April troubles in garden beds

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March in most regions of Russia is just the spring of spring. But when April is knocking at the gate, the cottager needs to be fully armed.

As soon as the land is free of snow, it's time to start spring tillage. Even the areas that were dug up or plowed in autumn under the weight of snow over the winter were thickened and are not suitable for comfortable growth of garden crops. Therefore, the first tool that should fall into the hands of the gardener is a shovel.

Digging of beds precedes their planning. It was in April that the summer resident, it was time for mass plantings to begin, it is possible to reconcile the plans created in winter for practice, to take into account crop rotation and the friendly neighborhood of garden crops.

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Spring tillage in April

This is one of the most time-consuming and difficult stages of work on the site. It is important not just to dig up the places for future planting of vegetables, green crops and root crops. For complete comfort and quick development, the plants need the ground:

  • is loose, perfectly permits water and air;
  • had an adequate supply of nutrients;
  • was not dangerous for crop plants due to the presence of insect pests and weeds.

You can accomplish the tasks assigned by breaking the lumps that occur during digging, removing or treating weed vegetation that is beginning to actively germinate, applying fertilizer if this has not been done since autumn.

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In parallel with tillage and garden arrangement, the gardener needs to pay attention to perennial crops, which with the disappearance of snow begin to show above the ground and even give the first green. These plants in Russian gardens include:

  • numerous varieties of onions;
  • sorrel;
  • rhubarb;
  • asparagus;
  • garlic planted under the winter;
  • horseradish;
  • left from last year for celery and the same parsley.

The earth in the ridges occupied by these crops is loosened, and the plants themselves are fed with liquid organic fertilizer with the addition of potassium.

Sowing the seeds of early vegetables and greens in April

In April, cold and even snow fallout are frequent. In order for greens not to suffer from temperature changes and not to suffer from frost, it is useful to cover the beds with a greenhouse. So, fresh vitamins will be much earlier at the summer resident on the table.

From mid-April, the day gradually lengthens, the sun rises higher, and it is time to sow cold-resistant crops. First of all, they should include representatives of the cruciferous family. When the soil on the beds warms up to 3-4 ° C, you can sow radishes, various types of radish and turnips, daikon, and lettuce. These cultures are not afraid of even small sub-zero temperatures, but if tightened with crops. Instead of succulent leaves and root crops, you can wait for a friendly flowering, starting with the lengthening of daylight.

In addition, April is the time for sowing fennel, dill, celery and parsley. As soon as spring primroses bloom, you can embed carrot, spinach and onion seeds, leek and chives in the ground. The coolness in this case turns out to be in the hands of the gardener:

  • the soil in the beds for early vegetables is still rich in thawed moisture;
  • many pests, including onion flies and damaging radishes and cabbage fleas, are still inactive;
  • seeds undergo natural stratification before spitting, and the seedlings are perfectly tempered.

If early vegetables are sown in greenhouses or under a greenhouse, the first crop can be radish, lettuce, perennial green onions and other green crops can be served on the table already in the May holidays.

A week later, the land is ready to take dry pea seeds. Do not forget about planting spring garlic, which, although it wintered at home, with the right care quickly catches up with its winter fellow. In the second half of the month, it is time to cook the beds and sow cabbage, beets and its leafy option - chard. When the first leaves appear on the beds with radish, according to the old sign, you can sow cucumbers for the greenhouse.

Read also: Pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions( part 1)

April work in the house: sprouts and potato preparation

April is one of the most difficult, stressful and important months in the gardener's calendar. Not only does a lot of work appear on the plot itself, it turns out that there are no less of them in the house:

  • grows tomato seedlings, eggplants and peppers;
  • sowing cucumbers, zucchini and squash, melons, watermelons and pumpkins;
  • does not want to wait for cabbage and other crops.

Therefore, the summer resident has to work on two fronts, managing both on these beds and on improvised “plantations” near home windows.

In the second half of the month, it is necessary to pick the tomato seedlings and feed them. Peppers and eggplants no less demanding for grooming are also fed up, making sure that the plants receive enough light and “do not pull out”.

Read also: How to plan a garden on a small plot?

Experienced gardeners notice that every year potatoes are planted at sites earlier and earlier. This is facilitated by the emergence of early early ripening varieties, as well as the development by summer residents of simple and effective ways of preparing tubers for planting.

For summer consumption, potatoes are planted in the ground at the end of April, when the ground in the beds warms up to +10 ° C.At the same time, the tubers are removed from storage in advance, heated, treated with means of protection against pests and kept warm to get healthy shoots ready for active development.

The wetting of the humic acid-based nutrient solution and the laying of tubers with a layer of sphagnum, peat or sawdust will help speed up the germination of eyes.

This procedure is performed 7–10 days before planting. If the period of such preparation will be longer, there is a risk that during separation tangled roots and large shoots will suffer.

April is a difficult but very important month laying the foundation for the next harvest. The summer resident sees the first fruits of the enclosed works in a couple of weeks, when the first bright greens of radish and daikon, sorrel, onion and lettuce rise above the beds. But most of the effort will pay off during the summer and fall, bringing generous fruit from greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground.

April's beds -

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