Loseval instructions for birds

Keeping birds is entertaining, but still troublesome. Well, when animals feel normal, do not get sick, lead an active lifestyle. And what to do when poultry start to get sick , because any infectious and cold diseases can lead to the death of the bird. In this case, it is better to use the effective drug lozival .

This tool is able to quickly deal with infection and fungal diseases. In addition, the drug boosts the immune system and resistance to diseases. So what are the features of this tool? How should it be taken, in what proportions, and for which species of birds? Let's look at the properties of the drug in detail and understand the rules of admission, instructions for use, see below.

Table of contents

  • For which diseases does lozewal apply?
  • What are the dosages?
  • AEDs for use for chicks
    • For chickens
    • For goobsteps.

      The main purpose of the medicine is the provision of bactericidal and antiviral microbes in the body of birds and animals. The action of the drug occurs due to the complete stop of the reproduction of viruses. The action means similar to other drugs of this type, accelerates the synthesis of mononuclear cells in animals and birds. In addition, it enhances local and cellular immunity, thereby leading to increased immune system of the body and resistance to diseases.

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      It is worth noting that the lozewal remedy can eliminate the disease both in its early stages and during the period of infection. Instructions for use are listed below.

      The agent is prescribed for the following indications in dosages:

      1. In the early and advanced stages of viral diseases - microviruses, herpes viruses, enteroviruses, smallpox virus in birds;
      2. In disease of Marek and Newcastle, is done by medication treatment using an aerosol method and given solutions with medication;
      3. In the period of , bronchopneumonia, , do aerosol treatments. In severe conditions give solutions with medication;
      4. During pasteurellosis, , infectious laryngotracheitis, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis is given orally or diluted in saline solution at a ratio of 1: 2;
      5. In candidaic, aspergillosis , and during other infectious diseases of birds, lozewal is given using aerosol treatments;
      6. During skin dermatitis, eczema, erysipelas, wounds with pus, burns, stomatitis - apply on damaged areas 2-3 times 5-7 days;
      7. During conjunctivitis, is instilled with a 30% solution of loseval on saline solution 2-3 times 3-5 days.

      What are the dosages?

      The drug is taken from any disease - infectious, colds, fungal. It should be given at the rate of 1-2 ml per 10 kg of poultry. Approximately 5–6 drops per 1 average bird.10 ml should be given to 150 heads. The medicine is added either to the feed or to the water .But still it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the dosages for chicks and adult individuals of different birds in more detail.

      Lozeval in 10 g ampoule

      Instructions for use for chicks

      For chickens

      In the first days of life, chickens suffer from infectious and colds. This is due to a weak immune system, so during this period it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of chicks. In addition to the introduction of high vitamin content in the diet, Lazeval is given for prevention. It is desirable to dilute the drug with water –2.5 ml per half liter of water. Means should be given 2 times a day from 5 days to a week. The room in which the chicks are kept is treated with a solution with medication using an aerosol method - for 1 cu.meter need 0.5-1 ml of medication. Treatments are done within 45 minutes.

      Daily chickens

      For goslings

      The preparation for goslings is prescribed for diseases of Marek, Newcastle, bronchopneumonia, pasteurellosis, chlamydia, microplasmosis of , and so on. During this period, 10 mg of a 10% drug should be given per kilogram of poultry. The drug is diluted in water 5 ml in 1 liter or 2.5 ml in 0.5 liter of water. It must be given as a preventive measure to strengthen the immune system.

      For turkeys

      Starting from the first month of life of turkey poults, for prophylactic purposes and treatment of infectious diseases the medicine should be given in proportions:

      • aerosol method - 0.5 ml / 1 m3;
      • Preparation of solutions from water with medication in proportions of 1: 2 or 1: 5;
      • Together with feed 0.5-1 ml per 10 kg bird weight
      Monthly poults

      With a 2-month period lozeval is given for preventive purposes, it is added to water - 5 ml per 1000 ml of water.

      For other birds,

      For the rest of the chicks( pigeons, ducks, guinea fowls and others), the drug treatment procedures are the same.

      In general, its purpose is aimed at prevention from infectious and viral diseases .During ILT, respiratory mycoplasmosis, staphylococcus, streptococcosis, therapeutic treatments are carried out. The premises in which the birds are kept are treated in an aerosol manner at a dose of 1.5-2 ml / cubic meter. The duration of treatments should be at least 30 minutes, and preferably 45-50 minutes, then the effectiveness of the action will be much higher. A positive result from these treatments is achieved from 80% to 100%.

      Guinea fowl

      During the prophylaxis of , solutions are made from medication and warm water - 1.5-2 ml per 1000 ml of water or in a ratio of 1: 2-1: 5.

      During the treatment of colibacillosis, streptococcosis, , they do an aerosol procedure for about two days, and in the next 2-3 days they give the medicine together with food in doses of 1-2 ml per 10 kg of bird weight.

      For other diseases of a viral and infectious nature, the premises are treated with a solution with medication using an aerosol method( from 0.5 to 2 ml per 1 cubic meter).These procedures are done within 2-3 days. Then the birds are watered with water with medicine or give food with the preparation at the rate of 1 ml per 10 kilogram.

      For adult birds

      For adult birds, medication is given during infectious, viral and other catarrhal diseases. At the first signs of a cold, sneezing, wheezing, diarrhea, you need to add lozal to the water at the rate of 1 ml per half liter of water. The drug can be added to the feed during feeding at the rate of 1 ml-1.5 ml per 10 kg of live weight. The rules for taking medicines for chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys are the same.

      The dosage of the drug and its use may vary. It all depends on what disease it is used and in what conditions the bird is contained.

      How to give medicine if the bird is kept in an incubator:

      • On the first day, , after laying eggs, do the treatment with an aerosol method for 2-3 minutes, give the drug together with water in proportions 1: 2-1: 5 or with food1 ml per 10 kilograms of bird weight;
      • 2nd day - the rules for taking the medicine are the same as on the first day;
      • On the following days, up to 21 days, the medication rules are followed, as well as on the first day.
      Eggs in an

      incubator If the birds are kept in special enclosures:

      Make the premises treated with the preparation by the aerosol method - per 1 sq. M.meter to 0.5-1 ml of medication. The duration of treatments should be up to 45 minutes. For 4-5 days after treatment, the agent is added to water at the rate of 1.5-2 ml per 1000 ml of water or 1 ml per 10 kg of poultry scales is added to the feed. The solution with the drug should be prepared immediately before drinking, otherwise the effect of the drug may decrease.

      For skin diseases dermatitis, eczema, burns, purulent wounds and other dermatological diseases, lozival is applied to the damaged areas. On the day it is applied at least two times. The course of application is carried out until complete recovery of the bird.

      Side Effects of

      When used properly and according to the purpose of , does not have side effects from loseval. Birds feel well after taking the medicine. The drug is well tolerated by any species of birds and does not cause allergic reactions.


      The drug has no contraindications and is suitable for all types of birds, both for adults and for chicks.

      Pharmacological properties of

      Lozeval is an agent of a complex type, which is used during the prevention and treatment of diseases in birds of the viral, infectious, fungal and catarrhal types. The tool has the appearance of a liquid with an oily structure of yellow or yellow-brown color, the smell of a specific nature. Constituents:

      1. . Triazole, heterocyclic type ;
      2. Morpholinium Acetate;
      3. Polylenoxide .
      Lozeval 100 mg and 50 mg

      The medicine is included in the group of agents with low toxic properties. It has good storage properties, does not change the composition at temperatures from -10 degrees to +50 degrees Celsius.

      Pharmacological action of

      During lubrication of the affected areas or intravenous administration, the medicine instantly enters through the skin, mucous structure of the membranes and other biological-type barriers. During penetration into the cellular composition, Loselval acts by rapid blocking of DNA, RNA and protein of viral particles, as a result, reproduction and further vital activity of the pathogens is suppressed. In addition, the drug has a detrimental effect on bacteria of the gram-negative and gram-positive type, on yeast and moldy fungal viruses.

      Lozeval in a bottle of

      Lozeval increases the resistance of animals and birds to various diseases by stimulating cellular and humoral immunity:

      1. Increasing the synthesis of immunoglobulins;
      2. Enhancement of phagocytic activity of mononuclear ;
      3. Stimulation of level of lysozyme .
      Removal of the drug is rapid, after a day it is completely eliminated. The accumulation of funds in the cells and tissues of the body does not occur.

      Lozeval is an essential medicine for poultry. Birds, like other animals, can suffer from various infectious diseases, colds, fungal infections, which can cause a lot of problems. If during not provide appropriate treatment, the bird can not only die, but also infect other individuals. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, the drug Lazeval should be given from the first days of life of the chicks for prevention. This tool will enhance the immune system and the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

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