Types and varieties of mountain ash

Forest rowan - extremely useful plant .And the honey plant, and the wood she has is beautiful, and feeds the birds in the winter, and she is also good at herself.

One misfortune: its fruits, though medicinal, but bitter .Because they are considered of little value. But this is if you take a dick, rowan ordinary.

Varietal is a completely different thing .About her and speech.

Table of Contents

  • How to understand mountain ash?
  • Titan
  • Bead
  • Liqueur Michurin
  • Ruby
  • Scarlet
  • White, yellow and orange decorative varieties

How to understand mountain ash?

Our common, ubiquitous red rowan belongs to the large botanical genus Sorbus .In turn, almost all modern cultivars of this plant originate from this plant.

Rather, from its two varietal-type varieties: Moravian( Central Europe) and non-Vezha( Eastern Europe).

The Moravian mountain ash was discovered in the Czech Republic in the 19th century and named after the region where it was found - Moravia. Its sweet fruits, 1 cm in diameter, made this variety interesting for breeders.

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The varieties Edulis, Bissnery and Concentrate, for example, originated from it.

Almost all modern cultural varieties

derive their pedigree from two varieties of mountain ash types, Moravian and Nevezhinskaya, by accident in the woods near the village of Nevezhino in the Vladimir region. Sweet, completely without bitterness, the fruits conquered the local peasants, who quickly realized to plant this rowan and sell seedlings to neighbors.

And this also happened in the XIX century. So almost simultaneously in two ends of Europe, nature presented man with sweet rowan instead of bitter.

Sometimes Nevezhinskaya rowan is called “Nezhin” .The vintner Fyodor Smirnov confused everyone, who in the old days was selling tincture on its fruit. Not wanting to reveal the secrets of the recipe to competitors, he specifically threw out one syllable and called his product “Nezhinskaya”.

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was very interested in breeding varietal rowan trees. Many of the varieties created by him to date have either been lost, or perepyllis and lost the original characteristics, or are stored only in scientific collections. But those that survived, often become the basis for modern breeding work.

From a strictly scientific point of view to call the fruits of mountain ash "berries" is wrong. Correctly say "apple".Fruits of the same type form quince, apple and pear.


This variety is one of the surviving Michurin creations .It was created by the difficult crossing of a mountain ash, a pear and a red-leafed apple tree.

His characteristics:

  1. Medium-growth tree( up to 5 meters) with a rounded sparse crown. Shoots are straight, the color of the bark is dull brown.
  2. The leaves are glossy, dark green.
  3. Inflorescences-shields of medium diameter, the color of the petals is white.
  4. The fruits are slightly ribbed, rounded, weighing 1.2 grams. The skin is dark red, waxish. The flesh is yellow, sweet and sour, tart. The use is universal.

Grade Titan frost and drought-resistant, not affected by disease.

The rowan grape


The variety was created by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Tatiana Kirillovna Poplavskaya .Fanatically devoted to science, in the 70s of the 20th century, she was actively engaged in the search for and restoration of lost Michurin varieties of mountain ash.

Bead - one of the first varieties that do not have a hint of astringency. It is a product of free pollination of nevezhinskaya rowan.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. A plant of restrained growth, 3 meters high. Shoots are gray-brown, straight. Fruiting begins, according to various sources, at 3 or 5 years of age.
  2. Leaves are light green, toothed.
  3. Inflorescences are large, with white flowers.
  4. Fruits of the correct rounded shape, with a red skin, weighing 1.2-1.9 grams. The flesh is cream-colored, with a hint of cranberry flavor, but without strong acid. Purpose is universal. Ripen early, by the end of August.

Especially valuable advantages of the variety are high resistance to extreme frosts, drought and diseases. Productivity is high. Sort

rowan bead has astringency, is highly resistant to extreme frost, drought, disease
chemical composition of the fruit
Sugar 10%
organic acid 2,2%
Vitamin C 67 mg / 100 g
Carotene 9 mg/ 100 g
Dry substance 25%

Michirin liqueur

One of the Michurin varieties , lost and restored. He has a lot in common with one of his “parents” - black chokeberry.

Characteristics of a rowan garden variety:

  1. Medium-sized plant, about 5 meters, with sparse oval crown. Sometimes found in shrub form. It gives strong annual growths( up to 30 cm).
  2. Leaves are dark green, alternate, pinnate.
  3. Beautiful dense inflorescences with a shield diameter of 10 cm. The color of the petals is white and pink.
  4. Fruits are dark purple, almost black, weighing 1 g, ripen in September, stored for a month. The taste resembles a black chokeberry - sweet, slightly astringent. Purpose - for the production of liqueur-type wines, preserves.

Grade advantages: high winter hardiness and moderate drought tolerance. Disadvantage : fruits may be affected by rot.

The Liqueurna mountain ash is bred by Michurin, excellent for making liqueur-type wines and jars of the contents of the gameplaps.100 g Cellulose 2.7 g / 100 g


Also lost was the Michurinsky variety, but found, propagated and transferred to the variety test of TK Poplavskaya. Like all old Michurin forms, this type of rowan has a slight tartness in the taste of .

Her characteristics:

  1. A low tree, 3 meters in height, with a drooping crown. Skeletal branches are located almost at a right angle, the shoots are straight, with light brown covers.
  2. Leaves are light green, with a finely serrated margin and a pubescent petiole.
  3. The shield is not wide, flowers are small, pinkish-white.
  4. Fruits are rounded-flattened, weighing 1.3 g. The skin is ruby-colored, the pulp is yellow. The taste is sweet and sour, a little tart. The purpose of the fruit is to be processed into juices, jellies, wines, liqueurs, jelly. Suitable for drying.

The plant is stable to low temperatures.

Ruby Mountain Ash is good for processing into juices, jellies, wines, liqueurs,
Chemical composition of fruits
Sugar 12.4%
Organic acids 1.3%
Vitamin C 21 mg / 100 g
Anthocyanins 948 mg and I apt. To do this, put them in a gauze bag and hang for a while for the battery.

Alai large

Grade, bred by the Central Genetic Laboratory. Michurin( today the Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants).An interesting, very showy plant, with really large fruits for the Red Rowan rowan.

Characteristics of the variety:

  1. Tree height - 5 meters. Crohn middle density, broad-pyramidal shape. Weakly pubescent straight shoots with gray-brown bark and a variety of large lechevichek.
  2. The leaves are dark green, with broadly lancellar plates, shiny.
  3. Wide shields with lots of flowers.
  4. Fruits from 1.7 to 2.5 grams, slightly ribbed, juicy. Scarlet skin, taste spicy, slightly more acidic than other varieties, without bitterness. Appointment table and technical.

The variety is able to tolerate extreme frosts down to -50⁰С. Resistant to diseases and pests .

Aruba, yellow and orange ornamental varieties

In addition to the usual red and black ash trees for the eye, the efforts of the breeders bred varieties with yellow, orange and even white fruits that can decorate any garden.

For example, variety Yellow with thin flexible branches that, with a bountiful harvest, lean towards the ground. From its fruits are obtained mountain ash kvasses, original fillings for pies, jams.

The variety of mountain ash Yellow is good for making kvass, jam, as a filling for pies

The variety of orange fruit is very decorative The light of the light is one of the most heat-resistant and drought-resistant. As it ripens, it changes the color of the apples from yellow to fiery orange.

Rowan's Daughter Kubovaya - a new sort of , bred by spontaneous hybridization of the nevezhinsky Kubov. The fruits of this tree also have a bright orange color in the ripeness phase, and their taste is juicy, bright, sour-sweet, without a hint of bitterness or astringency.

Variety yield Daughter Kuben is phenomenal - up to 90 kg from one tree.

You may be interested in our publications:

  • Description of the rowan variety Garnet.
  • Useful properties and contraindications of black chokeberry.
  • Useful properties and contraindications of mountain ash red.

Cube itself also has orange fruits, but the yield is not so high. Cubic - a derivative form of nevezhinskoy rowan, created by popular selection. Her apples are slightly elongated, pentahedral, with a very pleasant taste.

But the white-fruited ryabinkas, unfortunately, are not suitable for food. For example, in the Kena or White Swan( White Swan) varieties are very bitter fruits .However, their compactness and high ornamentation allows you to create an interesting play of colors among other rowan trees.

Decorative white-fruited rowan varieties of Kena or White Swan( White Swan) are not suitable for food

By combining, for example, a high scarlet, large, tender Yellow and miniature White Swan, you can get a combination of good and beauty.

All varieties of mountain ash are self-sterile. In order to get a quality crop from them, you need to plant several different varieties side by side or plant them in the crown of one tree.
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