A complete description of the plant Dereza vulgaris( goji berries)

Recently, wolfberry berries have become very popular due to their effective healing properties and the presence of a large complex of vitamins. Only advertising and success brought to them another, Chinese name - goji berries .

There are many species of wolfberry, but some species are poisonous.

In North America, this plant is known as Anderson Dereza, in China - goji berries, in Argentina and Chile - Dereza Chilean, in South Africa - Dereza Africa, in Russia - Dereza common .

The content of theroot system. The height can reach up to 3.5 m. It grows well, has soft stems and spines on the branches.

During flowering a pleasant aroma .The shape of the flowers resembles bells with a pink-purple tinge, light purple or lilac.

The leaves are elliptical, the fruits have a beautiful rich red, coral or scarlet color.

The fruiting period lasts from May to mid-autumn. During this period, may produce more than 12 harvests.

The taste of berries is sweet-sour or sour , which once again confirms the findings of scientists about the content of large amounts of vitamin C in the tree.and grows well. For planting, you can buy both seeds and seedlings, which are sold in specialized stores.

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Dereza calmly endures any weather, be it a strong thirty-degree frost or a hot little rainy summer.

It tolerates calm and drought. For a good state of health, willow is enough to water once every two weeks.

In spring, the plant is preferably fertilized potassium nitrate and urea. If the plant grows in a strongly alkaline soil, it is advisable to add ash once a year, about 500 mg per hole with a seedling.

For the winter it is recommended to pour dry leaves under the roots, cover with snow.

Resistant to various diseases and pests of deerza , has good adaptation qualities, is not afraid of abnormal weather conditions. For preventive purposes, you can spray once a year tincture of wormwood or garlic.

Dereza can be found on the forest edges, at the foot of the mountains, along the paths of forest landings. However, many summer residents began to cultivate the plant on their plots, wanting to improve and strengthen their health with the help of the wonderful healing berries of the plant.

Dereza ordinary can be found on the forest edges, at the foot of the mountains, along the paths of the forest plantings

In fact, common dereza berries are the same goji berries , only the dereza of the house grows, in its garden plot, and not in far-away China on the other’sthe earth.

Goji berries in supermarkets and pharmacies sell at very high prices. Reasonable people grow healing berries on their plots for free.

It has long been noticed and proved that the fruits and berries that grew on their own land, on their native land, bring the best health effect.

The imported overseas fruits do not have such a healing effect on the human body, as they grew in other soil, the chemical content of which is different from the native soil.

The fact is that the human body from birth has individual enzymes for the splitting of precisely those fruits and vegetables that grow in their native area.

What is brought from abroad, no matter how healing it would be, does not have such a healing effect for a person, like what is grown in his native area, surrounded by personal care and watered by his native water.

Healing and beneficial properties

In a plant, almost all parts are useful: berries, bark, roots, leaves.

To preserve useful properties, the leaves and roots of are collected during the blooming of flowers, dried in a dark place and stored for about 2 years.

They contain phenolic compounds, carotenoids, minerals and vitamins, biologically active substances, steroid saponins.

The most valuable raw materials are wolfberry berries, which contain a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, amino acids, polysaccharides.

Thanks to its miraculous healing properties, the plant is called “a remedy for a thousand ailments”.

It has been known for a long time, they were treated with many diseases. This plant had the greatest popularity among the monks of ancient Tibet.

Dereza berries contain a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, amino acids, polysaccharides.

Properties of Dereza berries:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins, slags, and pathogenic infections( eliminates E. coli, candidiasis; used as an aid in causing a heartbeat, candida;.
  2. Improving the cardiovascular system, getting rid of headaches and dizziness, normalization of pressure.
  3. Increased visual acuity.
  4. Reduced blood cholesterol and sugar.
  5. Relieving symptoms of rheumatism, diseases of the muscular system and joints.
  6. Enhancement of sexual function, elimination of sexual frigidity and male potency.
  7. Normalization of the kidneys and gall bladder.
  8. Strengthening the immune system.
  9. Burning excess fat, losing weight.
  10. Improved memory, concentration.
  11. Toning, giving strength and energy.

The curative properties of wolfberry are so varied that it is very difficult and long to list them all.

Not for nothing doctors say that it cures a thousand diseases , gives strength and energy, “pleases” the heart, clarifies the mind, is a powerful antioxidant, prolongs the years of life and rejuvenates the entire body.

Planting seedlings and caring for plants

The quickest way to get a crop is planting using cuttings. The shoot must have at least 4 buds, the kidney should be about 20 cm long.

The shoot is cut with shears at an angle and planted into a greenhouse in soil rich in fluorine. When the root system appears, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

To plant the seedling, you need to dig an hole about 50 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Add a mixture of wood ash( 40 g), compost( 80 g), superphosphate( 200 g) to the hole. Sapling must be well deepened into the soil, water and prikopat.

Dereza loves the sunny side of the site, does not like abundant moisture.

Fruit-bearing wormwood starts about 3 years after planting.

Goji Berry or Cornflower Orchid. Cultivation and care:

Use of berries and roots in cooking and medicine

Recipe for extracting berries against excess weight and for health promotion : 1 tbsp.lpour berries into a glass and pour boiling water, let it brew for half an hour.

To be taken every day for a month, 2 times a day for half a glass.

A recipe for neurological edema. : Take 1 dessert spoon of dry roots for 300 mg of boiling water, 20 minutes.on low heat, languishing, after 40 minutes insisting.

The decoction is filtered and taken in 250 ml 5 times a day until the swelling and neurological diseases are removed.

Vitamin soup to strengthen the immune system with berries of wolfberry : for cooking take 100 g of berries, feta cheese 50 g, 2 fresh tomatoes, one onion, 2 pcs. Bulgarian pepper, 100 mg of water, salt and oil to taste( preferably olive oil).

Before cooking, the berries should be soaked in cold water for about 15 minutes. Grind all the ingredients in a blender( except cheese), insist in a cold place for 1.5 hours.

Put in plates, add chopped cheese, add any broth or water( if the dish is vegetarian), salt to taste, you can add ground pepper, dill and parsley. The dish is ready to eat.

Berries and common bark roots are used in traditional medicine, as well as in cooking.

Protein cocktail with bream to recover from heavy loads : is prepared a day before strenuous physical training: 3 tbsp.lberries are poured with a liter of skimmed milk, covered and placed in a cold place to infuse.

After whipping until smooth, the cocktail is ready. You can add 2 leaflets of mint or on the tip of a spoonful of dry cinnamon. It will emphasize and improve the taste.

Cocktail should be consumed immediately after training or hard physical work. He will quickly restore strength, return the ability to work and energy. By the protein value of such a cocktail of berries wolf by a lot exceeds the hammer milk.

Berries can be dried in a dark place and consumed in the winter instead of pharmaceutical vitamins. You can take no more than 30 mg per day.

Also dried berries are added to meat dishes, casseroles, cakes, pies, any cereals. They make excellent tea and jelly, brew and drink instead of water as a prophylactic against many diseases.

It is noted that people who regularly use these berries feel great and are less sick. And recently, scientists have found in the component tree, which reduces the risk of developing oncology .

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