How to grow a good crop of cucumbers

Previously, it was believed that cucumbers are unpretentious in agricultural technology, grow almost by themselves. It is a mistake to grow a good crop of cucumbers in conditions of an unfavorable ecological background with weather surprises unlikely. But if you take into account the advice of experienced gardeners, you can harvest a rich harvest of greens throughout the summer, until the onset of cold weather.

ContentsAdditional actions to increase the yield of

  • Lunar calendar planting cucumbers for 2018
  • Sowing seeds in open ground

    Get on yourthe city really big crop is quite possible, if you follow the technology and implement timely control. The main rules of agricultural engineering include the following activities:

    • quality planting material,
    • selection of varieties and seeds, preparing them for sowing;
    • soil preparation( fertilizer and disinfection);
    • procedure for sowing seeds, seedlings;
    • irrigation;
    • loosening and weeding;
    • feed injection;
    • disease prevention;
    • fruit picking.
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    Cucumbers love nutritious loose soil, so they begin to engage in the preparation of the site in the fall, especially if they are planted in open ground. The whole site is dug up mixed with manure and humus. In spring, the earth must again be dug up and enriched with organic matter. Begin seeding only after 7-10 days. Before planting, disinfection is carried out by watering the beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    When preparing the soil, it is necessary to determine its acidity. For this, litmus paper is used. At elevated rates, the acidic environment should be neutralized by introducing dolomite flour or chopped lime into the soil.

    Before sowing, seeds are germinated for fast germination. Only germinated specimens are used. In the soil, the seeds are buried by 2-3 cm. When planting seedlings, 3-4 seedlings are distributed per 1 m2.

    Sowing seeds in open ground

    Watering is done with extremely warm water; cold water slows down the development of the plant. Before the appearance of the fruits, irrigation is carried out 1 time in 2-3 days, after the start of the formation of the fruits, the intensity increases to daily procedures. It is important to prevent stagnant water in the ground.

    At the initial stage of plant formation, it is necessary to regularly loosen, which is often combined with weeding. A lot of weeds next to cucumbers is a danger to the plant, so you should not run the beds.

    A week after planting or thinning the seedlings, fertilizers are introduced. The working solution is prepared on the basis of the following components:

    • bucket of water;
    • 10 g of ammonium nitrate;
    • 10 g of superphosphate;
    • 10 g of potassium salt.

    Consumption rate: 1 l per 1 bush.

    After 2 weeks re-feeding is introduced, increasing the amount of mineral substances by 2 times per 10 liters of water.

    Proper watering of cucumbers

    Favorable factors of high yields

    To increase yields, attention should be paid to all factors affecting the development and growth of cucumbers.

    General lunar landing rules in May and June

    Many gardeners are planning to seed and plant seedlings, based on recommended dates of the lunar calendar. As the modern scientists have found out, the Moon really influences the intensity of development of cultivated crops and can increase germination. The principle of transplantation is based on the fact that all aboveground plants are tedious to plant after the new moon, and the roots after the full moon. According to popular belief on the full moon and a couple of days closest to it, neither can be planted or sow anything. But on the new moon it is time to sow above-ground plants.

    Selection of optimal varieties for high yields

    The yield depends primarily on the variety of cucumbers, but when choosing it is worth considering the climate in the region and the growing conditions for the selected hybrids. Breeders put a lot of effort to fill the market with so-called universal varieties, characterized by high yield and strong immunity. Among these:

    • Masha;
    • Zozulya;
    • Courage;
    • Pinocchio;
    • Kibriya et al.

    Fertilizers, fertilizing and mulching

    When growing cucumbers, organic and mineral fertilizers are used for fertilizing. According to the method of making they are foliar and root. Everyone chooses the appropriate options for how to fertilize, but experts recommend alternating between them.

    A total of 4 supplements are administered:

    • 2 weeks after planting;
    • at the beginning of the formation of inflorescences;
    • in the midst of fruiting;
    • in 2 weeks.

    In order to prevent the soil from drying out, the beds are mulched. Sawdust, peat or dried manure are used as mulch. This shelter inhibits the growth of weeds, which reduces the amount of weed to a minimum.

    Do not mulch the soil with freshly cut grass, it can infect vegetables with diseases.
    Feeding cucumbers

    Strengthening the root system

    For long-term fruiting, it is important to have a strong root system. Plant need to help form adventitious roots. To do this, gently press the stem to the ground and sprinkle it with soil.

    Disposal of lean bushes

    Conducting regular inspection of the beds, it is necessary to remove damaged sheets, roll-ups and fruits from the bushes, they reduce the fertility of the plant. Also unnecessary on the plantation are considered poor harvest lashes. The cause of poor development may be associated with illness or other problems that are better located. The soil where the plant grew should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    Proper stading

    Pastage is performed when a good whip is formed, but without fruit. To this end, in the axils of the first five leaves, lateral shoots and ovaries are removed in the axils of the first 3 leaves. The cut should be made with a neatly sharp instrument so as not to damage the stem and other shoots. Properly carry out the procedure when the length of the stepsons reaches 3-6 cm.

    The garter of the whip should be done so that the green leaves and the stems do not rot due to an excess of moisture. In addition, cucumbers are very fond of light, which is provided in full by the vertical beds. It is easy to build a trellis: at the edges of a row, drive supports into the ground, tie ropes on them and pull the cord along them, which will twist the stem( not tight!) Several times.

    Proper sowing of cucumbers

    Additional actions to increase the yield of

    In addition to the generally accepted rules of agricultural engineering, many gardeners use their secrets to increase the yield. Among the effective, and most importantly proven, are the following tips.

    • Before planting seedlings, it is imperative to examine the soil. With a high occurrence of groundwater, it is necessary to switch to growing a culture in a greenhouse with an equipped drainage system. As an option to apply the hydrogel, which will pull over the excess soil moisture.
    • The plant belongs to the heat-loving. Many people do not even suspect that it is impossible to water with running water from a highway or a well, since this shortens the fruiting period. The used liquid should be settled within 23-24 degrees.
    • Fruit harvesting should be done regularly, no matter if it is daily or 1 time in 2 days. Irregularity helps reduce yields. During collection, the lash must be handled with care, injury to the stem or branches also has a negative effect on fruiting.
    • For photosynthesis cucumbers need carbon dioxide. When grown in a greenhouse, there is often a shortage of it, so there is a need for artificial replenishment. Make it simple: grind the soil with manure( a layer of 3-5 cm), light the gas burner for a while, or spread pieces of dry ice along the beds.
    • Accelerate the growth of plants, and strengthen the immunity of feeding from milk. Every two weeks, milk, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, is introduced under the root.
    • The yield is influenced by neighboring crops. Some create cucumber protection against pests and diseases, others reduce fructification. Close recommended to plant legumes( beans, asparagus, peas), pepper, eggplants, etc.
    Timely harvesting16-28), March( 17-29), April( 16-28);
  • root vegetables - February( 1-15), March( 3-16), April( 1-15).
  • Taking into account the zodiacal constellation conducive to the growth of cucumbers, it is recommended to perform the planting: in March from 19 to 24 and 27.28;in April from 5 to 9 and from 20 to 24.

    The date according to the lunar calendar is selected taking into account the climatic features of the region and the type of culture. Therefore, the most favorable time for disembarking may be the beginning of May.

    In some regions, only June is suitable for disembarkation. The described tips and recommendations are feasible and accessible, so the success of the new crop in the hands of the gardener. In the harvest year you should not lose the opportunity to remove a record number of fruits from a small garden or plantation.

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