Why does the washing machine not heat water and how to fix it?
If you suddenly noticed that the washing machine does not heat water, you need to take immediate action. Without proper heating, washing does not make sense. The temperature regime should be fulfilled at all stages of the machine, only in this case it launches dirt on clothes and clothes. But what to do in case of a breakdown, and can it be eliminated?
- 1How to check if water is heated
- 2Check the water level sensor
- 3Check the tenon connection
- 4Scale
- 5Breakage of thermostat
- 6Broken control node
How to check if water is heated
Some modern models in the process of issuing an error and stop, but sometimes this function is not. In this case, to check if the water in the washing machine is warming up, start the washing in some hot mode, for example, at 60 ° and after half an hour, touch the hatch. The sensation of heat will make it clear that the water inside the tank is heated. If the glass hatch is cold, then you need to sound the alarm. There may be several reasons for the malfunction:
- damage to the water level sensor;
- the break of the ten's chain;
- strong scum;
- malfunction of the temperature sensor;
- failure in the control module.
Let's consider each reason in more detail to understand, whether it is possible to eliminate it.
Check the water level sensor
In washing machines there is a water level sensor. When the water reaches a certain point, the sensor is triggered, the circuit is closed, and the tan starts to heat up. But it happens that the sensor clogs a variety of debris, it stops passing the liquid, therefore, stops working. As a result, the washing machine does not heat water, losing its basic function. The situation can be corrected by cleaning the sensor tube or replacing the device.
Check the tenon connection
If there is an open circuit of the fan, heating will not occur under any circumstances. To ensure the integrity of the circuit, it is necessary to remove the rear wall and check the wires. As the wires pass inside the housing, they can break off as a result of machine vibrations. Most often, the wires are changed to new ones.
.Instead of wires, the tan himself may burn out. If there is a suspicion, the heating element is disconnected and ringed by an ohmmeter.
.Buying a new tan, you can extend the life of your favorite electrical appliance, and it can be done by almost any adult, since the replacement procedure is quite simple.
Suppose you called the ten, and it turned out to be working, but it causes suspicion a large layer of scale on it. Indeed, scum can be the reason that the washing machine does not heat water. Try to remove the scale, boiling the tin in water with citric acid. In the future, it will be necessary to take care of the state of the heating element, apply anti-scale agents or regularly run hot water with lemon juice through the machine. You can also install a filter so that purified water enters the washing machine.
Breakage of thermostat
The washing machine has a thermostat. This is a water heating sensor that signals the control system when it is necessary to turn on the heating, and when to turn it off. When it breaks, water can be heated either to a very high temperature, practically to a boil, or not to heat at all. The thermo sensor is pulled out of the machine, checked and, if necessary, changed to a new one.
Broken control node
A modern washing machine is a rather complicated device, in which there is an electronic control system. If there has been a breakdown inside the control module, this will definitely affect its operation. A breakdown of the module may occur due to breakage of the contacts or moisture ingress. Often, the module can not be repaired and the service center is changed to a new one. The cost of such a procedure is always high, since in fact there is a replacement for the "brain" of the styralka. In some cases, the landlady simply surrenders the old appliance and buys another, more reliable, with a surcharge.