Step-by-step instructions on how to plant roses in the dog rose.

Growing roses on the plot, sooner or later will have to face the technology of grafting on the wild rose. Even the beginner can master this simple procedure. And this step-by-step instruction will help instill a rose.

Table of contents

  • Can I plant a rose on a wild rose?
  • Vaccination Timeline How to Graft a Rose Correctly, Step-by-Step Instructions
    • Dog Rose Selection and Pre-Preparation

      Rose is considered quite a capricious plant. Requires careful maintenance, mineral-rich soil and a warm climate. You can create a wonderful rose garden by grafting a rose on rosehip. There is nothing complicated about it.

      The rose garden was created by grafting a rose on a dog rose.

      In poor climatic conditions, roses slow down their growth, the bushes freeze, the buds do not bloom, and the stems themselves are ill. In order to avoid this, such an agrotechnical technique is carried out as budding on dogrose.

      The fastidious and unique varieties of flowers are grafted on less whimsical relatives.

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      With an optimal selection of roses, it is possible to ensure their blooming in unusual conditions for them .And you can go the other way. Use as a stock wild rose, which is a distant relative of the Queen of Flowers. It is perfectly felt in a harsh climate and does not require special care. A healthy shrub with a well-developed root system is ideal for grafting.

      It is recommended that the rootstock be used as a briar over three years old.

      Vaccination Schedule As for vaccination timing, is considered the spring as the best period. Leaves and young shoots appear on the bushes. It is important that new stems do not have time to start growing. The plant should not be disturbed during the resting period of the kidneys.

      Vaccinated and in the summer .In the stems, the active movement of the juice occurs, which contributes to the rapid engraftment of rose cuttings. New shoots have faded and can be used as a graft. The robot starts to spend in July or August.

      Use the grafting of roses in the winter - in February .This method is more time consuming and not so popular. The cuttings take root poorly, and the work is quite complicated.

      How to plant a rose correctly, step-by-step instruction

      There are several ways to graft this beautiful plant. The first is quite laborious and time stretched. First, wild rose seeds are sown and thin, strong rootstocks are grown. When they get stronger and reach 1 cm in diameter, pick up the graft from the desired varieties of the flower and begin to work.

      On the trunk make a T-shaped incision .Insert a bud with a stump there. Wrap a ribbon for its engraftment. All parts of the hips, located above the engrafted kidney, cut.

      It is possible to plant a rose on a wild rose both at the end of winter and in summer.

      Most gardeners use a different method - quick grafting of .Choose a good graft with two sleeping buds. This rule is mandatory for execution. The thickness of the shoot should be greater than 6-7 mm. Cut cuttings stored in pieces of wet tissue.

      Selection of wild rose and the preparatory work of

      As a stock, they use the root growth of a dogrose from the age of three years. Choose a shrub with a well-developed root collar, which is 10 mm in thickness .The top layer( bark) must be mature and exfoliate from the wood. Rosehip dig, carefully remove the ground from the root part and wipe it. The bark should have a light appearance. On the neck of the bush make two oblique incisions with the tongue.

      Putting the wild rose, prepare a rose for grafting. Choose the desired area on the stem of the flower and cut the stalk with sleeping buds. The length of the cut-off part - 5 cm .The movement of the knife should be sharp and to itself. The cuttings are taken slightly thinner than the prepared hips.

      Vaccination Process

      Works begin in mid-March. This is the optimal and generally accepted vaccination period( although there is a summer and winter vaccination).

      The prepared cutting is tightly inserted into the incision of the root part of the hips. This is done as follows: : below the kidney of the cutting, make an oblique incision in 2 cm .From above, an is made in a transverse incision with a recess in the of 1–2 mm in the form of a protrusion. Then prepare the place of splicing on the hips. A longitudinal section is made in the root part, the bark is removed and the rose stalk is inserted into the hole. The vaccination site is tightly tied with a suitable material - tape, adhesive tape, strips of cloth, polyethylene.

      In order to avoid confusion - where is the top and where is the bottom of the spine, mark its upper part by creating an even or slanting cut.

      Bushes prepared this way are placed in a box. If there are many sprouts, they are shifted with improvised materials( sawdust or moss), making sure that they are wet. To reduce the occurrence of mold, add some ground coal.

      Cuttings of roses for grafting

      The boxes are put in a cool place. The temperature should not exceed 15 degrees heat .Artificially created conditions, such as high humidity, a constant temperature contributes to the appearance of build-up at the site of vaccination. It is also called “callus” - a callus-like kidney. It is important to observe the required temperature in the room. In case of its reduction to +10 degrees, the formation of "callus" is hampered. A higher temperature leads to active swelling of the kidneys.

      Approximately through for 20 days, the boxes are moved to a room with a higher temperature .By this time, the buds will no longer bloom. But the accretion, despite this, will continue. This is a long process that requires endurance and constant temperature conditions.

      Fully cuttings from the root will connect in one and a half to two months. Remove the dressing and planted bushes in the ground, covering the film. Do not allow the drying of the kidneys. To do this, they are wrapped in earth in the form of a rammed small knoll. As new sprouts appear, the land is gradually ransacked by the .This is best done in case of cloudy weather, or in the evening after sunset. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the burns of weak emerging shoots.

      After the appearance of a sufficient number of leaves, proceed to the formation of a rose bush. Trim the tip of the shoot. This stops its development and leads to the appearance of lateral shoots. They are protected, as they will bloom. If the central young shoot continues to grow, it is reattached in the area of ​​ 5 or 6 of the leaflet .Properly made vaccination leads to the formation of 3-5 young symmetrically located shoots.

      Grafting in a T-shaped incision, budding

      This type of vaccination has its own characteristics. Using an abrasive knife on the handle, a peephole is cut with or without wood. Back down from the kidney on top of 8 mm and make a smooth cut down, leaving up to 12 mm under the kidney.

      Budding roses on rosehip

      To successfully perform this operation, you need to do the following:

      • under the kidney form a cross-section .The movement should be smooth, grabbing with bark and wood.
      • too a thick layer of wood is unacceptable .To properly separate the eye, you need experience. Therefore, you should practice on dogrose.
      • The perfect cut of the is smooth, 3-4 cm long and without visible damage.

      When selecting plantings inspect the stems that have faded. From their middle part is the formation of cuttings.

      Determine the readiness of the kidneys for grafting on spikes. If they break off easily without a layer of bark, it means they are ripe.

      Graft Plant Care

      For the further development of grafted roses, they need proper care. The first week the bush is watered abundantly with .The area around is cleared from weeds, the soil is loosened in order to avoid the appearance of pests.

      After proper inoculation, young shoots will form on the bush in autumn. In order to make it win over normally, it is spud, powdered and tamped with .In the spring it's all rake.

      With the wrong care at the base of the hips grows a lot of young shoots. It is necessary to remove it right at the root, leaving no stumps. Over time, it can drown out its growth of the main bush.

      In another year, the grafted part of the plant is cut at one peephole. 14-20 days wakes up and the rose grows. With the advent of three of these leaves pinch the top of the shoot. In the future, the main task is the formation of a lush and spreading bush. And in the fall the plant is planted in a permanent place.

      In the fall, roses are planted in a permanent place.

      In conclusion, we present several useful tips from :

      • for rootstock use plants with a well-developed root neck, up to 10 mm thick;
      • take mature branches that break when bent;
      • optimum thickness of the scion used for the graft - 7 mm
      • cut off the shoots better in the morning to save juice;
      • prepared grafts are stored in wet tissue pieces ;
      • for convenience work better in dry weather .

      Young grafted roses are planted in the shade. It is necessary to watch how the bush takes roots. If necessary, remove all dead branches and continue to care for roses.

      Following these recommendations, you can be sure that your roses will not immediately turn into a dog rose again, but will delight your eyes with their beauty.

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