Nuts and honey are very useful in themselves, but if you combine these two ingredients, you get a real bomb.400 grams of this product can replace a full meal and completely saturate the body with all necessary substances.
But it is worth remembering that nuts with honey only bring benefit; they need to be properly prepared and properly used, while respecting the dosage.
Table of contents
The chemical composition of walnut with honey
The benefits of
Useful tips
The chemical composition of walnut with honey
The classic recipe for the walnut with the honey
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Useful micro and macronutrients, which include iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc;
Also in the composition of honey can be found fructose and glucose.
Ascorbic acid;
Fatty oil, which includes glycerides;
Vitamin K and P;
Huge amount of protein;
Amino Acids.
The concentration of all the listed substances is quite high, so nuts with honey are considered one of the most useful products. In addition to walnuts, you can use almonds, pistachios, cashews, etc. It is also recommended to prepare nuts with honey with the addition of various dried fruits or lemon, which can enrich the composition and make the product even more useful.
Protein contained in walnuts can completely replace meat, moreover, it is absorbed much faster by the body.400 grams of such food can completely replace the daily intake of food consumed, while the person will receive all the substances he needs.
Walnuts in a plate filled with honey
Honey is an excellent conductor for all the trace elements that make up walnuts, thereby enhancing their beneficial properties. This tool is used as an auxiliary treatment for various diseases, but most often nuts with honey are used to replenish the spent physical, nervous and mental strength.
has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels;
is a heart attack prevention;
relieves fatigue and gives strength to organisms;
increases mental alertness;
well invigorates;
improves mood;
relieves migraine headaches;
improves sleep;
helps with constipation and intestinal malfunction;
regular use increases the chances of conception;
stimulates female sexual desire;
is also a very useful tool for men because nuts are a natural aphrodisiac. With its help, the number of sperm cells increases and blood circulation in the genitals improves;
honey with nuts restores the body of a woman after giving birth and significantly increases the amount of breast milk ;
may seem strange, but nuts with honey can be consumed during the diet. Due to its ability to improve the appetite, a spoonful of such a product eaten in the morning will help you have a good breakfast, while maintaining satiety for a long time
also when the body does not get the usual number of calories, it starts to experience stress, and nuts with honey can help relieve nervous tension.
It is worth noting that each nut is used to achieve a specific goal:
Walnuts are used to restore the body after diseases and various types of surges. This tool helps to increase the body's resistance to infections, besides, walnut is considered the best way to improve potency;
Almond has a good effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, it also has a choleretic property;
Scientists claim that regular use of hazelnuts helps in the fight against cancer. It can even be grown at home from walnut;
Peanuts help the body replenish lost strength;
Pine nuts help increase appetite and fill the body with plenty of vitamins.
This product is very useful for children. Thanks to him, immunity is enhanced, fatigue is removed, attentiveness and memory are improved. Nuts with honey help the child to improve school performance and strengthen the body's resistance to various diseases, such a tool is especially important during epidemics.
Children often have an allergy or other negative reaction, so parents should carefully monitor children's health and introduce such a tool gradually.
Delicious nut-honey dessert in jars of
In addition to the huge number of advantages, under certain conditions nuts with honey can cause harm to the body. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to know all the existing contraindications:
serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
lung disease;
chronic heart disease;
gallstones or kidney stones, including chronic or acute cholecystitis;
the presence of any skin diseases;
if a person is prone to being overweight, then eating nuts with honey can lead to the appearance of extra pounds;
may be allergic to certain components;
due to the large amount of sugar such a product can not be eaten for people with diabetes.
When eating nuts with honey with the presence of these diseases, their exacerbation and deterioration of the body condition may occur. It is also worth remembering that no more than 500 grams of this product can be eaten per day, otherwise the following complications can occur:
tonsil enlargement;
rash in the mouth;
appears vascular spasm and severe headaches.
Honey with homemade nuts
Following the classic recipe, nuts and honey are made from walnuts, other raw materials and the addition of various components are also allowed:
600 grams of whole, peeled walnuts pour 300 ml of fresh honey and insist in a cold place for 14 days;
100 grams of dried apricots are soaked for 30 minutes, then dried and crushed, also needs to be turned into a pulp half of the lemon, peeled from the skin and seeds.40 grams of almonds and walnuts are added to this mixture. At the last stage, add 3 tablespoons of honey. The resulting product must be brewed for at least 10 days;
200 grams of dried apricots, 200 grams of raisins and 200 grams of prunes are challenged with boiling water, washed under running water and crushed along with half of the peeled lemon. The resulting mixture is combined with 200 grams of whole walnuts and 250 milliliters of honey. Before use, the mixture must be kept in a cold place for 2-3 weeks;
It is necessary to take 100 grams of almonds, cashews, peanuts and 50 grams of walnut. The resulting assortment is dried in a pan, stirring constantly. After cooling, the mixture is transferred to the jar, and poured 200 ml of honey and allowed to brew for 1-2 weeks;
One of the simplest recipes will be a mixture of 100 grams of pine nuts and 100 milliliters of honey, it must be insisted for 2-3 days;
200 grams of peeled hazelnuts are fried in a frying pan, cooled and mixed with 100 milliliters of honey and infused in a dark place at a cool temperature of 7 days;
To prepare a delicious sweetness, you need to mix in a deep bowl 200 grams of peeled whole nuts with a tablespoon of melted butter and 3 tablespoons of honey. Then the mixture is spread on parchment and sent to an oven heated to 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. In this case, the nuts are periodically stirred so that they are not burnt. And after the delicacy is removed from the oven, it is continued to stir, so that the nuts do not stick together.
Rolled mixes of nuts with honey
Useful tips
There are several tricks to follow which the prepared tool will be most useful:
is best to buy unpeeled nuts and natural honey;
nuts either do not grind at all, or slightly break hands;
is recommended to mix nuts with honey only wooden objects;
as a container used glass jar;
first put the nuts in a jar, and then pour the honey;
can be constructed from paper or parchment;
is most often insisted in a refrigerator or in another cool place, with an average waiting time of 1-2 weeks.
If nuts are used with honey for medicinal purposes, then some rules should be followed:
is best eaten with one teaspoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, I have breakfast in 30 minutes;
treatment duration is 1 month.
Children are given no more than half a teaspoon per day.
Honey with nuts is not only useful, but also very tasty remedy. However, it is worth remembering the presence of contraindications and be sure to comply with the dosage.
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