The benefits and harm of tomatoes to the human body

Tomatoes are a popular vegetable that is grown on almost every site. Excellent taste gives the dish a unique flavor, whether it is fresh tomato or canned in its own juice. However, the true value lies in the composition, saturated with minerals and trace elements useful for the body. Let's talk in this article about the benefits and harms of this homemade vegetable, analyze the structure of its roots and find out how to store vegetables in the apartment.

Table of Contents

  • Structure of the Roots and Root System of Tomatoes
  • Chemical Composition of
  • Benefits and Harm of Using
  • for Women and Men for an Organism How to store tomatoes at home in an apartment?

The structure of the roots and root system of tomatoes

Tomato belongs to the family of solanaceous crops. The root system of the plant is well-branched, in the process of development of the shoot is formed by the active growth of lateral processes. It is better to plant roots in the soil to a depth of 30-50 cm.

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At the seed germination stage, a root( germinal) forms in the soil, which subsequently becomes the main root of the tomato. Already in the second week, it is overgrown with branches. A little later, adventitious branches of the root system grow. They are formed directly from the stem, in some plants directly from the leaves.

The most extreme parts of the root system are thin hairs( down).It is through them that the culture receives moisture and nutrients from the soil. No wonder these areas are called the suction zone.

Gardeners, when extracting a bush from a garden bed, certainly noted that the parameters and the structure of the roots are different. This is due to the plant belonging to a particular type. There are only two of them: bumpy and pivotal. The urchinate root has no pronounced main rhizome, resembles a sponge in appearance( whence the name came).In contrast, the core type is characterized by a well-developed elongated root, which differs significantly from other branches. Its length is greater than the previous species.

When planting seedlings it should be noted that the damaged root stops vertical growth. After engraftment in a new place, the root system is formed by increasing the lateral processes. To stimulate the development of the root of the plant, it is recommended to spud the bushes.
The roots of tomato bush

The chemical composition of

The composition of tomatoes includes many micro-and macro elements and vitamins useful for the body. Among the main ones:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • Beta Carotene;
  • vitamins PP, A, C, etc.

In fruits, a large amount of dietary fiber, organic acids, which improve the performance of the gastrointestinal tract. Flavonoid quercetin cleans and strengthens blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the vascular system. Tomato contains a unique substance - lycopene, which reduces the risk of cancer.

Tomato is included in the diet due to its low calorie content( per 100 g. 21 Kcal).Fat in it is small, and the available carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body. Low sugar content allows the use of vegetables for diabetic patients.

Tomatoes, ripened right on the branch

The benefits and harms from eating for the body of women and men

Nutritionists and doctors confirm the positive effect of tomatoes on the human body. First of all, the fruits improve the structure of blood, which favorably affects the work of individual organs and all vital systems. Thinning effect prevents the formation of blood clots. And the organic acids in the composition improve digestion, which facilitates the process of assimilation of heavy food( for example, meat).

Considering the composition rich in valuable substances, we can state the following utility of tomatoes for the human body:

  • product has anti-sclerotic and anti-rheumatic effects;
  • improves cardiac muscle function by potassium, iron and magnesium;
  • alpha-tomatin is a natural oncoprotector, which is reflected in the ability to destroy cancer cells;
  • iron prevents the development of anemia, helps to restore the structure of the blood after an illness.

If we consider the usefulness of the product specifically for men, the following advantages of its use are highlighted:

  • prevention of prostate cancer, impotence;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process in prostatitis;
  • liver cleansing in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Tomatoes are no less valuable for women. The constituent folic acid plays an important role in the functioning of the female organs. Its main feature is the regulation of childbearing. Therefore, tomatoes must be included in the menu for those who want to become a mother, as well as during pregnancy. On the basis of red vegetable in cosmetology there are many tools, the action of which is aimed at rejuvenating the skin, nourishing it with useful microelements. It is worth emphasizing the low calorie content of the product, which allows you to include fruits in the diet. This is important to preserve the beautiful shape of the figure.

Useful and ripe fruits of tomatoes, ready to harvest

For children, tomatoes are also of great value, which is due to the rich chemical composition. Valuable micro and macro elements are actively involved in the intensive growth of the child. The main advantages of consuming tomatoes are:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • nutrient enrichment of blood;
  • cleansing the liver of toxins;
  • improvement of body metabolism;
  • prevents the development of anemia.
An interesting fact is that tomatoes retain their valuable properties even after processing. Therefore, in addition to fresh vegetables, it is useful to use tomato juice, various sauces and dried blanks.

Contraindications for consuming tomatoes

In addition to nutrients, tomatoes contain organic acids that can exacerbate chronic diseases. Therefore, it is the main contraindication for their use.

So, for example, oxalic acid adversely affects the water-salt metabolism, which causes a violation of the kidneys. It activates the digestive system, resulting in increased production of bile. In the presence of cholelithiasis, this effect provokes a deterioration of health.

You can not eat tomatoes in the presence of:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system( acids cause severe pain in the joints);
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • hypertension( limit the use of fruits in salted and pickled form);
  • pancreatitis.

Heavy smokers should not get involved in the use of fresh fruit, as tomatoes increase nicotine addiction. Of course, it is preferable to give up cigarettes in favor of tomatoes, but everyone should make this choice on their own.

To exclude tomato products from the diet should also be allergic. Tomato is a strong allergen, in addition, purchased fruits can accumulate toxic substances that are part of various preparations for the treatment of plants.

Eating a vegetable of unknown origin does not matter to vulnerable people that playing Russian roulette. You should not conduct such experiments with your health.
Tomatoes can not be eaten with allergies and diseases that can worsen after eating red fruits

How to store tomatoes at home in the apartment?

A ripe tomato takes on an extraordinary flavor due to the combination of sugars and acids with volatile substances. It is the volatile components that are extremely susceptible to low temperatures. This explains the fact of loss of taste of the vegetable after storage in the refrigerator.

But then where are the vegetables to be kept and what is the temperature regime for them to choose? The question of storing the fruits of tomatoes without losing their taste for a long time was decided by French scientists, until they confirmed by experience that the refrigerator was not a panacea. The temperature of + 20 ° C not only ensures the safety of volatile substances, but also contributes to their intensive development. However, this mode is not suitable for long-term harvest savings.

There are a few simple rules that, if observed, will make it possible to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes until the winter itself, or even more.

Storing tomatoes in boxes
  1. The main clue to the issue lies in the correct selection of varieties. These should be late and medium late cultures. Of the methods of cultivation, preference is given to the open ground. Greenhouse tomatoes do not have a long shelf life. Among the recommended varieties: New Year, Red Stone( vegetable remains dense and tasty until winter), Long Keeper, Giraffe( retains freshness until spring!).A little less( 6-8 weeks) stored: Pharaoh, Viscount, Paladin. Not suitable for long-term storage of plants with early and mid-term maturation.
  2. The storage room can be any cool dark rooms of the ( basements, cellars, storerooms, vegetable compartment of the refrigerator).
  3. The fruits retain their freshness and valuable qualities at a temperature of 8-10 ° C, and the air humidity is within 80%.
  4. Proper preparation of tomatoes is considered an important point in storage. They need to be sorted, removing damaged, deformed, overripe and green instances. Milk ripe vegetables are ideal for long-term preservation. To clean the tomatoes from harmful microbes, it is recommended to wipe each one with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol( vodka).
  5. You can fold the fruits in wooden or plastic boxes, in which there must be openings for air access. The bottom and sides of the container are lined with paper, after which the tomatoes alternately lay out the stalks up. Each layer needs to be covered with paper. In total in a box form 3 layers. The top is filled with sawdust. It is also possible to wrap each vegetable with black paper when laying. This will prevent the spread of rot in the event of damage to one of the tomatoes. With this method, the safety of the crop is guaranteed for the New Year holidays. If varieties with a long shelf life are used, you can enjoy a delicious tomato until spring. In the refrigerator, the fruit can spend no more than 7-8 days.

The usefulness of tomatoes is obvious, but it is worth eating only high-quality fruits with no signs of deformation and disease. For this, it is necessary to ensure proper storage conditions for the crop.

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