How to grow marigold on your site

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seedlings The marigolds( Latin Tagetes) are a herb of the Astrov family with bright flowers of various colors. To date, more than 50 known species. In the wild, there are annual and perennial marigolds. They grow in Latin and South America. To date, these flowers have spread almost throughout the planet.

They are used not only for growing in flowerbeds, mixborders, rabatkah, but also used for medicinal purposes. Marigolds have a specific spicy aroma, characteristic only of these flowers. It is caused by the presence of volatile bactericidal substances called phytoncides.

Marigolds can have simple, semi-double and double flowers. In recent years, breeders have bred varieties with very large flowers of various shades( from lemon yellow to dark orange).Some varieties have petals that combine different colors. In addition to spectacular flowers, this plant has very decorative feathery leaves of dark green color. The flowering period lasts from June to late autumn. Marigold in cutting does not fade for very long.

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When to plant marigolds on seedlings?

Marigolds multiply by seed. They are sown in spring. For these flowers, the principle that the earliest flowering is achieved by those who sow marigolds early. So, from the moment of sowing to receiving flowering plants, it takes about 2.5 months. In the seedling method of cultivation, seeds are sown in prepared boxes or pots with a nutrient substrate, in peat tablets in February-March. The optimum temperature for their germination is 22-25 ° C.Shoots appear after a week.

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Cultivation of marigold seedlings is not difficult. Shoots should only be watered periodically. Seedlings are kept until May in a warm and bright place. Gradually, young plants are taught to the open air, carrying out boxes of seedlings to the open air.

Only hardened seedlings can be planted in open ground. This is done when the threat of frost has passed.

Care for seedlings of marigolds in open ground

In open ground, seeds are sown only after the soil has warmed up sufficiently. This usually happens in May. For sowing seeds choose the sunniest place. Deep and wide holes are made in the ground, in which seeds are sown. The distance between them is about 2 cm, since the thickened crops lead to the pulling of seedlings. Seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth( 1 cm) and watered abundantly.

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Before the emergence of shoots, watering should be moderate. After their appearance, the earth should be constantly moist. With the formation of 2-3 pairs of these leaves, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

The best soil mix for marigold seedlings consists of humus, peat, turf and sand in a 1: 1: 1: 0.5 ratio.

Seedlings of marigolds are planted, deepening its stem a couple of centimeters into the ground. If there is a threat of frost, she may need a film cover.

It is impossible to fertilize young plants in the spring, as this will lead to intensive growth of the plant itself. At the same time flower buds will not form for a long time.

How to grow marigold on the plot?

The planting of marigold seedlings is a crucial moment in the cultivation of these flowers. For them, choose well-lit areas with soils of moderate humidity or good drainage. Marigolds can normally bloom and develop in light penumbra. They prefer fertile soils( neutral, loamy).

For the cultivation of marigolds it is better to choose areas that are protected from the winds. Young plants develop well at air temperatures of 18-22 ° C.

After planting the grown-up seedlings in the open ground, produce regular fertilizing of plants with complex mineral fertilizers. The first dressing is carried out after the seedlings reach 10 cm in height and the first buds appear on them.

Fertilizers are applied once a month during the whole vegetative period. In the absence of dressings marigolds can also grow well, but they will not bloom abundantly.

These flowers normally tolerate transplanting in almost any period. They are unpretentious and very hardy. But despite this, during the period of their active growth, they need good watering. After the formation of buds, an overabundance and stagnation of moisture in the soil often leads to the decay of the plant and its death. On hot summer days for marigolds, one daily, evening watering is enough.

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turn yellow on the windowsill of Kalanchoe? Care for these flowers consists in regular loosening of the soil and weeding. Loosening is necessary, because the marigolds strongly need air and do not tolerate dense soils. The marigold shrubs should be regularly pruned to remove discolored buds. This technique not only forms a beautiful plant, but also enhances flowering.

With an excess of moisture, these flowers are affected by fungus and rot. In case of drought, they can be attacked by a spider mite, which can be removed with insecticides( Actellic).

Video: sowing marigold seeds to seedling

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