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If the flower is not only beautiful,but also useful, he will definitely find his place on the plot. You can grow a well-known calendula from the seeds by choosing the right planting dates. It is also important to create a plant in such conditions in which it will bloom profusely and continuously.
Description of the plant
Calendula officinalis( or marigold) is common and is cultivated throughout the temperate zone. It is light-requiring, cold-resistant and unpretentious to conditions. The plant is annual, erect, in different varieties the height ranges from 20 to 70 cm. Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences - baskets. They are yellow or orange. Along with the usual form of flowers, there is a calendula terry. Flowering plant from June to autumn frosts. The fruits ripen in late summer - early fall. Propagated only by seeds.
Planting Calendula Seeds
Calendula can be grown from seed by sowing in open ground or in seedlings. In the second case, it will bloom earlier. Seeds of marigolds in open ground are sown in two terms: in spring, when the soil thaws and dries, and in the fall, before the onset of sustained frosts.
In the middle lane conditions, the second and third decades of April are optimal for spring planting. The soil is considered finished if an abandoned lump of earth crumbles.
Autumn planting of calendula in the ground is done when night frosts become regular, the soil has not frozen yet, but no warm days are expected.
If you sow a calendula before the onset of cold weather, the seeds will have time to hesitate and then the seedlings will freeze out. In order not to be mistaken in terms, you can sow in the prepared grooves after the upper layer freezes, falling asleep with the ground, which you prepared in advance and kept in a warm place.
Calendula planting time for outdoor cultivation may vary in different regions. An inexperienced gardener can clarify them with neighbors in the dacha.
The seedlings are sown from late February to early April. The tanks, after planting, are watered with separated water and covered so that the earth does not dry out. Several times a day, shelter is removed to air. After the emergence of shoots shelter removed. Seedlings need bright lighting and moderate watering. A few days before planting in the open ground, seedlings begin to harden - they take it out at a temperature of 12-16 degrees. Despite the fact that the plant is cold-resistant, hardened seedlings will start growing faster and will hurt less after transplantation.