27 best potato varieties for the middle Urals

When choosing a potato variety, you should focus on the geographical location and climatic conditions of the area where the crop will be planted. It should also take into account what kind of crop you want to get - early or late. Consider the most popular varieties of potatoes for the middle of the Urals - the Chelyabinsk region and others.


  • best varieties of potato for the average Urals
    • Governor
    • Balabai
    • Equator
    • Sante
    • Spiridon
    • Nevsky
    • Luck
    • Alain
    • Bashkir
    • Spring white
    • Vineta
    • Zhukovsky early
    • Liubava
    • early appearance
    • Bullfinch
    • Bezhitsk
    • Crown
    • Lukyanovsky
    • Oredezhsky
    • Svitanok Kiev
    • Tale
    • Effect
    • Aspia
    • Lugovskoy
    • Belousovsky
    • Lorch
    • Nikulinsky
  • Types of varieties

The best varietiespotatoes for the middle Urals

For the Middle Urals peculiar temperate climate, strong humidity. In the area there are no severe frosts, but the summer without heat. The average t in winter is -10, -15 degrees, and in summer up to +10, +20.Heat begins at the end of spring and

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continues until the beginning of autumn .In the Urals, it is better to plant the following varieties.


Early, with reddish skin of tubers and lemon pulp. It comfortably carries transportation, is famous for its high yield( 2kg from a bush).Contains up to 14% starch. The ripening period is 2 months, in the beginning of summer you can try the first new potatoes.

The average weight of a tuber is 100-150 g. With weave goes up to 250 kg of root vegetables. It tolerates disease.



Mid-season, brings harvest in the third month of summer. The peel is red, lemon pulp. Resistant to heat and excess moisture. Contains up to 14% starch.

Designed for for table use .The ripening period is 90-100 days. Sowing takes place in mid-May. Potato mass 120-140 gr.


Mid-season, you can try new potatoes in mid-July. Fruits reach 100-120 g, the peel is pink-red, the flesh is light beige. Potatoes are well digested due to the high starch content of up to 20%.The ripening period of is 90-100 days of .


Medium early, it ripens in 80-90 days. The yield from one weave is 300 kg, up to 20 fruits from a bush. Weight reaches 120-150 gr. Yellow skin. Contains a small amount of starch 10-12%, so potatoes are not boiled soft during cooking .The variety contains amino acids and trace elements, a large amount of vitamin B.



Mid-season, has a skin of raspberry-red hue. Weight reaches 110-150 gr. Starch in the variety of about 12-15%. Not prone to diseases .



Early, young potatoes can be tasted 40-50 days after germination. The whole growing season is 65 days. The grade is considered one of the most fruitful. The color of the skin is lemon, the flesh is white.

The advantage of the Nevsky variety - does not darken when cleaning .One bush gives up to 15 tubers. One average weight is 90-120 grams. It tolerates late blight, although it does not tolerate viral diseases.

Good Luck

Early, it appears one of the first on sale. The skin is dark lemon-colored, smooth to the touch with reddish eyes. Contains up to 12-14% of starch. The flesh is light, when cooked yellowish. The average weight is 120-150 grams. The crop of depends on the climate of the and the soil.

Good luck


Early, ripens within 60-70 days. Contains a high level of starch 15-17%.It has a pinkish peel, white flesh. Mass 80-160 gr. Poor tolerance to nematode and late blight. Well tolerates heat and drought .



Early ripening, gives fruit after 1.5 months. The whole period of ripening takes 60-80 days. The skin color is scarlet with pink. The advantage of the variety - the Colorado potato beetle is difficult to cling to the leaves of the plant.

Mass of one 90-150 gr. On the bush can form up to 10 fruits .Productivity from one hectare 150-250kg.

Spring White

Ultra-early, appeared in 1994 through a 3-species hybrid mutation. The peel is muted citric, the fruit inside is white. Root mass 80-140 gr. Poorly tolerates viral diseases and late blight.

With one bush you can get up to 15 tubers. Contains 12-16% starch. Well kept in winter and withstands transportation.

Spring White


Vineta is a universal variety in terms of early maturity. Yellow skin, white inside. Potato mass 70-90 gr. Contains 12-15% starch. On one bush can form up to 12 root crops. Full ripening period 70 days.

The first harvest after germination can be obtained on the 50th day. Suitable for long storage , resistant to diseases.


Zhukovsky Early

Early, with smooth pink skin, inside is white. Contains up to 15% starch. It tolerates diseases: scab, nematode, cancer. Poorly tolerated fungal and infectious diseases of .From one bush receive up to 1.5 kg. Ripens within 60 days.

Zhukovsky Early


Early, stored for 7 months. The ripening period is 60-80 days. Weight 150 gr. Productivity to 500 kg. The skin is light scarlet, white inside.



Early maturing. Ripening period 60-70 days. Yellow skin, white inside. Weight 60-120 g. Contains 12-17% starch. Productivity from 1 weave 350 kg.


Early ripe, with a light scarlet peel, creamy inside. Weight is 60-90 grams. Contains 16-18% starch. Ripening period is 50-60 days. The average yield from 1 weave 300 kg. The grade of is well resistant to potato cancer, parasite, viruses, late blight .



Medium early, has an oval-circular shape. The rind is pink-red, the flesh is creamy, it does not darken when cleaning. The average weight of the root is 70-110 grams. May get infected with scab. Full ripening period 70-90 days.


Medium early with dark lemon peel, white inside. Potato mass 70-130 gr. Contains 13-15% starch. Does not get the nematode , cancer. There are risks of late blight. Productivity to 270 kg of potatoes.



Medium early, lemon-lemon color, white inside. The ripening period is 70-80 days. Weight reaches 90-150g. Well tolerated drought, easily transported, without damage.


Medium early, yellow, white inside. Root mass 80-140 gr. Contains a starch level of 13-15%.With one weave you can collect up to 300 kg of potatoes. Perfectly saved in the winter time .Resistant to late blight.


Svitanok Kiev

Middle, proved itself in the Urals. Tubers weigh 90-120 grams. Potatoes are smooth, reddish skin, inside is white. contains a high percentage of starch 19%.

With 1 weave you can collect up to 300 kg of potatoes. Crop harvested closer to August.

Sheepskin Kiev


Medium Early. The average weight of tubers is 70-130 g. The skin is red with pink eyes, white inside. Up to 25 fruits can be obtained from one bush. The variety prefers loamy and sandy soils. Dislikes excess moisture .Contains 14-17 starch.

Fairy Tale


Medium Early. Lemon-muted shade, white inside. Contains 12-15% starch. The average weight is 80-120 g.

Potato variety The effect easily tolerates many diseases, but still needs preventive protection with chemical solutions during planting. Well kept in winter, well transported.


Mid-season, with a maturation period of 80-100 days. The roots are light yellow, white inside. The average weight is 70-120 grams. Starch content is 12-14%. Needs protection against late blight when landing.



Mid-season, with a ripening period of 70-95 days. Pink skin, white flesh. The average weight of 100-130g. Contains 12-19% starch. Tubers are rich in proteins, vitamins, amino acids. Good resistant to diseases .



Medium late, ripening period 100-110 days. It has a light yellow tint, inside is white. Potatoes weight 80-100 gr. Contain 18-19% starch. Resistant to drought and heat. It tolerates viral diseases, moderately resistant to scab.


Mid-late, with a maturation period of 100-120 days. Peel of a yellow shade, inside cream. Potatoes weigh 90-120 grams. You can collect up to 1 kg of root crops from the plant.

The variety is moderately resistant to root rot , late blight, scab. With a lack of calcium and fluorine can be drawn out.



Medium late. Yellow skin, creamy inside. Contains 15-20% starch. The average weight of a root is 70-120 g. When cutting fruits do not darken .Poses late blight, needs protection during planting.


Variety Types

You can classify varieties according to 4 types:

  1. Seed .Is seed seed for future potato harvest. Recommended for cultivation at the dacha. They are characterized by the content of 12-17% starch.
  2. Early .The ripening period is 50-65 days. They are ready to eat before anyone else and are divided into subtypes depending on the ripening period: early ripening, early ripening, mid-ripening.

Early potatoes are good for human consumption during the summer, as they mostly do not tolerate the winter and are not able to store moisture. Differ in fast growth and the short vegetative period.

  1. Mid-season .The ripening period is 85-95 days. More unpretentious variety and better stored than early. Harvest in early August. It is considered quite unpretentious variety with excellent taste.
Universal varieties - can be canteens, technical and feed, and perform any task. They have a thick peel and are usually suitable for long storage, suitable for frequent transportation.

Also, potatoes can be distinguished depending on the purpose:

  • .The root crop is large in size and contains a large amount of protein;
  • Food .It is sowed on the state fields for sales and the use in state institutions;
  • technical .Used for the preparation of alcohol products;
  • universal .It has a wide range of uses.
Seed Early Mid- Universal
















early appearance





Svitanok Kiev









MnoThe appearance of varieties allows you to easily choose the variety you want to grow, based on its characteristics.

The future harvest depends on the choice of potato variety, so you should pay attention to planting seeds. This is especially true of the Middle Urals, where the climate is not as stable as in the south. You have a rich harvest!

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