A detailed description of the black currant varieties Yadrenaya

One of the favorite berries of gardeners is currants. Variety Yadrenaya pleases large black fruits with beneficial properties , as well as its abundant harvest every year. A detailed description of this variety can be found below.


  • history currant breeding Vigorous
  • Description grade and berries
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
  • method of reproduction
    • layering
    • shanks
    • dividing the bush
  • currant Landing
    • Choice seedlings
    • Site Selection and
    • time Soil Preparation
    • landing technique
  • Care
    • watering and hoeing
    • Top dressing
    • Pruning
    • Preparing for winter
  • Diseases and pests
    • Prevention

History of currant removal Yadrenaya

Grade Yadrenaya wasreceived as a result of crossing varieties Dakovinka with Bredthorp and Favorite of the Altai .LN Zabelen was engaged in breeding a new variety at the Siberian Scientific and Research Institute of Gardening inM.A. Lisavenko. In 2000, the variety was entered into the State Register of Varieties, and allowed for use in the Volga-Vyatka and West Siberian regions.

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Currant variety Yadrenaya

However, the variety has become widespread in many other regions of Russia. Successfully grows in the Volga region, in the Central region, at mid-latitudes and in the Far East areas, .

Description of the variety and berries

Variety Vigorous refers to the black varieties of currants. By itself a bush is medium height, from a height of 1.5 m .The branches are rather sprawling, of medium thickness with a light brown crown. Growing young shoots can be immediately distinguished from old branches due to the light green color of the crown. The buds on the currant are egg-shaped, of a light red tone, are formed on a node of 2-5 pieces.

The bush blooms in mid-spring, the flowers are small, with white and pink petals, emit a pleasant sweet aroma. Formed on a long stalk from 4 to 10 pieces. The stem is strong, dark brown. Although the variety belongs to self-pollinating, it is good to plant it near other varieties of currants. The leaves of the bush consists of 5 blades, while the central part is longer than the others. A leaf of dark green color, young foliage of light green tones, closer to autumn, they acquire red-brown shades .Along the edges of the leaf plate are small notches.

Shrub of Medium-sized Yadren, half-sprawling

Large berries, this currant variety holds the record for the largest fruits. On one stalk there are up to 10 berries, of different size .The largest berry can be compared with a 5-ruble coin, and its weight reaches up to 8-10 grams. Fruits are vigorous-black in color, round. Berry with a rather thick skin and small yellow-brown seeds inside. The flesh is dense, juicy, the currant has a sweet-sour rich taste and a pleasant aroma. The ripening of berries begins in June and by the middle of summer the berries are fully ready to be harvested.

The ripening of currants begins gradually, so the harvest takes place in several stages.

Advantages of

Undoubtedly, currant of the “vigorous” variety has many advantages:

  • Among them is the excellent ability of the variety to tolerate low temperatures , winter-hardy variety and excellent in even the most severe winters;
  • The shrub brings the first berries already in the 2nd year after planting, and annually pleases with the rich harvest , more than 6 kg of berries are harvested from the adult bush over the summer;
  • is the undoubted advantage of the variety; the size of the fruits is ;
  • In addition, the Corey variety withstands many diseases, for example, powdery mildew, not afraid of shrubs and pests.


  • Among the disadvantages of the variety is the slightly sourish flavor currants;
  • Besides, , the fruits that have been torn are not able to be stored for a long time, , the berry needs to be immediately processed, it remains for no more than 3 days in the form of torn off;
  • It doesn’t tolerate long transportation , fruits produce juice and lose their presentation;
  • In addition, bush grows older over time , branches dry out quickly and do not bear fruit;
  • Just a currant is very capricious, needs constant care and comfortable growth conditions , otherwise the berries become shorter and become even more sour.

Breeding methods


Only one-year-old shoots are suitable for propagation of currants with this method. It is possible to propagate currants in this way already at the beginning of spring , the main thing is to prepare the soil well, add organic fertilizers to it, which perfectly retain moisture in the ground, which contributes to the rapid formation of roots. A shallow furrow is made in the soil near the mother bush. In the selected shoot, with a sharp knife, a small armhole is made, it is from here that the roots will be formed. Now the branch is pinned to the ground with the help of a metal bracket, or it is simply pressed tightly with the earth from above. However, the layer of earth should not be more than 3-4 cm. The top of the branch should remain on the soil surface.

Scheme of reproduction of currants by layering

Care of currants is simple, the main thing is always to maintain the moisture of the soil, otherwise the roots will be formed slowly and grow longer. In addition, the ground around you need to constantly spud, as if sprinkling on top, it contributes to the formation of adventitious roots in the bush .Within a couple of weeks, young buds and leaves will start to form on the branch, which means that the cutting has formed roots and after it has gotten a little stronger, it can be safely separated from the mother bush.

It is necessary to divide a branch in autumn , when the heat subsided, but still far from the first frost. The ground around the branch is carefully dug out and with the help of a spade the stalk is separated from the main bush. Now the seedling is able to grow independently or it can be safely transplanted to a new place.


It is necessary to prepare cuttings in the late autumn .To do this, using a sharp pruner from a branch, the cutting is cut from 15 to 18 cm, it should have at least 3-4 buds. It is recommended to make cuts not straight, but at an angle of 45 degrees. Keep the branches strictly vertically, in a cool, but dry place( refrigerator).You can prikopat cuttings in the snow next to the mother bush, but at the same time impose them with sawdust or straw.

Cuttings of the Vigorous Currant should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm

After the earth has warmed up the cuttings can be immediately planted into the soil, simply placing them in the heated soil a little at an angle, sprinkle with earthy mixture and pour a little. At the same time it is important to observe the distance between the seedlings, not less than 15-20 cm .But if it is not possible to plant in the ground right away, you can put currant cuttings in a pot or a regular cut bottle. In spring, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth, and by the autumn the bush will get stronger, which means that with the right care, next year you can get a harvest.

By dividing the bush

Perhaps the easiest and most effective way to reproduce currants. And it comes down to the fact that the adult currant bush digging around, carefully removed from the ground. The root system is examined for the presence of disease , the dry parts of the root system are cut off, and the shrub is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent diseases. Further, the shrub with an ax or shovel is divided into several parts, but it is important that roots remain on each part, otherwise the currant will simply die.

Reproduction of currants by dividing the bush the most effective way

Next, the hotel parts are placed in the landing pits, sprinkled with earth. In the future, seedlings need watering and care. You can carry out such a transfer in the fall and in the spring .At the same time already in the 2nd year of planting currants will give the first harvest.

Planting currants

Selection of seedlings

Currant Yadrenaya survives well in new places, but in order to grow a young seedling, it is better to choose a 2-year-old shrub with 2-3 strong shoots. At the same time, the leaves and the twigs themselves should not be sluggish and damaged .The presence of brown spots on the leaves indicates the presence of fungal diseases, as there should be no white bloom and other signs of the disease.

Currant seedlings grade Vigorous

The branches and leaves should have light brown and green saturated colors. The root system should have 2-3 separate shoots, no longer than 25-30 cm. The roots have a dark brown color, so it is worth inspecting them for the presence of diseases and pests. Many seedlings are sold in pots, it can be easily removed from the container. If the earth is well showered from the roots, the currant is healthy and ready for transplanting .Also, the ground in the pot should be moist and lump free.

Choosing a place and time

Currants can be planted both in spring and in autumn. In spring, early May is considered to be the best time to land when the frosts have passed, and the earth warmed a little by the sun. In the spring when planting it is important to water the young sapling well. In the autumn, you can start planting in the middle of September, but here it is important to have time to plant before the first frosts occur, so that the currants can take root in a new place.

When choosing a site for planting a bush, one should proceed from the fact that over time the shrub will grow greatly in width and height. Pick up well-lit places with lots of sunshine throughout the day.

Currant does not tolerate the close proximity of tall bushes and trees, but gives even more yield if it grows alongside other varieties of currant.

Soil Preparation

It is necessary to prepare a site for planting in 2 weeks. The pit is dug up small, 50x80 cm is quite enough, and there is enough depth for the bayonet of the spade. From the soil are selected all the weeds of other plants, stones, stones, the ground in the pit should remain loose and soft. Now it is imperative to pour a few buckets of water into it, this is necessary so that the earth settles.

For the further growth of currants, if several bushes are planted, it is important to leave 1.5–2 m between each bushes.

Planting Technique

Before planting, carefully examine the seedling, remove dry parts from the roots of .

So that currants do not hurt, lower the shrub into a weak solution of potassium permanganate for prevention, this will protect the bush from diseases and pests.
Planting a currant seedling Vigorous

Next to the bottom of the pit should be put top dressing, suitable peat, humus, dry leaves or sawdust with ash, this mixture must be mixed with the soil. A sapling goes down into the pit, should not be planted deeply, just lightly fill the roots with soft soil and crush a little. After that, be sure to pour the currants with warm water.

To preserve moisture in the soil, cover the ground with dry grass or spruce branches.

In the future, watering currants requires 2-3 days, 1-2 buckets of water depending on weather conditions .After a couple of weeks, swollen buds will become noticeable on the branches, then the leaves will begin to bloom, and this is a good sign that the currant has taken root in a new place.


Watering and loosening

For currants to produce a large crop each year, the bush requires moist soil. In general, for the entire summer season, currants need to be watered around 4 times .In early spring, before flowering, the roots need moisture. The second time the currant needs watering during fruit ripening. Another thorough watering should be done after harvesting and, finally, the last time the shrub needs to be harvested well in late September. Throughout the summer, especially in hot weather, the bush can be watered as the land dries.

Overflowing the soil around the currant threatens with the rotting of the roots, especially the young ones, as well as the development of many diseases. Watering seedlings is better in the night, becausemorning and day watering is not absorbed into the soil, but simply evaporates from the surface.

Loosening should be done a couple of days after watering .Loosening provides the roots with additional oxygen, besides, removes weeds and helps to get rid of many soil pests.

Top dressing

Currant feed starts from the 2nd year after planting, if fertilizers are planted during planting. Better to feed at least 2 times a year .In the spring it is good to feed currants with urea, manure or peat. Currant also favorably responds to sawdust and ash. During the summer, a solution from a cowshed, mineral, potash or phosphate fertilizers must be applied under the young bush; this will increase the size of the berries.

Fertilizing Yadren currants should be done at least twice a year.

In the fall, half a bucket of humus can be added to the bush. It is worth noting that you can not pour fertilizer just on the ground. To do this, you need to dig up a small trench around the shrub, apply fertilizer and dig up with the ground.

In order for a better fertilizer to penetrate the soil, currant after dressing needs to be watered well.


Pruning currants is done in the spring before bud break and in the fall .In the first year pruning is not carried out, becauseseedlings are still too small. On , the 2nd year of the , 3-5 main strong shoots are already formed near the currant bush, the other young branches are cut. The remaining branches shorten the tops of 2-3 buds.

Currant Trimming Scheme Grade Vigorous

At first glance, cutting a young bush so badly is dangerous, because the plant can get very sick and die. But this is not the case; pruning will allow the shrub not to waste forces on the shoots that do not yield the crop, besides the pruning allows you to increase the berries in the size of and increase the amount of the crop. On 3-4 year left 5-6 strong shoots. The branches that were formed last year are shortened to 3-4 buds, the rest is cut. On 5-6 year pruning follows the same pattern. In the fall, should be pruned sanitary, namely cutting branches that have been broken, damaged by diseases and pests, as well as shading fruit-bearing branches.


Variety Currant Yagrenaya is a cold-resistant variety that tolerates low temperatures well and is not afraid of frost. In the fall, the near-stem circle needs to be turned around , this will destroy all insects that like to hibernate in the roots of the plant.

Also, currant trunk can be lined with spruce branches or covered with covering material, but mostly only young saplings need such shelter, adult bushes winter well and without shelter. But the currant branches must be tied up with ropes, moving in a spiral - this will save them from breaking under strong winds.

Diseases and pests

The variety withstands many diseases and pests. But especially likes the succulent leaves of the currant gooseberry drop .This insect simply eats all the leaves on the bush, not touching only the petiole.

Gooseberry moth leaves white currant on currants behind clusters of berries, which subsequently do not ripen.

Kidney moth - an insect attacks a shrub in early spring, buds and berries dry and fall, and shoots turn brown-brown in color, then dry.

And, of course, he especially likes currants for .A small green pest sucks the juice from the leaves and buds, leaves curl, dry and fall. Aphid is able to destroy all currants in the summer cottage over the summer.

But currants suffer not only from pests. At the beginning of summer anthracnose forms on the bushes, the currant leaves are covered with small brown spots that grow and cover the entire leaf. After that, the leaves curl and fall off, if no action is taken at the time, the shrub dies in 3 years.

White spotting appears mainly on the outside of the leaf plate as black dots. Over time, they become a dark brown tone, and the sheet dries and falls. On young shoots and berries also appear brown spots.

Glass rust begins to occur in late May - early June in the form of blisters on the leaves of orange color. The disease can not only destroy the crop, it extends to the leaves and shoots of currants.


Prevention To prevent disease or pests damage the crop, sprinkle currant in early spring, before starts flowering. You can handle a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquids, Karbofos or Spark. It is also good to use folk remedies in the fight against diseases and pests, for example, a solution of ash and laundry soap, an infusion of dandelions and garlic, an infusion of yarrow. In addition to spraying, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil, timely remove infected branches and leaves, trim and provide currants with good conditions for growth, only then the shrub will delight with a rich harvest.

Currant Yadrenaya variety - a great view, which gives large fruits, sweet and sour to taste, they are not only good in fresh form, but also in blanks. Although the variety is capricious in care, it requires the attention of a gardener, but a rich harvest more than pays back all efforts.

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