins in the pulp are so high that when properly preparedPineapple diet will be a good support for the body during periods when it especially needs vitamins.

But besides this, juicy slices of fresh pineapple are useful for the body if a person has digestive problems associated with low acidity or insufficient synthesis of digestive enzymes. In this case, a small portion of fruit for dessert will help to get rid of the feeling of heaviness after a meal, speed up the digestion of food and activate metabolism.

Pineapples have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, which is important for people who want to lose some weight, get rid of toxins and cope with edema.

The composition of pineapple pulp predisposes that the inclusion in the diet of fresh fruit contributes to:

  • blood thinning;
  • reduce the risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and stroke.

Patients with hypertension with regular fruit intake note the health benefits of pineapple in reducing high blood pressure.

In the autumn and winter, when the risk of respiratory and viral diseases is high, pineapple can be included in the menu as a natural and very effective prophylactic against colds, flu, bronchitis and other similar illnesses.

The significance and role of ascorbic acid in the body is well known, but the effects and benefits of B vitamins should be discussed separately.

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leaves turn yellow For example, vitamin B1 in pineapple is good for the body because it is used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and various disorders of the nervous system. Also, vitamin B1 is indispensable for the health of the skin and high-quality functioning of the digestive system. The compound is a natural antioxidant, so pineapples are useful for the body of people of mature and older.

Vitamin B2 is used in eye and joint diseases, intestinal dysfunctions and metabolic disorders.

The high content of vitamin B6 in pineapple pulp can be used in situations where a person has problems with the absorption of fats and proteins, problems with the nervous system or skin diseases. Vitamins B6 and B9 participating in the synthesis of nucleic acids indirectly prevent aging of the human body. Vitamin B6 is a substance that is responsible for the human need for insulin, which is important for everyone who is suffering or is predisposed to diabetes.

Folic acid in the pulp of pineapple is good for health and extremely important for its functioning. She is responsible for the synthesis of red blood cells, which means that the composition and quality of blood, the course of metabolic processes and the general well-being of a person depend on her presence. From the presence of this vitamin depends on the synthesis of serotonite, which is of great importance for the nervous system.

Thanks to vitamin B9, people feel an appetite, this compound is largely responsible for normal digestion. Reduced acidity, often observed in people of mature age, not only adversely affects the speed of digestion, but also contributes to the development of pathogenic flora in the digestive tract. Lingering residues are inseminated by bacteria, fermentation and decay processes begin. Not only does the body not receive the required nutrients, it is clogged with slags and dangerous toxins. With such features of the body, the beneficial properties of pineapple are most in demand.

Prudent pineapple caution and misconceptions

Pineapple today is often touted as an effective way to lose weight. It is recommended not only to arrange fasting days with fruits, but also to completely change the diet, including a large amount of juice and fresh pulp.

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Unfortunately, nutritionists are not inclined to support the opinion of the miracle effect of pineapple. For everyone who wants to lose weight, pineapple can be interesting only as a low-calorie fruit, rich in vitamin C and possessing a useful diuretic and laxative property.

The benefits of pineapple for the organism, for example, as in the case of the bromelin enzyme complex found in fruits, have not been proven or exaggerated. And in some situations, the flesh may even be harmful to humans.

Pineapple tincture for weight loss is given in separate sources. Prepared from vodka and fresh fruit composition after weekly infusion should literally burn fat. The developers of this diet promise such action with the use of liquid three times a day. However, nothing but harm, the liquid can not bring.

Ingesting alcohol causes:

  • , although slight, but intoxication;
  • addictive for long periods of time;
  • instant absorption of calories contained in alcohol.

In addition, even substances found in pineapples from fresh pulp will not have time to turn into an alcohol-containing liquid. That is, pineapple tincture on vodka is not a curative, but an ordinary one, besides a strong alcoholic beverage.

If the person receiving it has food intolerance to alcohol or pineapple, the consequences are extremely unpleasant for their health.

Fresh ripe sweet pineapples are a source of vitamins, health and vitality. But canned fruits and candied fruits made from fruits almost completely lose all the beneficial properties of pineapples.

If you can not eat fresh fruit, it is better to prefer dried or pre-frozen pineapples.

And in some cases, doctors tend to talk about the dangers of pineapples for humans. First, you should not include pineapple, which can cause allergic reactions, in the menu of children under 3-6 years. For the same reason, adult allergy sufferers will also have to stop eating fruit. Secondly, people with increased acidity of the stomach, suffering from gastritis or ulcers, as well as pregnant and lactating women, should be careful in eating fresh fruits.

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