Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Pertsevidny

Unusual tomatoes can be grown on their own in the garden. The variety of tomato that has fruits similar to pepper is called peppermint.

Construction of the area. Tomato Pepper

Hybrid Tomato Pepper is bred on the basis of the variety Cream. Tomatoes have an elongated shape, in appearance resembling peppers. Their color varies depending on the variety. It can be red, yellow, orange, etc.

Most pepper tomato varieties are of the indeterminate type ( although there are varieties of the determinant type) with an unlimited growth of the stem and reach a height of 1.5 - 2 meters.

Plants strongly branched with large leaves, so they definitely need to stepom. can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse .

The first brush on a bush is laid between 6 and 11 sheets. Subsequent brushes appear every three sheets. In the brush about 6 fruits.

The variety belongs to the class of mid-seasoned tomatoes. The period of fruiting bushes - from mid-July until the end of October. But this period can be increased if the cultivation is carried out in greenhouses.

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Fruiting period - from mid-July to the end of October.
This hybrid is fruitful, characterized by good fruit set.

Tomatoes are used for fresh consumption and for preservation. They can be stuffed, as they are fleshy and do not crack when cooked.

Characteristic of fruits:

  • has two seed chambers;
  • tasty, fleshy, not very juicy tomatoes;
  • medium-sized fetus, weight from 80 to 100 g ;

The fruit stem may have a greenish spot, but this does not affect the taste characteristics of the fruit.

The varieties of tomatoes in the

pepper series. The pepper tomatoes are not a separate tomato variety. This species combines several varieties. Common to all these plants is the form of the fruit. These vary in color, size and height of the .

Depending on the variety, ripe tomatoes have the following colors:

  • yellow( hybrid Yellow-colored);
  • red( red);
  • Crimson( Pink);
  • orange( orange pepper);
  • in unusual colors( striped).

Pepper tomatoes are mostly indeterminate( stem height up to 2 m), but there are varieties that are deterministic. This class includes the Pertvoid striped( in the greenhouse the height of the stem can reach 1 m, and in open ground - 70 cm).

In an ordinary tomato, the pepper size of the fruit is small. Its mass is up to 150 grams.

To get a large-sized tomato, they plant a tomato The pepper giant , the weight of which reaches 250 gr.and more .This variety was created by breeders Mikhail Gilev and Zoya Shott. In our country it has been grown since 2007.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The advantages of pepper tomatoes include:

  • good taste;
  • high yield ;
  • versatility , can be grown in open ground, greenhouses or hotbeds;
  • original fetus shape;
  • fleshy fruit, flesh crumbly, sweetish taste;
  • its good to use for pasta, preservation, stuffing.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • install a trellis system;
  • need permanent tying ( for indeterminant tomatoes).
The pulp is crumbly crumbly, and the taste is sweet

Soil requirements for planting

Tomatoes Pepper grow well and bear fruit on neutral or slightly acidic soils .If your soil is very acidic, then the ground for the beds should be treated with lime, which will help reduce acidity.

The best soil for tomatoes are loams .They are not heavy, so the root system can develop normally.

Sowing rules

The term for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the region, since tomatoes are planted in the ground after the frosts have ended. The approximate term of growing seedlings is 45-65 days .

Since the Pepper is a hybrid, the seeds are not collected independently by gardeners, they need to be purchased in stores. Such seeds are sold already processed and therefore they do not need to be soaked.

For planting seedlings, the soil is prepared on their own or purchased in the store.

If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you need to take:

  1. 2 parts of peat;
  2. 1 part of sod( or garden) land;
  3. 1 part of compost;
  4. 0,5 parts of sand.
For the cultivation of seedlings, you can buy a special soil or make it yourself

In addition, 1 cup of wood ash, as well as complex fertilizer, which contains phosphorus, potassium and a smaller amount of nitrogen, are added to the bucket of the prepared mixture.

They are sown in 1.5-2 cm deep grooves. For tomato seedlings, it is advisable to perform an pick. This will allow the plant to quickly grow the root system.

Picks are performed after the formation of the first true leaves. Seedlings are grown for about 2 months. When the plants grow 6 true leaves, seedlings can be planted.

Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

Tomatoes love sunny, protected from the winds place .Since this variety belongs to the group of tall plants, it is necessary to provide a trellis system for garter stalks.

Before planting, the soil must be prepared. It is recommended in the fall and spring to bring 4 kg of manure per 1m2 of soil to the prepared site.

Planting seedlings in the ground is made according to the 70 x 50 cm scheme. In this case, it is possible to form tomatoes in two stalks. If the planting is more dense, then the stalk is left alone. The wells are prepared for planting with dimensions of at least 15x15 and the depth of a shovel bayonet.

Care after transplantation

Care for tall tomatoes is not difficult. It consists in the constant performance of certain operations:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • grazing;
  • garter stalk.
If a layer of mulch from straw or dry grass is laid around the plant, then loosening can be avoided and watering less frequently. Layer mulch should be laid with a thickness of at least 5 cm.

Pasony is in removing stepsons from the bush .This will form a plant in one or two stalks. This will allow not to thicken the planting and, as a result, the tomatoes will be well ventilated.

also need three times per season. For this, manure or chicken droppings are well suited. In August, the top of the bush should be pinned. In this case, those tomatoes that have already started, will have time to ripen.

Diseases and their prevention

Tomato Pepper is affected by late blight

Pepper is resistant to most diseases. However, is affected by late blight .Phytophthora develops at low temperatures and high humidity. Therefore, for the prevention it is necessary that the tomatoes grow in sunny, well-ventilated areas.

The fits should not be thickened with .The treatment of bushes with fungicides is carried out before the onset of the disease according to the description or instructions.

. Subtleties of successful cultivation.

There are no particular subtleties in the cultivation of tomato varieties Pertsevidny. For high yield, the main thing is to properly take care of the plant and it will thank you for a good harvest.

Tomato Pepper is recommended to include in the collection of tomatoes of each gardener, because such fruits will decorate your table.

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