You can get more and more with the help of your family and your family.who have never tried cornel compote - they have lost a lot. After all, this drink not only has a beautiful color and an unusual tart-sour taste, it is a vitamin bomb in the winter. Prepared compote from the cornel for the winter according to the recipes provided below will help improve the immunity of the whole family, including prevent colds. Cornel contains such nutrients as vitamin C and phytoncids. It promotes the elimination of toxins, increases hemoglobin, eliminates heartburn and has a positive effect on the stomach with increased acidity. Cornel is useful for anemia, diabetes, and also acts as a tonic and antipyretic agent. Therefore, it would not hurt to have a couple of dogwood compote recipes for the winter in your master book. A special feature of cornel compote is that it is almost colorless immediately after seaming. This should not be alarming. It will take 2-3 days, compote infusion and acquire a beautiful color. And one more nuance is how to make compass from dogwood - of course, with a stone. If only because separating it is not an easy task. In addition, it will add additional taste to the billet.
Canned cornwood compote is stored for no more than one year.
A cornel compote recipe using a threefold pouring method
Cornel canning compote for the winter without sterilization is similar to rolling up cucumbers.
Ingredients for one 3-liter bottle:
- dogwood berries - 2 cups;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- water - approximately 2.5-5.7 liters.
Read also: Paradise apples compote recipes
Cooking technology:
- Dogwood berries bust, remove the twigs and stalks, wash and drain in a colander or strainer.
- While the berries are draining, sterilize the jars and boil the lids for seaming.
- Pour dogwood into the bottle.
- Pour the berries with boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
- Drain the infused water back into the pan and set to re-boil.
- Pour the berries a second time and let it brew again for 15 minutes.
- Add sugar to the jar.
- Pour boiling water for the third time.
- Roll Up.
Compote from cornel, poured with syrup
This compote is different in that sugar is poured not into a jar, but prepared from it syrup. It is worth noting that the compote will be pretty sweet. Those who prefer less sugary drinks, before using compote, are recommended to dilute it with water to taste.
Ingredients based on five 3-liter cans:
- dogwood berries - 2 kg;
- sugar - 3 kg;
- water - 15 liters.
Cooking Technology:
- Select ripe berries of dogwood, but not overripe, as they quickly burst in the cooking process and spoil the look of compote, giving it a cloudy color. Pour them with cold water for half an hour to "otkisli".After that, rinse in a colander under the faucet and allow to drain.
- Expand on banks to ¼ of their volume. On one jar about 400 g of a cornel leave.
- Pour water into a large saucepan( immediately for five cans) and bring to a boil. Gradually pour boiling water over the berries in the jars and let stand for 15 minutes.
- Through a special lid with holes to drain the water again in the pan.
- Add sugar to water( it takes about 3 cups per bottle) and boil the syrup. To do this, boil water over low heat until the sugar has melted( about 5 minutes).
- Pour the berries a second time with hot syrup, without adding 2 cm to the top of the jar.
- Roll up, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool.
Read also: Tomato juice through a juicer for the winter: quick and simple recipes
Dogwood compote sterilized
Of course, to roll up the cornel compote for the winter using the sterilization method will take a little extra time. But this method is suitable hostesses who do not have the ability to store seaming in the basement. And the sterilized compote will stay on the mezzanine in an apartment without problems all winter( if it is not drunk before).
Ingredients for one 3-liter bottle:
- dogwood berries - 2-3 cups;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- water - to fill the jar to the brim.
Cooking technology:
- Pick and wash berries. Let the excess water flow.
- Pour the cornel into the jar, add the sugar and top with boiling water.
- At the bottom of a large pot or a bucket( it will be even more convenient and less water) to lay gauze in 3-4 layers. Top put a jar of compote, pour warm water up to the height of the bank about 2/3.Sterilize 15 minutes
- Roll up.
A quick recipe for a cornel compote for the winter
Another recipe for boiling a cornel compote without sterilizing it. This method is good already that belongs to the series "in a hurry."However, this does not affect its quality. Thanks to citric acid, which prevents the formation and development of harmful bacteria, compote is well stored at room temperature.
- sugar - 300 g:
- water - 2.8 l;
- dogwood - 350 g;
- citric acid - one third of a teaspoon.
Cooking technology:
- Dogwood berries bust and wash. Immature cornel should not be used for compote, it is better to choose it and roll it in paper bags. Packages can be left on the windowsill, where in a couple of days the cornel will ripen.
- Pour the berries into a pre-sterilized 3 liter container.
- Add sugar and citric acid.
- Bring water to a boil, let it boil for about 5 minutes and pour over the jar of berries.
- Roll up, turn, wrap well and leave to cool.
Read also: We can preserve cherry compote for the winter
Sweet and sour fragrant dogwood and pear compote
If someone thinks that there is not enough sweetness in the cornel compote, you should try adding a sweet fruit, such as a pear. And the taste will change, because the pear will hide a little sour dogwood, and the aroma will become much richer. By the way, and dogwood, and pears are great for a "snack"!
If hard pears are caught, they are dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes to soften. The main thing is not to overdo the fruit, otherwise they fall apart in the process of cooking compote.
Ingredients for 3 jars:
- cornel - 500 g;
- large pear - 3 pcs.;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- water - 2.5 liters.
Cooking Technology:
- Wash the dogwood, cut the core of pears, cut into 4 parts.
- Banks to sterilize.
- Pour cornels in a jar, put pears and cover with sugar.
- Fill the jar with boiling water to half the volume, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes.
- While the compote harvest will be infused, pour a second portion of water into the pan to fill the jar completely. After boiling for a few minutes, add water to the jar.
- Roll up, turn the compote down with a lid, cover with something warm and leave to cool.
Hopefully, after reading this article, Cornel will have more fans. Sour berry began to be used for eating for a long time, cornel has a lot of positive feedback in traditional medicine. As mentioned above, cornel is simply indispensable for immunity. Therefore, in each pantry should be at least a couple of jars of vitamin compote. Drink compote from dogwood in the winter, enjoy and be healthy!