Planting and care of viburnum varieties gordovina

A lot of gardeners began to grow an unusually beautiful viburnum Gordovina. The shrub is a close relative of viburnum .Kalina Gordovina may still have other names: felt or Mediterranean.


  • grade Description Viburnum lantana
  • Features
  • Varieties
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Reproduction
    • Seed
    • green cuttings
    • layering
    • dividing the bush
  • Planting and care
    • Watering
    • Feeding
    • Pruning
  • Diseases and pests
  • Conclusion

grade Description Viburnum lantana

Rodthis variety is from Asia( southwest), Sev. Africa, Europe. The shrub belongs to the honeysuckle family. In the wild, the plant is distributed in warm areas: Zap. Europe, Transcaucasia, Leningrad region, Siberia, Crimea, Asian regions. In the cold areas of the viburnum, the Gordovina perfectly copes with the role of an ornamental plant for landscaping .It can be successfully grown in many regions. Excluded only subtropical and the Far North. The plant is undemanding to the ground and unpretentious in the care. Until late autumn, the shrub retains shiny black berries and red-pink foliage.

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Kalina Gordovina

Shrub shrub, grows up to five meters tall. It has a dense crown with a diameter of up to three meters. The branches of the plant are very close to each other and the shrub looks compact.

The shrub lives long, sometimes the age reaches 50 years .During the period of its existence, it grows a huge root system with a large number of small roots. Together with the soil and vegetation roots form the sod.

Gordovina allows you to create great design compositions.

The ornamental shrub has wrinkled oval-shaped leaves, the length of which reaches 18 cm. The leaves are wide and dense, the color is rich on top dark green, the bottom is grayish .Shoots, branches and foliage pubescent with dense hairs of white color like stars. The buds are also fluffy and have no scales. Because of the abundant pubescence called shrub ‘flour’.

Flowering plant begins in May and continues to bloom in June, the flowering period is almost a month. Numerous inflorescences of the shield consist of 1.5 cm bell-shaped flowers of a cream-white color .From each flower is obtained berry drupe. During this period, viburnum Gordovina extraordinary beauty. At first, the berries turn red, then turn black. At this time, seed heads consist of black and red fruits at the same time. All berries turn black in September and stay on the bush for more than 20 days. Only in October, viburnum looks not very attractive. Berries shrivel, but the juice is still preserved in them, they can be eaten.

Kalina Gordovina in bloom

While viburnum berries are red, they taste bitter, tart. Ripe black fruit has a sweet taste. During the collection brush viburnum need to cut shears. If unripe berries come across in the brush, they ripen in the tank. With a 15-year-old bush, the yield is usually one full bucket of .Berries are consumed fresh, compotes, juices, jelly are made from them. It is great if some fruits remain on the viburnum, birds will gladly eat them.


Unlike other types of viburnum, pride has a number of features:

  • The plant differs with the decorative qualities of from early spring to winter - from flowering to autumn bright foliage colors;
  • 's powerful overgrown roots allow the use of shrubs to prevent soil movement on slopes and ravines;
  • The gardens and parks look great as hedges ;
  • Perfect adaptation of the to the urban environment.
  • A good combination of with deciduous trees.

Varieties of

Kalina Gordovina has varieties:

  • Aurea .Dense shrub with a height of 200 cm. It has a pubescent ovate 10-centimeter leaves of golden-yellow color. Flowers are yellowish-white in inflorescences of a flat shape. Fruits are small red at first and black when ripe.
  • Variyegata .The plant reaches only 150 cm. The crown of the bush is round with abundant foliage. Wide 20-centimeter leaves ovate, wrinkled, jagged at the edges. The surface of the leaves is covered with small bright spots. Round berries, the diameter of which is only 7 mm, are first red, then turn black.

Both varieties are incredibly beautiful and are a great decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

An unusually beautiful ornamental shrub has many advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • tolerates drought;
  • can grow in shady areas;
  • easily gets used to gas pollution, smoke and dust in urban environments;
  • has a high decorative effect;
  • rarely causes damage to diseases and viburnum leaf beetles;
  • annually increase the crown and height of the shrub, about 30 cm;
  • developed root system is used to strengthen the soil prone to erosion.
Disadvantages, according to gardeners, in the viburnum Gordovina not observed.


For reproduction pride taken cuttings, cuttings or seeds.


Seed should be sown in late October or early spring. Before sending them to the ground, you need to hold the seeds in the fridge for 7 months( stratification).Seeding is carried out to a depth of 3 cm. Germination begins with the root, the bud opens only the next year. A young sprout emerges from the ground. Experienced gardeners advise :

  • for three months to keep seeds at t 18 degrees to speed up germination;
  • for the next three months to keep seeds at t -3 - +5 degrees .

Green cuttings

Rules for cutting cuttings of viburnum

The material is cut at the end of June or early July. The third part of the leaves is removed. Sections are placed in water with the addition of a special simulator, accelerating the appearance of roots( Kornevin, IMC).After the formation of roots, cuttings to plant in a greenhouse. You can land on the garden bed. Then you need to make a shelter from a plastic bottle, for example. The cap is regularly removed for airing and watering the germ.


layouts. Viburnum reproduction scheme by

layouts. The method consists in bending the shoots to the ground. The spring is pre-laid 10-centimeter grooves. Shoots stacked in the grooves and covered with earth. Rooted shoots in the fall, after which they can be transplanted. You can change in the spring.

The division of the bush

Shrub is divided both in the spring and in the fall. The plant is divided into several parts, taking into account that each of them has at least 3 kidneys renewal.

Planting and care

Kalina Gordovina prefers neutral or weak acidity of the soil and good lighting. Does not like the plant sand, peat and podzolic soils .Grows on infertile soils, but flowering and fruiting is deteriorating.

A month before planting, phosphorus, potassium in the form of fertilizers are added to the soil, and peat is added. In the spring or in the fall, the is dug out an landing well 40 cm wide , 50 cm high and 40-50 cm high .The distance between the shrubs is not less than 3 m.

For the Viburnum Gordovina preferable to light acid soil and good lighting

The soil mix is ​​prepared by :

  • organic soil( peat, humus);
  • urea( 3 tbsp. L.);
  • wood ash( 1 cup).
The root system should not be allowed to come into contact with the ashes.

Seedlings, the roots of which are closed are placed in the middle of the recess and covered with soil. The root neck should be no more in soil than on 5 cm .Open roots are distributed on a pile of soil mixture and fall asleep. After planting near the plant is the hole and poured water into it. Then the soil is mulched with peat or sawdust from wood.


Young plants need to be shed on 40 cm in the evening .Adult bushes require watering during the growing season and during the formation of fruits.

It is necessary to loosen the soil in the bore circle for oxygen access to the plant roots.

Top dressing

Like all trees and shrubs, the Viburnum Gordovina needs top dressing :

  • In the spring, before the appearance of leaflets, urea is added( 2 tbsp);
  • Before flowering potassium sulphide( 2 tbsp) should be added;
  • In July, an complex of mineral fertilizers is applied( 60 g);
Autumn Kalina Gordovina is fed with humus, phosphate and potash fertilizers
  • After two years, in the fall, before digging up the soil , rotted manure, phosphorus, potassium is applied. In dry weather, fertilizers are diluted with water.
All fertilizers are applied to the stem.


The pruning is done in spring. This removes the sick and old branches. The rejuvenating procedure is carried out after six years of , i.e., the old branches are cut to the very root. Leave the need for branches of pieces 7 for the fruit bush.

For the beauty of the bush, the twigs, which are more than 40 cm, pinch their hands.

If the viburnum needs to be formed in the form of an tree, then the central vertical trunk remains, the rest of the shoots are cut. Every year it is necessary to cut new shoots and shoots. For branching and beauty of the crown, the growth point must necessarily pinch.

Diseases and pests

Shrub is very resistant to diseases and pests, but some still damage plants :

  • aphid;
  • ;
  • cover moth.
Kalina Gordovina struck by

aphids. Insecticides help to fight pests, preferably with an adhesive. Shchitovku can destroy karbofosom. For the destruction of aphids to the plant sits trichogram.

Affected by powdery mildew and spotting .Fight against diseases will help the treatment of fungicides. To prevent diseases, tobacco or garlic infusions are processed.


Kalina Gordovina is the plant that remains decorative, despite the environment and lack of care. The main decorative advantage is the foliage .Shrub is ideal for cities, for planting it on the streets, courtyards, squares.

In addition, it is known that berries of the plant possess the healing properties of , especially in combination with honey. Compotes are prepared from berries, jellies, they are dried.

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