Chestnut disease and how to treat them

Chestnut is a very beautiful and powerful tree, which also brings useful fruits. One of the main problems of its cultivation is considered to be various diseases and pests. Let's see why chestnut leaves are rusting in summer and how to deal with it.

Table of contents

  • Fighting chestnut disease
    • Leaf spotting: why leaves turn brown in summer
    • Mealy dew
    • Necrosis
    • Rot
  • Pests, what to do and how to fight?
    • Mining moth
  • Disease prevention than treating wood

Combating chestnut diseases

One of the most important rules of tree care is to protect it from diseases and pests. Under no circumstances should you skip the implementation of the preventive procedures, because preventing the disease is much easier than curing.

Twisting the leaves of chestnut

But if the tree is still sick, treatment should be started immediately to avoid complications. In addition, , some diseases and pests can lead to the death of or the deterioration of chestnut.

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Leaf spotting: why leaves turn brown in summer

Diseases that appear on tree foliage can be found quite often. Lately, regardless of the chestnut variety( regular, horse, etc.), the leaves begin to turn yellow in the middle of summer, and then become completely rusty in color. Usually, treatment started on time gives good results .

Holey spotting Initially, small punctures appear on the leaves of the chestnut, which gradually develop into large patches of brown color, if you do not immediately start treating the tree, then a week later the disease spread throughout the crown. With the running form of a perforated spot, ulcers and swelling are formed on the cortex. There are many methods by which you can get rid of spotting, they are very easy to use and available to every gardener :
  1. First, you need to find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. For example, make dressing chestnut, stop abundant watering or build around the tree a small shelter of pegs and film. These actions will help stop the spread of the disease;
  2. Every 10 days before flowering and once a tree crown is treated with a weak solution of Brodsky liquid, you can also use its substitutes, such as Azophos, Skor or Byeleton;
  3. The following method is more complex, during the blooming and after flowering the tree is sprayed with Brod's liquid, if the disease has grown, then such procedures will have to be repeated once a month throughout the season. For the best consolidation of the effect in preparing the tree for the winter, the crown is treated with 5% urea solution( 5 grams per 1 liter of water), and the soil around it is 7% solution( 7 grams per 1 liter of water).
Black spot Experts identify two reasons for the occurrence of such a disease:
  • moisture overload caused by too frequent watering or heavy rainfall;
  • lack of potassium in the soil.

If a black spot is formed on the tree, the leaves begin to turn black and fall off, there is also a general weakening of the chestnut, slow growth and a decrease in the number of flowers.

Red-brown spot At too high temperatures, the leaves may form dark red spots, which gradually grow, begin to turn brown and cover most of the leaf. The disease may occur due to an excess of moisture or a sharp temperature drop( it is hot in the daytime, it is cold at night).
Brown Spot Brown Spot differs from red-brown only by the shade of the spots and by the fact that they appear on both sides of the leaf.
In order to get rid of spotting once and for all, first of all it is necessary to remove and burn all the affected foliage, dig the tree trunk and carry out sanitary pruning.

Mealy dew

The appearance of fungi-parasites on plants can cause powdery mildew. . Provocative factors are very different among themselves. :

  • hot weather, sudden changes in temperature and humidity have a positive effect on the reproduction of fungal spores;
  • can also be caused by an oversupply of nitrogen fertilizers or a lack of potash and phosphate supplements.
The leaves of chestnut are affected by powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew covers the surface of the leaf and looks like a gray-white patina, which is mycelium. Also, is characterized by the presence of dark brown balls( mushroom spores) .Over time, the plaque becomes only thicker and, as a result, the leaf turns brown and falls.

Powdery mildew spreads by air, and infection is also possible through water or by direct contact of two trees. Therefore, it is very important to protect healthy plants from infection.

Powdery mildew control should be started with the removal of affected leaves and their burning. It is also necessary to feed the chestnut with phosphate and potash fertilizers in a timely manner. Then the tree is treated with the following agents:

  1. By fungicides Bayleton, Topaz, But, Topsin, Fundazol, Skor, etc.;
  2. Fitoforicides Fitosporin-m, Hamair, Planriz, etc.;
  3. A product made from 500 grams of ash poured with a liter of water is also effective. The mixture is infused for 2 days, then 5 grams of laundry soap diluted in water are added and the treatment is carried out, the procedure is repeated in a week;
  4. Experienced gardeners recommend spraying chestnut with infusion of weed grass and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1k2.
All treatments should be carried out only in the evening to avoid sunburn.


Necrosis occurs when a tree gets burned, which can be caused by both the scorching rays of the sun and the severe frost .Also caused by mechanical damage.

Stem Necrosis It can appear both on the branches and on the tree trunk, and the bark begins to crack and over time, cancer wounds and small seals( 2-3 millimeters in diameter) appear, whose color can vary from pale pink to darkbrown. It is worth remembering that for an adult plant necrosis is not terrible and after several procedures, the disease disappears. But a young chestnut can die from such a disease.

For the quickest recovery, it is necessary to clean the damaged area with a sharp garden knife, treat it with a disinfectant and cover the wound with a garden pitch. You can also spray chestnut Brodsky liquid or fungicides.

Fomopsis necrosis Such necrosis is dangerous because it is very difficult to recognize in the initial stages. The course of the disease begins with the fact that harmful fungi settle under the bark, then the bark cracks and under it you can see a lot of small black bumps.
Septomix necrosis The color of the cortex becomes gray-white, and in its splits you can see black bumps that indicate the presence of a harmful fungus.
Edge necrosis of chestnut leaves

In order to avoid the appearance of necrosis on chestnut, you need to follow one simple rule, namely to whiten a tree in early spring and late fall. This tool will protect the bark from frost and heat.


Another problem of chestnut trees is rot, which affects various parts of the plant.

Root rot The disease is dangerous because if time does not take measures to treat the tree, it can shrink and die. The cause of rotting of the root system can be soil pollution, high rainfall and the proximity of groundwater. In addition to the roots, this rot can climb a tree trunk( to a height of no more than 2 meters). If rot has formed on the trunk or roots of a tree, then it is already impossible to get rid of it. Damaged chestnuts are cut down, uprooted stumps and completely burn all the wood.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to lime the soil and process it with fungicides( Bayleton, blue vitriol, etc.).

White stem rot A white patina with black stripes appears on the tree trunk, the height of the spread of the disease is 3 meters from the beginning of the root system. White trees suffer most from aging trees.
Yellow stem rot The lower part of the trunk acquires a yellow, sometimes swampy tint, characterized by the presence of plaque.
Brown Stem Rot Usually found on stumps. The bark becomes dense, painted in brown, there are cracks.

chestnut Rot strongly weakens the tree, it becomes sluggish and stunted and can no longer fully cope with harsh climatic conditions such as wind, frost, heat, etc.

Pests, what to do and how to fight?

Chestnut is often attacked by various pests, scientists have more than 30 species of such insects, and some of them are extremely rare.

Pests are usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Root - the May Beetle is considered to be the brightest representative, whose larvae breed in the root system, and adult insects feed on foliage;
  2. Sucking - pests of this group feed on sap of leaves, flowers and young shoots. Such insects include thrips, scale insects, aphids, and mealy worms;
  3. leaf miners are one of the most common and dangerous pests that multiply very quickly and transfer to healthy trees. Chestnut moth larvae feed on foliage;
  4. Pests gnawing the foliage - elm leaf beetle and elm beetle feed on leaf flesh, leaving holes in it;
  5. Stem - such pests can be found extremely rarely, their larvae feed on the core of the tree trunk, and adult individuals gnaw through the bark. These insects include bark beetles, mustaches, etc.

The mining force

that is working and the decedent is affected by the decedent, the decedent of the decedent, who is in a part of the part of the world, who is a part of the part of the world, who is left to die, the leaves of the chestnut leaves are covered with the leaves of the chestnut, and the beetle eats leavesThe main problem is that these insects are not fully studied, and experts have not derived the formula of the drug, which gives 100 percent results. The adult chestnut aphid is a butterfly, the size of is 4 millimeters of with the wings folded .The insect larvae carry a threat; they settle in the foliage, gradually eating it. Such actions lead to early fall of the leaves.

The larva of the chestnut miner moth

The treatment should be started with the removal and disposal of damaged leaves and branches of the tree. It is also worth remembering that the larvae can withstand temperatures up to -25 degrees , therefore chestnuts need to be processed for at least 2 seasons.

To get rid of insects use the following drugs :

  1. Special injections of , for example, Carbosudfan or Imidloroprid. Injections should be made with a special pistol over the entire diameter of the tree trunk so that the drug is distributed evenly. Such drugs are quite expensive, but they are highly effective;
Such injections are a danger to human health, it is not recommended to make injections in populated areas, and in no case should the fruit of a “poisoned” tree be used in food.
  1. It is also possible to spray the chestnut with the hormone drug Insegar .

Disease prevention than treating wood

If chestnut leaves turn yellow and dry - this is the first sign of tree disease. To prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests, should perform the following actions of :

  1. regularly inspect chestnut in order to detect all changes in time;
  2. Carefully take care of young trees, and regularly feed and ;
  3. Sanitary pruning of the crown and burn all damaged leaves and branches;
  4. The wounds formed by need to be treated with and lubricated with garden pitch;
  5. In the presence of chronic diseases, during the vegetative period, chestnut is treated with fungicides( preparations are selected in accordance with the diseases);
  6. should also be treated with mulch, which is left under the tree so that insect larvae cannot overwinter there.

In order to maintain a healthy and strong chestnut, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments in a timely manner and to deal with the treatment of diseases and the removal of pests.

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