Characteristics and description of cucumber variety Ekol f1
Most residents of our country have , the most popular vegetable crop is .Such demand and popularity of the culture constantly encourages breeders to invent innovative varietal varieties that are becoming more and more refined. After all, a large selection of such vegetable varieties provokes ever greater demands on the fruits of consumers. Special love from vegetable growers and consumers won small and neat cucumbers of Ekol variety, which are great not only for fresh use, but also for winter pickles.
Table of contents
Description and characteristics of the variety
Advantages and disadvantages of cucumber Ecol
Planting and cultivation
Care: watering, supplements
This species variety has a group of varieties that you can use for your en- glanges. Crop begin to collect 45 days after planting seeds.
Culture does not require pollination .The plant is compact, in one sinus can form from 3 to 5 fruits.
According to the description, the fruits are hilly rich in green color, in sizes that do not exceed 7 cm. Fruits can be called mini gherkins with confidence.
Taste characteristics - excellent. Vegetables are juicy and sweet, crispy and fragrant. They can be used both fresh and processed: pickled or pickled.
Small cucumbers look very nice in jars rolled up for the winter and do not lose their excellent taste properties, both fresh and processed.
The fruit pulp is very dense and resistant to cracking. .During heat treatment, they retain their density without forming voids inside. This is a very valuable quality that suits hostesses who harvests winter salting.
Yield varieties incredibly high .With good care from one square meter to 17-18 kg of ripe juicy fruits are harvested.
The variety is middle-ripening, does not require pollination, high-yielding
If you prefer to pick pickles, then in this case the yield will be at least 8 kg per square meter.
This crop is universal not only in the use of ripe vegetables, but also in their cultivation. The plant can be successfully grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.
Genetically, there is no bitterness in fruits. The breeder also managed to achieve high resistance to such common diseases as downy mildew, cladosporia, and cucumber mosaic.
Harvest is best collected when the fruits reach 5-7 cm. .In overgrown form, vegetables lose their flavor.
The advantages and disadvantages of cucumber Eco
This variety has many advantages :
High yield.
Short growing season.
Long fruiting.
Excellent presentation of the fruit.
Universality of fruit cultivation.
Versatile use of vegetables.
High disease resistance.
Long shelf life.
Excellent transportable capabilities.
Thin peel and lack of bitterness in the fruit.
Resistant to cracking and voids.
Drought tolerance and cold resistance.
Pros variety: high yield and long shelf life, thin skin and no bitterness
Planting and growing
This type of cucumber, like most of these crops, loves loose soil with good breathable abilities.
The plant also needs constant feeding, on which the yield of a variety directly depends.
The soil on which the plant is planned to be planted should be moderately loamy. To further ground the soil and make it breathable, you can mix the soil with rotten sawdust.
When growing cucumbers, it is necessary to observe crop rotation correctly. Best of all cucumbers grow after potatoes, tomatoes, onions.
You can grow a plant in two ways: seed and seedling .Both methods promise excellent yields, just a seedling method will help to get ripe fruits two weeks earlier.
You can grow a plant in two ways: seed and seedling
If you choose the seedling method of planting cucumbers , then the seeds should be planted immediately in separate cups, because cucumber seedlings are usually weak and vulnerable and very poorly tolerated pick.
Regardless of the mode of cultivation you choose, is obligatory as a garter of the plant .To do this, support or mesh.
3-4 plants of are planted per square meter. Seeds are deepened by no more than 3 cm and gently sprinkled with fluffy soil.
Seedlings are planted in the ground in the phase of 3-5 true leaves.
There are also certain requirements for seeds. It is best to buy ready-made seeds: glazed seeds.
They are already disinfected and treated with growth promoters. But such seeds are much more expensive than usual.
You can prepare the seed yourself. To do this, first seeds are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate, then they are germinated in a warm and humid environment( gauze or cotton bags) and then they can be hardened, soaking in moderate cold.
Planting seeds in open ground is necessary, waiting for the full retreat of night frost. The soil should be heated to 15 degrees.
Typically, this ground temperature is reached when the mark on the thermometer rises to 22 degrees during the day and 18 degrees at night.
Planting seeds in open ground is necessary after waiting for the night frosts to recede.
Care: watering, fertilizing
Further care of the plant consists of timely watering, fertilizer, loosening the soil, and weeds.
Water the plant regularly in the evening hours of with warm water. But we can not allow excessive stagnation of water through the bushes, as this is fraught with rotting roots.
Watering is needed under the root. You can not irrigate the whole plant.
Feeding needs regular. To do this, perfect organics: mullein, humus, chicken droppings.
You can also use nitrogenous and potash fertilizers. Fertilizing culture is intermittent in 2-3 weeks.
It is strictly forbidden to fertilize cucumbers with chlorine-containing preparations.
Watering is needed under the root, additional fertilizing needs regular
This type is very unpretentious in care and, following the above recommendations, you will provide yourself and your loved ones with an excellent harvest of small and neat fruits of excellent quality, which are excellent in taste, both in fresh and incanned form.
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