Cilantro herbs look like parsley, but in reality it is a completely different plant with its own specific smell and taste. It is necessary to learn about what useful properties and what effect cilantro has on the body, and how to properly apply this product, as well as contraindications for use.
Table of Contents
- Cilantro or Coriander - Description and Characterization of
- Useful Features of Chester Art for the Human Body
- Health of the Plant and Contraindications to Usage
- Use in Medicinal Folk Medicine
- Use in Pregnant Women and Breast Feeding
- Lesson Lesson
- Use in Medicinal Folk Medicine
- Use in Pregnant Women and Breast Feeding
- Lesson Lessons Apply
- Use in Pregnant Women and Breast Feeding
- App Streamer Use in Traditional Medicine Usd
- and the characteristic of
. The herb belongs to the family of Coriander. His homeland is Eastern Mediterranean. To date, cilantro can be found in almost every corner of the globe .
It blooms with small pink flowers, gathered in bunches, resembling an umbrella. The fruits have a brown-yellow color, and in shape look like balls. But the foliage falls on the table. It is added to salads, hot dishes, used as a seasoning, as well as for the preparation of vitamin drinks.
The flavor of grass plays a significant role in the creation of dishes, sometimes the leaves are added solely for its sake. Although this smell is far from pleasant to all, many people compare it to bedbugs.
Cilantro leaves
seeds When dried, the seasoning loses this aromatic property , as the substance, which has it in its raw form, is weathered.
The seeds of this plant are called coriander, which is why erroneously sometimes called green shoots.Useful properties of cilantro for the human body
contains substances that positively affect the human body in both the green leaves and grains. These include trace elements, salts, oils, vitamins.
- Provitamin A;
- Vitamins B, B1;
- PP;
- C;
- Folic Acid;
- Riboflovin;
- Pectin;
- Rutin;
- Potassium;
- Calcium;
- Choline;
- Sodium;
- Phosphorus;
- Iron;
- Copper;
- Essential Oils.
The caloric value of a product per 100 grams is only 23 kcal , which speaks of it as a good option for dietary nutrition.
Cilantro is an
low-calorie diet product. In addition, the herb has the property to remove excess fluid and toxins. The plant, added to food in fresh form, improves appetite and digestion.
Separately, it is worth looking at men who want to increase potency, since androsterone is present. This component is also called natural testosterone. The use of this hormone is an active agent and preventive measure against the occurrence of prostatitis.
Harm to the plant for health and contraindications for use
Cilantro has health benefits, but there are situations when its use is prohibited.These include the individual intolerance to the component. Allergic reaction to coriander is manifested in the form of rashes and redness on the skin, nausea, vomiting and relaxation of the chair, abdominal pain.
The presence of diseases of the heart or blood vessels is also a contraindication to the use of this seasoning. It stimulates the circulatory system and can complicate the course of diseases such as hypertension and tachycardia and harm the body. People who have suffered a stroke or heart attack, the addition of this seasoning in food is not recommended.
The consumption rate of this spice per day is 35 grams .A larger amount can cause insomnia, weaken memory, disrupt the course of a woman's menstrual cycles, and lead to over-stimulation of the nervous system.
Consumption rate of cilantro is 35 grams per day.
Dishes with this plant should be restricted to patients with diabetes and having problems with the intestines or the stomach. Enter cilantro in the baby's diet is recommended not earlier than 1.5 years.
The use of traditional medicine
Herbal element is also used for cosmetic purposes .Masks for hair and face are made of it. Essential oil of coriander, added to a nourishing cream, mattes the skin and relieves acne. Fresh juice is good for sight. It is also used in small quantities for the treatment of nervous disorders and depression.
In Europe, cilantro was grown only in the 19th century, and its use for medicinal purposes is not very popular. In India, it has long been known about the possibilities of using the seeds of this garden herb in medicine.
It is added to the menu if ordinary human food is overloaded with animal fats. The plant quickly restores balance, reduces the level of cholesterol .
Unlike parsley, cilantro is not considered toxic. Broths and tea made from fresh foliage, is allowed to drink daily .
Cilantro decoction is allowed to drink daily.
There are medications that include this herbal component. They are prescribed for bloating, colitis, heaviness in the stomach, bowel pain.
Cilantro tea removes heavy metals from the body, so it is drunk with mercury poisoning.Use during pregnancy and lactation of a woman
While observing moderation, a pregnant woman is allowed to add this seasoning to food. The main condition that must be met at the same time: the expectant mother should not have an individual intolerance to this product.
During lactation, it is worth refraining from consuming a plant due to deterioration in the taste of milk. The child may not like the specific taste, and therefore he may refuse the breast.
Recipes with cilantro
Even in ancient times, people noticed the healing properties of this plant and began to use it for treatment. Broths are used with reduced appetite, cystitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases.
It is necessary to prepare the tincture of fresh, chopped foliage: dry grass will not work. The content is filled with boiling water and infused during the day. For one glass there is one teaspoon of dry mix. Such a composition is taken for half an hour before meals 3 times a day .They also rinse gums if they bleed.
Cilantro is suitable for soups, main dishes, salads
There are many interesting recipes for salads with the addition of cilantro. It is suitable for soups, main courses.cutlets with this green seasoning are considered an interesting option. It gives the meat a delicate taste and makes the dish much healthier.
Dried ground seeds go well with other spices, such as black pepper, hops-suneli and others. Their addition to meat and fish dishes improves and harmonizes the taste of the protein product.
Despite its taste specificity, cilantro has become widespread in various cuisines of the world and traditional medicine.